To Run PowerShell Command/Script from a .gitlab-ci.yml file on a using the Gitlab CI, you need to make sure that the contents of your .gitlab-ci.yml file is as shown below.

I am new to implementing a release pipeline model. There are lots of bits and pieces I don't know about, especially with powershell. After a fair amount of research, it seems like I can fully implement this model release pipeline with just GitLab . If not, what do I need to do to complete the process?

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I have been able to add collapsible blocks if I add them as described in the help into the .gitlab-ci.yml. I assume Gitlab only processes the immediate sections in the yml to see if the collapsible block syntax exists.

Hi AlPi,

For most cases, I will do development in the repo where the script will stay, otherwise this can get confusing very quickly ;).

What you can do, is create a separate branch for development. That way the main branch is always a working script. You work on the script on the other branch, test everything and merge it when it is ready. I made a follow up blog post about this process if that might help: -using-git-for-powershell-part-2-branches-and-pull-requests/

Thanks Barbara,

That sounds like a plan, have to test this out to see how it works in the real world (how would powershell know which file is the dev branch and which is the master since there is only 1 file?)

 But thanks again great content!

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I guess the problem is with the gitlab-runner access level. I installed gitlab-runner with a Windows user account but the problem was not solved. This account also has admin access.

This does a simple GET request to an endpoint, and returns the data formatted as powershell objects. For example, here I poll my gitlab instance to find the project repositories that I have stored there:

I had a business need recently to have a recurring powershell task which grabbed the latest copy of the master branch of a repo, wrapped it in a zip, and spit it out to a directory on a share. The following script is what we came up with, to make it a bit modular:

And there we have it. A pre-commit using powershell.. Pretty simple to set up. But there are still some bugs to fix. If you try using this VS Code you wont get the correct output for some reason (Hopefully I can update that later with a fix!) but for now i hope this helps people get started.

The base image is a powershell:ubuntu-18-04(it, also, exists with CentOS 7 and Debian 9), so it will operate only on the Linux platform. The PowerShell version installed is 6.2.4 or 7.0 depending on the image tag.

You can use it on Linux or with Docker Desktop on Windows 10.

The latest image corresponds to the latest version of the Azure PowerShell module (currently 3.6.1). But you can use tags to select other versions (3.4.0 and 3.5.0 tags currently).

To use it:

You need to modify PSModulePath environment variable as the Azure PowerShell module is located in /root/.local/share/powershell but the instance runs under the GitHub context and the default path is /github/home/ instead of Root. 2351a5e196

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