
What?            Join with others across the Peak District and High Peak as we 

pray for God’s kingdom to come to our area.

When?           On Saturday 20th May 2023 10 am to 12 pm

Where?          Peveril Centre in Castleton Methodist church S33 8WP https://www.peverilcentre.com/ 

How?             In person and by zoom (see below for link)

Lunch? Bring and share lunch at midday (outside church if sunny, inside if not) 

Who? Everyone welcome - including passers-by.

Topic: Thy Kingdom Come Zoom Meeting

Time: May 20, 2023 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 847 6964 0717

Passcode: 290416 

Unite2Pray Beacon Event mission statement:

It is our hope that, in line with the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ (TKC) prayer initiative principles, the churches in the Peak District and High Peak will: 

1) Deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ 

2) Pray that 5,000 will newly come to faith in Jesus in the area  

3) Pray for the empowerment of the Spirit that we would be effective in our witness.

For more information see: https://www.thykingdomcome.global/  

How will we do this?

By meeting for prayer in a location which is central to most of us (our upper room as in Acts1&2) on Saturday the 20th of May. The figure of 5,000 is in line with the TKC principle of each Christian resolving to pray for 5 individuals to come back to faith or to know the Lord and the notion of there being very approximately 1,000 Christians in the Peak District and High Peak.

Who can we invite to the Prayer in the Peak meetings?

Any Christian who lives, or has a connection with, and a heart for, the communities and churches in the Peak District or High Peak.

 Steering committee members:

Cheryl Cross:

Bart Wagner: 

Attending Eyam Parish church since 2016-present day.


On PCC, in worship band and on prayer ministry team there.

Became Christian in 1976 at Derwent convention at Cliff College

Christian Union at Portsmouth University 1976-1979 https://upsu.net/groups/TGMYG/christian-union-cu 

Also Elim Pentecostal Portsmouth 1976-1977

Chichester fellowship 1977-1979 http://www.ccftapes.co.uk/OurChurch.htm 

Eyam church 1979-1983

Bethesda fellowship Sheffield 1979-2005 https://www.bethesda-fellowship.com/ 

Philadelphia Sheffield 2005-2006 https://ncsheffield.org/philadelphia/ 

All Saints Ecclesall 2006-2016 https://www.allsaintsecclesall.org.uk/ 




Rev Nick Read, 

Cathryn Read, 

Stephen Dolley, 

Lin Chilcott, 

Richard Read,