Privacy Preserving Record Linkage Workshop

Thursday 21 - Friday 22 February 2019

Data61 - Level 5, 13 Garden Street, Eveleigh, Sydney


A workshop bringing together academics and implementers to discuss advances in private record linkage. The workshop was held on 21/22 Feb (Thur/Fri) at the ATP Data61 site in Sydney.

Not all presentations were recorded, but videos for those that were are available in the following Youtube playlist.


The call for papers is now closed as of Monday 4 February.


We encourage talks on all aspects relating to privacy preserving record linkage. This includes:

  • Multi party linkage.
  • Privacy enhanced techniques for blocking, comparing records, solving.
  • Optimization or accuracy advances in blocking, comparing records or solving.
  • Linking probabilistic, spatial and temporal data.
  • Secure multiparty computation, homomorphic encryption or private set intersection as applied to record linkage.
  • Attacks and protections against published PPRL techniques.
  • Real world uses and experimentation of PPRL techniques.
  • Tools and implementations of PPRL techniques.
  • Data pre-processing for PPRL.



Thursday Schedule


Friday Schedule

Organizers and Program Committee


Brian Thorne, CSIRO's Data61

Program Committee

Invitations to present at PPRL Workshop 2019 were discussed between:

  • Professor Peter Christen, Australian National University
  • Associate Professor James Boyd, Curtin University
  • Professor Rainer Schnell, University of Duisburg-Essen


Please email the organizer at first.last @