Prestige Finsbury


Prestige Finsbury Park consists of two developments – Prestige Finsbury Park Hyde, spread over 15 acres, and Prestige Finsbury Park Regent, spanning 10 acres. They are independently located beside each, other and each has its own identity, approvals, amenities and facilities.Prestige Finsbury Park Regent,a part of Prestige Finsbury, spread over 15 acres of area is the perfect address for those who wish to beat the daily commute to work and yet be insulated from the bustle of urban life.Prestige Finsbury Park- Regent comprises of aesthetically designed one, two & three bedroom homes in 6 towers which rise up to 20 floors and consists of 958 apartments so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Compactly designed, yet comfortable and naturally well-lit and ventilated thanks to the expansive open spaces that surround each tower. Prestige Finsbury Park - Hyde comprises a total of 2092 aesthetically designed one and two bedroom homes set in 12 towers that rise up to 22 floors.