Privacy Policy

Last Updated : 2021-06-27

This app is committed to compliance with all applicable country-specific data privacy laws. Protecting the privacy and security of your Personal Data is of the highest importance to this app; therefore, we conduct our business by abiding by applicable laws on data privacy and data security.

Personal Data

Through our Apps, We will not collect any Personal Data about you (e.g. your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address), unless you voluntarily choose to provide us with it (e.g. by registration, survey, contest participation), provide your explicit consent, or unless otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations for the protection of your Personal Data.

Customer Support

You may provide us with information related to your use of our services and how to contact you, so we can provide you customer support. For example, you may send us an email with information relating to our app performance or other issues.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that we think materially alter your rights, then we will post the latest policy to this site and change the "Last Updated" date above. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy whenever you visit our Service to understand how your information is used.