Important note here. Since BigFix runs a 32bit bit, it only has access to PowerShell 32bit, which is missing many modules and inability to import modules like vmware. This has created limitations for us when running scripts natively. I think there are workarounds, but this is something you will run into.

When only a single version/instance of a module is present, the first output will be generated. If a module is installed in multiple locations or there are multiple versions of that module installed, the second output will be generated. In the event you only want the second pattern for all modules, you can use this instead:

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Following the instructions on the Microsoft page, I was able to download and install PowerShell without a problem. Then from the PowerShell prompt I enumerated the PowerShell Version Table.

sudo apt updatesudo apt install '^libssl1.0.[0-9]$' libunwind8 -ywget -7.1.3-linux-arm32.tar.gzmkdir ~/powershelltar -xvf ./powershell-7.1.3-linux-arm32.tar.gz -C ~/powershell~/powershell/pwsh

In 2019, we announced deprecation of the Azure AD Graph service. One year ago we communicated that Azure AD Graph will be retired and stop functioning after June 30, 2023. We also previously communicated that three legacy PowerShell modules (Azure AD, Azure AD Preview, and MS Online) would be deprecated on June 30, 2023.

We want to provide an update on timelines for these changes and offer further clarity on what to expect going forward. No new investment is going into Azure AD Graph and the three PowerShell modules, making it very important that all customers prioritize migration to Microsoft Graph APIs and Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to ensure continued support and functionality.

We plan to deprecate Azure AD, Azure AD-Preview, and MS Online PowerShell modules on March 30, 2024. After this date, the only support offered for these PowerShell modules will be support in migrating to Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. Only security fixes will be offered for these PowerShell modules after deprecation is announced. Once these modules are deprecated, they will continue to work for a minimum of six (6) months before being retired.

My goal is to provide a comprehensive set of PowerShell tools in a single module for your security, automation and zero trust needs. This module will be under constant development so make sure you update it on a regular basis (Update-Module DCToolbox) to receive the latest features and fixes.

A PowerShell module is a package containing PowerShell cmdlets, providers, functions, workflows, variables and aliases. Modules are suitable for organizing, bundling and sharing PowerShell commands easily.

A while back, someone mentioned it might be fun to document the PowerShell-module-writing-process. This has been done before, but I figure it would be fun to post my own process, from initial idea through publication on the official site.

I recently discussed the August Scripting Games puzzle on, which involved querying a web API. It turns out this is a very common need, and many of the modules we write abstract out these APIs into handy PowerShell functions and modules.

This might take a few minutes the first time you run through it, but you can borrow and tweak this same scaffolding for each module you write. In fact, you might find or write helper PowerShell modules and tools that simplify this process.

Lastly, we include some usability features. We add an about_PSStackExchange help topic, we decorate our output with the PSStackExchange.Format.ps1xml file, and we add some notes on how to install and use the module in the

The first and last step take a minute or two each. The module and scaffolding around it can be copied and tweaked, which should only take a few minutes. Most of your time will be spent writing the advanced functions for the module.

I create the F5-LTM PowerShell module back in 2016 and have been attempting to maintain it since then. I'm about to move jobs and I will be in a role where I don't have any access to physical or virtual F5s and so I won't be able to continue to test the module.

Looking at Get-Module -ListAvailable, it lists the modules as being in /root/.local/share/powershell/Modules/. I'm assuming that since this directory doesn't exist on the appliance, that this path reflects something in a container.

So I've been working on this and am a little confused. So I create a folder, add a handler.ps1 script, add whatever module(s) I want to a .\Modules subfolder, and make sure it gets imported by the handler function. Then I zip the whole thing up and upload to an action.

Not needed, those modules are imported by default when the script is ran. You will need to explicitly "Import-Module" in rare occasions where you want to use an older module than the ones in the system.

If so, that seems ... cumbersome for environments like ours where our set of modules get updated every week or so. Is there a better way I'm not considering? Like maybe Bind Mounts or something? Which would allow us to easily update a folder on the host that gets utilized within the container.

I'm really trying to figure out how to avoid thinking that the architecture move to containers, which should allow the flexibility to create customized environments with self-contained instances of the code, configurations, and other libraries/modules that a system needs, would actually be MORE difficult than a static appliance.

PowerShell modules allow you to combine multiple scripts to simplify code management, accessibility and sharing. Scripts are useful. However, they can become unwieldy over time as you create more and more of them. Modules allow you to combine script collections into cohesive units. They make managing code much easier; when code is more easily accessible, you can share it with others conveniently.

If PowerShell scripts become complex and difficult to manage, consider breaking them down into individual functions and creating a module for them. This will make it easier for you and others to edit and maintain.

In simplest terms, a module is a grouping of functions and code around a central theme. Modules are created for applications like Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory and VMware. You can even manage IIS application pools using PowerShell.

Untrusted repository You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from 'PSGallery'? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"):

On Windows machines, the Execution Policy must be set to at least RemoteSigned in order to load the module. The module will install if the Execution Policy is set to Unrestricted or ByPass as well. To see the Execution Policy, run the command Get-ExecutionPolicy. To set the Execution Policy, run the following command in a Windows PowerShell session launched with Administrator permissions:

Traditionally, the module was the only way to install oh-my-posh using Install-Module oh-my-posh.Today, with the shift to the executable version over a year ago, it only acts as a wrapper around theexecutable, offering no additional functionality. Throughout the year, the following changes have been made:

on the official Veritas page on the GitHub there is a section for NetBackup PowerShell Cmdlets ( -powershell). Since I am not so strong in Powershell scripting I would like to ask you how to compile these scripts.

The code for those look to be 3 years old, really out dated. If you're interested in trying to take advantage of the API by using powershell and have some scripting experience, I would look at the code and just write your own small little PowerShell scripts for things you need /want to automate.

I will try to dig into the powershell code....however, is it possible to leverage API calls when I have Netbackup Appliance (Netbackup 8.2). I am on the Windows machine, so I do not know how to make curl command from Windows to use API calls.

Here is a powershell script that you could run to get jobs. You could replace any info that would be specific to your environment. Once you've looked over that, let me know if you have any questions and I'll be happy to help/explain. I personally don't use username/password, I strictly auth with API Keys.

The module is open source and I'm happy to take suggestions (or pull requests) if there's functionality you need! You can find it on GitHub here: and install it from the PowerShell Gallery using Install-Module.

I've been working on writing a powershell script to change the firmware baseline and some BIOS settings in my OneView server profiles (OneView 8 & HPEOneView.800 powershell module) and while Set-OVServerProfile is listed in the contents, it doesn't actually appear to be there when I install it.

Is this still a cmdlet? I don't have any templates associated with my profiles so I'm attempting to update the profiles via powershell directly. The Update-OVProfile or Update-OVServerProfile cmdlets pertain to templates-- so I'm looking for something else.

After I run Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration, will the computer continue to make sure that everything (host files, registry keys, ArcGIS software, firewall settings set by the ArcGIS PowerShell module, etc.) is correctly configured for the indefinite future?

Since another forum post at GeoNet says that "the recommended/supported workflow for applying patches after an upgrade, is to re-run the PowerShell module with -mode install", it gives the impression that the ArcGIS-related configuration is not automatically re-applied after a human messes up a setting.

If yes, allows you to install a different version of a module that already exists on your computer in the case when a different one is not digitally signed by a trusted publisher and the newest existing module is digitally signed by a trusted publisher.

This installs the module for the current user (and does not require Administrator privileges). For instructions about using the PowerShell Gallery and the related PowerShell cmdlets for managing modules and scripts, see Getting Started with the PowerShell Gallery by Microsoft. 17dc91bb1f

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