Pradeepta Mishra

Pradeepta Mishra is a data scientist by profession, has expertise in designing artificial intelligence systems for performing tasks such as understanding natural language, recommendation based on natural language processing. He has filed two patents as an inventor which is currently patent pending status. He has authored two books one on 'R data mining blueprints' and other 'Mining text, sentiment, web using R'. There are two courses hosted on Udemy from his books. He has delivered a keynote session in Global Data Science conference 2018, at Santa Clara, CA, USA. One of his book has been a recommended text in HSLS centre, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He has delivered a TEDx talk on 'Can Machines Think?', a session on power of artificial intelligence in transforming different industries and changing job roles across industries. He has mentored almost 2000 data scientists globally. Currently working on my third patent and authoring third book on 'Deep Learning using Python' expected to be published in last quarter of 2018. As a speaker delivered 20 plus tech talks on data science and artificial intelligence in various meet ups, technical institutions and community arranged quarter of 2018. As a speaker delivered 20 plus tech talks on data science and artificial

intelligence in various meet ups, technical institutions and community arranged

You can reach me out:

Mobile: +91-9964699629

Twitter: @pradmishra1