Featured Module (Archived)
(Week of October 28, 2024)

A new educational offering from the Statistics section of the curriculum wheel has been posted (1-1.5 hours of primary open access content). 

This website will be updated every Monday (by 12:00 PM Eastern) or Tuesday (if Monday is a holiday). Given that the design, implementation, and management of pragmatic trials is a non-linear process, featured modules will relate to various sections of the curriculum wheel over time.

Statistics Section

Confounding and randomization: an introduction

Primary content:

Epidemiology Whiteboard Series - Clearing up Confounding (S. Roche & N. Lachowsky for the Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph) (February 22, 2017 via “ACER Consulting”): 4-min video.

Lecture 8: Confounding in Health Research: Definition and Conceptual Issues – Part I (EPIB-601: Fundamentals of Epidemiology, McGill University, Prof. Madhukar Pai): 72-slide presentation.

Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health Research - Week 9: CONFOUNDING: INTRO (HarvardX: PH207x) (December 18, 2012 via “DataLearner”): 11-min video.

Randomized Controlled Trials and Confounding (November 10, 2013 via “Global Health with Gerg Martin”): 4-min video.

International Society of Nephrology (ISN): ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit - Randomization (Study stage I: Design and development): 1-page website.

Optional content:

Confounding Bias Part I (Second Edition No.11). Epidemiologic Research and Information Center (ERIC) Notebook - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. (Updated 2014-15): 5-page chapter.