Praveen Dhananjaya

I am a current studying for my Bachelor's in Computer Engineering at Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya . Primary interest in robotics, AI, embedded systems and software development




Liver patient identification system

These liver get diseases, due to various reasons, and they are fuzzy in relations. The liver patient does not get symptoms in the early stages, and the symptoms may be vague. We are developing a machine model to solve this problem.

Project proposal:-

Footwear Shop System

We are developing a footwear warehouse management system for a local customer. In this project, we are addressing his issues and requirement. Such as reliable data recording, cashier pos system, salesman interface, product preview.

Smart Pharmaceutical Warehousing

In this project, we are developing a fully automated warehouse management that will minimize the drawbacks of conventional ware while improving efficiency and profitability. We are implementing a warehouse management system that consists of two types of robots; robots arms - to handle loading/unloading of goods, automated guided vehicles(AGVs) to transport goods inside the warehouse. Also, an online shopping portal to make the purchases from the warehouse.

Once a customer places an order, the order will be received, processed, and will be delivered to the delivery station without any human involvement. The customer will then be informed to pick up his/her order from the warehouse.

  1. design automated guided vehicle systems (with traffic handling )

  2. design goods picking robot arm

  3. operator control panel (local)

  4. shopping websites (AWS)


warehouse AGV design

Shopping website

8 bit computer FPGA

8 bit CPU single thread pipeline processor. Which include ALU, ram, instruction memory, data memory and ext. This CPU is base on Harvard architecture. This implementation was improved using pipelining mechanisms and it gained around 4-time performance improvement. In addition to that direct-mapped cache was introduced to Instruction and data memories. which were implemented as a memory hierarchy to achieve high-performance in-memory access. Also, a custom assembler was implemented to support programming the CPU. This CPU is able to execute most algorithms.

  • Verilog , simulator, custom assembler

  • 32 bit instruction and 8 bit ALU

  • pipelining mechanisms

  • direct-mapped cache


8 bit computer (SAP-1)

The Simple-As-Possible (SAP)-1 computer is a very basic model of a microprocessor. The SAP-1 design contains the basic necessities for a functional Microprocessor.

  • custom PCB design

  • custom assembler, which converts into microinstructions


hospital management system

hospital management system using MySQL , PHP. This system is able to manage hospital resources without starving the services. While handling all the cashiers’ workers

  1. Auto patient number assign and ward selecting

  2. billing calculation

  3. medicine storage database control

github :-

Micro Mouse

14×14 Maze-solving robot. Arduino Uno base robot .the robot navigates to target using A* algorithm and using flood fill algorithm find out the shortest path, Custom PCB, IR base sensors with active filtering.


Surveillance camera system

Suspicious activity tracking. ex:- Face covers, Abandoned packages, suspicious activities, unauthorized people

Fractal Visualizer

Calculate Mandelbrot and Julia set 800x800 pixels using JAVA OOP thread base. Fractal Visualizer is java based program and calculates 640000 mandelbrot or Julia fractal within seconds. In order to maximize the performance, the master thread creates a job bank with 400 entries and continuously feeds. And these jobs are processed by CPUs. As a result, both CPUs and jobs aren’t starving without resources.


landslide monitoring system

This is low budget Landslide monitoring system. This system is capable to detect and monitor the Landslide and land behavior.