Hidden Gems USA

Teaching and guiding under-served youth (ages 6-15) to become awesome programmers.

Technical talent is equally distributed,
but opportunity is not. (link)

The Hidden Gems USA project is a program that looks for overlooked computer programming talent/potential in kids between 6 and 15 years old. We call these "Hidden Gems". When Hidden Gems USA finds a Hidden Gem, it develops that programming talent over multiple years. We provide no-cost guidance, mentorship, and learning materials. We also address societal barriers that would otherwise prevent a Hidden Gem from getting the opportunities needed to grow.

Currently serving young people in Topeka, KS, USA in person.
Also serving young people throughout the USA via online/video.

Next Steps

If you want to try out a 15-minute activity, go and try this first. (recommended, for youth and adults)

If you want to learn more about the program/vision, please click around the menu above, or read about how this aims to address societal barriers.

(COMPLETED) 100 meals in 100 days

As part of learning more about Topeka, I am doing something I'm calling 100 meals in 100 days. As someone grounded in community organizing, I have to find out what the community thinks before trying to help.

To find out more about 100 meals in 100 days, go here. Let me take you to lunch!

UPDATE Jan, 2023: Hidden Gems on Hold, not connecting with low opportunity students

I'm mostly focused on tutoring and mentoring, in the context of the Boys and Girl's Club and the Topeka Community Cycle Project. Some of what I've done was recently written up in the Topeka Capital Journal / Yahoo News.

I didn't find partners to identify high potential but low resourced kids. Schools have not been much of a help and are gatekeepers, which is unhelpful in this context. All across Topeka, there is a strong, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", and "this is the way we've always done things" mentality in Topeka.

I wish there was a fire under people's butts about how underperforming education is, like with Oakland Reach (California). And a willingness for direct change. But it's not here in Topeka, not that I've found.

Also, I get it: People are busy. People are exhausted. Not just in Topeka. Everywhere.

If any kid or family or teacher wants to take advantage of Hidden Gems, please reach out! But I'm not actively searching right now.

UPDATE May, 2022: 100 meals completed

I completed my 100 meals project and got to know a lot of interesting people. I'll do a writeup eventually, probably posted to my new email list / substack: howardintopeka.substack.com/archive. Take a look at past article and join the email list.

UPDATE Jan 29, 2022: I successfully moved to Kansas.

I'm currently staying in Lawrence and Topeka, while finalizing a longer term space for myself and the program. I am meeting kids, parents, and educator-allies at the awesome Topeka Library, and also sometimes at the equally awesome maker space, Arts and Craftsman.

I've had about 12 meals out of my 100 meal goal.

Handed out lots of flyers and had some very good conversations.

PS. I found the best tacos in Topeka, too. Ask me if you'd like to know where.


UPDATE Dec 2021: This is a new program (started in 2021) and small. It will start in person in Topeka in Feb 2022.

This project is currently in pre-release preview. (We are just sharing this website with friends and friends of friends). To get in touch, please email Howard at usahiddengems@gmail.com. If you don't get a response within 5 days, please also try chongare@gmail.com as a backup.


This webpage is still under construction. (CODE ZZZ12)

permalink: https://tinyurl.com/topeka5gems