Predator: The Preserve, originally titled Predator, also known as Predator Vol. 2: The Preserve, is a 5-issue comic book series published by Marvel Comics. Following Theta's Predator encounter on Tusket, her continued journey lead her to a Predator's game preserve planet where a number of other humans abducted over the past century have been brought to be hunted. The series was written by Ed Brisson, illustrated by Netho Diaz, inked by Belardino Brabo, colored by Erick Arciniega, lettered by VC's Clayton Cowles, and edited by Sarah Brunstad. Cover art was provided by artist Giuseppe Camuncoli and colorist Richard Isanove while variant covers were provided by various artists. It was released on March 8, 2023.

After arriving on an alien world blanketed in a tropical landscape, eight survivors found themselves grouped together in a cave, hidden from the three alien creatures that have been hunting them since their arrival. Through conversation, it was determined that each one of them had been abducted from Earth at different time periods over the past century, preserved in hypersleep, and brought to a planet they described as a game preserve. Two of the abductees, a husband and wife dressed in military gear named Isla and Lucas, revealed they were abducted from Earth in 2022 and belonged to a clandestine government organization named Other Worldly Life-Forms Program (OWLF), previously known as Project Stargazer. Isla shared as much information as she could about the alien hunters they call "Predators" by disclosing a number of previously recorded encounters with the species on Earth dating back to 1987, describing them as very powerful hunter killers.

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The story of the comic centres around how the Predators are almost training Royce. Seems he tweaked some interest when he took out the Berserker. The Predators continue to drop down various alien prey and force Royce to kill them. Eventually a Predator shows up and drops off some armor made specifically for Royce.

From 2015 Copyrights and trademarks for the comic, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. Privacy Policy | DMCA | Contact us

Collects Predator (2023) #1-5. Fear is reborn! On a planet far from Earth, eight strangers find themselves in a deadly game. But this time, the Predators aren't the only ones on the hunt. Someone has the Yautja in their sights - and they've been searching for the Predators' game preserve for a long time. Theta Berwick is back, still hell-bent on revenge - and her kill count is climbing! But when she's ambushed by a Predator, is it the same enemy she's been tracking all these years? Without her weaponry, is she prepared to take it on one-on-one? And just what - and who - will Theta be willing to sacrifice to quench her thirst for vengeance? Prepare for the ultimate hunt - it's going to be a bloodbath!

Spencer Connolly is a Staff Writer for Screen Rant. With years of writing and journalism experience under his belt, Spencer joined Screen Rant in 2020. Prior to writing for Screen Rant, Spencer was a Photojournalist and News Producer. Throughout his career as a journalist and even his entire life, Spencer always had a deep love for comics and is now applying everything he has learned throughout his career to the fun and informative articles he writes for Screen Rant. You can follow Spencer on Twitter: @TheSpencerVerse.

The Predator comic books are part of the Predator franchise and has had several titles published based on the license, most of which are part of the Dark Horse Comics line (Dark Horse also publishes the Aliens and Alien vs. Predator lines of comics) but other comics by other distributors have been made.

The human Predators were resourceful people who donned Yautja armor and weapons. Some of them even received great respect from the Predators and become blooded. There are a few instances of humans fighting alongside Yautja and even hunting together with different Predator types. Here is a list of notable human Predators from comic books, games and movies of the franchise.

Gisande Salazar was the chief of corporate security for Montcalm-Delacroix, a big corporation in the Aliens vs. Predator: Deadliest of the Species comic series. She teamed up with Ash Parnall and the Predator nicknamed Big Mama and turned on her employers. Big Mama provided her with Yautja equipment and actually trained her to become an efficient Xenomorph killer. Like Caryn Delacroix, she was genetically engineered with faster reflexes and healing. In the end, she survived her ordeals and escaped together with Big Mama and Ash Parnall, never to be heard from again.

The character of Alexa "Lex" Woods from the first Alien vs. Predator movie drew several parallels with Machiko Noguchi. She was an adventurous loner who led a Weyland Corporation expedition to Antarctica to investigate an ancient pyramid. She encountered both Aliens and Predators and successfully fought against them. Lex impressed Scar Predator with her skills and was blooded by receiving an acid scar from a facehugger on the cheek (Machiko was blooded on the forehead). She did not wear any Predator armor but received a ceremonial dagger from the Elder Predator after killing the Alien Queen. It was a missed sequel opportunity for her not joining the Predators at the end of the movie. Her final fate is unknown but a sequel comic would probably not be out the question for her in the future.

