Pray Together Privacy Policy

  • What information do we collect?
  • Pray Together collects information from the Actions Google API. The information transmitted across this API includes both automatic and user-specified information. Automatic information refers to all the fields specified in the conversation protocol other than that information derived from direct user voice input at the time of a request. An example of this kind of information is the persistent identifier user_id field for the user interacting with Pray Together. User-specified information includes spoken prayer requests and responses, answers to other questions from the Pray Together agent, and other spoken words transmitted by the Actions Google API to Pray Together. Currently, Pray Together does not make use of any Actions Google API permissions API data.
  • How do we use the information?
  • We use the information to provide and improve the Pray Together service. For example, we might use server logs to identify parts of the conversation flow that could be improved. We might use the contents of the prayer requests and responses to observe how people are using Pray Together and to determine how to improve the service. We use the user_id field to recognize the user when they use Pray Together.
  • What information do we share?
  • Prayer Requests are shared with other users, who are asked to make prayers in response to these requests. Prayers made are shared with the user who submitted the prayer request.