Privacy Policy

Date: 25th March 2022


Collection and Use of information:

Personal information:

We may gather, process and use information that is know as ‘personal data’ that you provide us upon use of our apps & services. These are the information you enter on use of services and application such as location. We don’t collect information like name, date of birth and email because there is no sign up or login in our application.

Non-Personal information:

The information related to your location comprising but not limited to IP address that used to connect smart phone device to Internet, GPS data & network services data. Information define to the device such as brand, model of device and language of device, version of operating system, mobile network information etc.


Location: (To collect prayers time automatically when needed)

Microphone: (To record Azan with own voice)

Calendar: (To explore prayer time)

Protection of Information:

We are committed not to share your personal information with anyone else other than service improvement, Furthermore we are working hard to protect your personal data.


We don’t gather data through our application from children under age of 13. We are oblige to remove any information from our services if we came to know that data is gather from children without consent of parents.

Changes to privacy policy:

We may update this page of privacy policy at any time when needed. You are requested to visit this page.

Contact us:

For more queries and questions contact us at