Astrocyte Neuron Simulation Environment Platform

¿What is the value of ANSEP?

Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) are complex multifactorial diseases. In recent years, its study has grown strongly, however, there are still gaps. Classical approaches have provided useful but limited information, and because of these is necessary the use of new approaches like systems biology (SB). 

A powerful tool of the SB is the genome-scale metabolic models (GEMS), these models allow us to predict the network state in different scenarios. For example, the research of Stempler, Yizkah, and Ruppin integrates transcriptomic data from Alzheimer's patients by recognizing succinate and prostaglandin D2 as metabolic biomarkers. 

Despite the importance of this perspective, the application of SB can be a limiting factor for users who do not have computer skills. For that reason, the creation of ANSEP is an effort to overcome these limitations with an easy-to-use graphical interface where you can operate metabolic models of neurons and astrocytes from a holistic approach, using GEMS.

In conclusion, ANSEP is a friendly web platform that allows the simulation of different metabolic conditions of neurons and astrocytes in a neurodegenerative context. Allowing users to perform the analyses without programming reduces the learning curve and promotes the use of computational tools for the study of ND.

Let's start getting to know the platform...

But before we need a brief introduction to the Biology System for these you could review the next guide and also you can listen our podcast about the topic.

A short introduction to the System Biology.pdf

Listen our podcast about the use of system biology in the human health.

Now you are ready to know the platform 

What the website looks like?

Four sections:

What analysis you can do on ANSEP?

 The next figures represent the analysis that you can do on the platform, each figure has a link with a tutorial

Welcome to ANSEP, it's your turn to explore

Do you want to know more about the work in the bioinformatic laboratory and the investigation of neurodegenerative diseases?

 Listen the interview that we had with Retos 91.9