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Jun 2019 I PHP Service

Healthcare organization such as Hospital, Ambulatory Care are highly regulated industry and unfortunately, standards and regulations are constantly changing. Ensuring your organizatio is in compliance before the next accreditation shows up unexpectedly at your doorstep entails preparation and practice. A mock survey is an invaluable tool that should be used by your organization.

The Purpose of a Mock Survey

A mock survey is an opportunity for an organization to take a fresh look at systems, procedures and processes of care and identify potential areas that may be at risk. These at-risk areas can turn into much bigger issues, which may be accompanied by legal ramifications. Next, a mock survey can reveal how staff will handle stressful circumstances. Finally, during a mock survey you may discover that doing a certain procedure as it “always has been done” may no longer be adequate.

Here are some insights and best practice tips for mock surveys.

  • Keep the ultimate goal in mind — improving the organization and patient care — when it comes to the mock review. Don’t think of it as a time-consuming, intimidating task.
  • Examine patient care processes. Are processes compliant with survey standards and requirements? Pay particular attention to environment of care and life safety categories, including new or revised standards such as fall prevention.
  • Focus on the process, not people. Your survey preparation should be process-driven. The responsibility for meeting any standard rests with the organization, not the individual in a particular role or position.
  • Infection control is a high-focus area. For instance, is a patient room clean or dusty; is equipment properly cleaned and disinfected? In kitchens, are food prep areas clean and orderly? Are designated isolation rooms kept at negative pressure?
  • Hospital buildings and the physical plant are part of the review process. Related to the environment of care, is an older facility in disrepair? Are electrical systems well maintained? Are floors and ceilings well-kept; are there stains on ceiling tiles? It may be necessary to call in a plant manager or engineer to remediate issues.

Get Started Here

Tel : 082-486-8866, 089-9224842

Email : premierhealthcareproject@gmail.com


อาจารย์พงษ์พันธุ์ ตาทิพย์ เข้า Mock Survey โรงพยาบาลบางปะกอก 9 อินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล เพื่อเตรียมความพร้อมในการต่ออายุการรับรองมาตรฐาน JCI ในปี 2019

21 May 2019