
The programme is online! 

Have a look a the key-note speakers and the full programme.

Expect a thorough insight into the latest science, the best available techniques to make peatland restoration a success and the most pressing policies to move towards a climate- and nature-robust Europe (through peatland restoration).  

Besides the focus on science, management and policy, we will build our programme based on 4 major themes:

Carbon and water

GHG emissions - water chemistry - ecosystem services - water retention - effect of climate change


Base-line data - management - multi-priority approach


Restoration in practice: techniques - constraints restoration - monitoring and evaluation restoration success - novel ecosystems

Land use and policy

Nature Restoration Law - LULUCF -  paludiculture - wet agriculture -  forestry on peatlands - socio-economic aspects 

The realisation of the programme, together with the review of abstracts, has been realised by a team of peatland experts working together in three conference committees: