I've just shared a powerpoint with colleagues for them to upload onto a computer when I'm doing a talk in two days-but it seems that only the slides themselves are sent and I can't access the notes page.

I don't know after zooming how to pan in powerpoint ? It's really frustrating. I'm sure it must be possible somehow but I can't find the shortcut or the method to so do. Results on google only show how to make a pan animation or a zoom animation.

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2) Option #2 - Export PDF: Looks great and I can automate it. However, I need to get it into powerpoint for presentation and updating. I found this tool: -to-ppt, which did the conversion brilliantly.

OK sleuths, this one is for you. We are an organization that loves powerpoint, and no matter what dashboards we create, a powerpoint presentation is typically still needed. We need a way to consolidate our project status in one easy document or dashboard. Is there any way to create the either of the two solutions below without regular manual intervention? APIs and macros considered if you know of anything.

I am a new user to Panopto. I am a university faculty member and am trying to record my lectures with my powerpoint slides. When I share the screen as per the instructions, the powerpoint slides do not work. I get a single screen that will not move to the next slide. I am trying to go through the powerpoint slides with my picture in the corner or, better yet, side by side the powerpoints. But the program does not seem to work as the instructions indicate it should.

I have tried the application window and chrome tab options. When I select the application window, Panopto goes to the application, but I am not in the window. It is just the powerpoint slides. When I go back to the browser with the camera, I see the powerpoint slide in but the powerpoint slides will not work.

This is how you would record when recording the whole screen. If you would like to record just the powerpoint application (not the whole screen), follow step 5.2 of this article: -to-Create-a-Video-Using-Panopto-Capture#hTargetInstance4

To create a PowerPoint presentation from R Markdown, you specify the powerpoint_presentation output format in the YAML metadata of your document. Please note that this output format is only available in rmarkdown >= v1.9, and requires at least Pandoc v2.0.5. You can check the versions of your rmarkdown package and Pandoc with packageVersion('rmarkdown') and rmarkdown::pandoc_version() in R, respectively. The RStudio version 1.1.x ships Pandoc, which is not sufficient to generate PowerPoint presentations. You need to either install Pandoc 2.x by yourself if you use RStudio 1.1.x, or install a preview version of RStudio (>= 1.2.633), which has bundled Pandoc 2.x.

The default slide level (i.e., the heading level that defines individual slides) is determined in the same way as in Beamer slides (Section 4.3.2), and you can specify an explicit level via the slide_level option under powerpoint_presentation. You can also start a new slide without a header using a horizontal rule ---. 0852c4b9a8

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