Shane Burroughs and his brother Charles were stuck on a colony world for several months after their transport ship was destroyed by the Predators. Having defeated a Predator, Shane acquired a Predator mask and armor from the fallen Yautja before the self-destruct mechanism was triggered. The brothers hunted Xenomorphs together, with Shane using the Predator equipment and Charles providing fire support with his sniper rifle. Their fun and games were cut short when Shane's Predator armor was damaged by Xenomorph acid and the Predators returned to the colony to capture all the humans. After several reversals involving a Xenomorph Queen and a group of androids, the brothers successfully escaped the colony world and the Predators. Shane Burroughs and his brother appeared in the Alien vs. Predator: Thrill of the Hunt and Civilized Beasts comic series.

Royce did not really become a human Predator in the Predators movie. This happened later in the Predators: Preserve the Game sequel comic. Having lived together with Isabella on the Game Preserve Planet for several months, he was getting in touch with his primal side. Royce also received a gift from the Predators - Predator armor together with a bio-mask. This allowed him to defeat the four-armed Predator, one of the biggest Predators ever known. By the end of the story, he was still stuck on the planet and it would be great to see him again in Predator lore.

Buddy Wilcox had his father killed by a Predator when he was still a young boy. It happened on a hunting trip right in front of his eyes and traumatized him for life. Thirty years later, the same Predator came to terrorize the small Northwestern town in Oregon where Buddy lived. The Yautja killed several men in the town and set his sights on the police station. This time, Buddy was prepared and donned Predator armor and weapons that he built himself. He successfully defeated the Predator in a duel and saved the town. Buddy Wilcox appeared in the Predator: Kindred comic, released in 1997.

In a bizarre twist of events, Ripley 8 became blooded by Predators and fought a new breed of Terminators soon after the events of Alien: Resurrection. In the Aliens versus Predator versus The Terminator comic, Ripley 8 and Call were caught up in a three-way fight between the three species. They reluctantly joined forces with Predators, while Ripley 8 was bloodied in a strange ritual by a Predator witch, not seen elsewhere in Predator lore. Although she did not wear a Predator mask, she did use a Predator spear and wear their tribal markings and a necklace. Ripley 8 led other Predators to battle and finally sacrificed herself to kill the last hybrid Terminator.

The ongoing Predator comic book series by Marvel introduced another female human Predator - Theta Berwick. In one of the few non-crossover Predator stories set in the future, Theta's family was killed by a Predator when she was young. Fifteen years later, she built custom Predator armor and trained herself to be a Predator hunter, swearing to take revenge on the murderer of her family, and on the Predator race in general. Killing at least four Predators, she got close to meeting the Yautja who she saw as a child, distinctively missing a lower mandible that she sliced off herself. Her final battle against the Yautja took place on a cold tundra-world where her ship crash landed, ultimately dooming the Predator in an unfamiliar environment.

Ash Parnall, also known as Caryn Delacroix, was a complicated person who appeared in a complicated comic: Aliens vs. Predator: Deadliest of the Species. She started as a genetically engineered trophy wife to Lucien Delacroix. She crossed paths with the Big Mama predator who became a mentor of sorts for her. Big Mama trained Ash Parnall in the arts of Predator technology and weapons. They assembled a small team of other human Predators and fought against Xenomorphs, white-hybrids and an AI construct nicknamed "Toy". Throughout the story, the appearance and personality of Ash Parnall changed several times, bending dreams, reality and virtual reality. Through her adventures were at times difficult to follow, Ash Parnall was a memorable protagonist and a great human Predator.

Machiko Noguchi is the most well known and badass human Predator. She was also the first, appearing in the initial Aliens vs. Predator comic line released in 1989. One of the few human to be blooded by a Predator (namely Dachande), she fought alongside a Predator clan for over a year. The Yautja respected her for her skills but some of them also showed distrust. This distrust and her longing for human contact led to her being ousted from the clan. She had more adventures after leaving the Predators which are featured in Aliens vs. Predator: War and Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War. be457b7860

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