Mytv Enter Code

Amazon Prime Videos is the one that offers a large number of videos of each category. Visit Mytv Enter Code website and enter 6-digit activation code to get started with it on your device.

How to Install Mytv and Enter Code?

The easy and simple steps of installation are given below:

  1. Launch the App Store on your smart tv and go to the search tab.

  2. Search for “ Mytv Enter Code” to find the amazon app.

  3. Select Amazon Prime Video and there will be an option of install now.

  4. Select Install now and proceed with installation.

  5. You are done! The installation process is completed. Mytv Enter Code Mytv Enter Code for Activation Mytv Enter Code

The steps for Mytv Enter Code for activation is given below and you need to follow them step-by-step :

  1. Go to your Smart TV app store.

  2. Search for “ Mytv Enter Code” app and add it to your “Channel”.

  3. Open the Amazon Prime app and click on “Register on the Amazon Website”.

  4. Take note of the Amazon Prime verification code” on the screen.

  5. Go to on your device and sign into your Amazon Prime account.

  6. Enter the “Activation code” on your TV screen and lick on “Register Device”.