However, if I cast the same music to my speaker group (which includes bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room speakers) the bedroom speaker sometimes stutters very badly - despite the other three speakers continuing to play nicely

Rebooting the speaker, router and phone fails to fix the problem. Music streams from YouTube and Spotify with no problems. My only solution currently is to stop the music and retry it again later, at which point it usually works again

Poweramp Music Player


Hello! I'm new to using KWGT and I wanted to try to create a music player widget. I was wondering if KWGT or Poweramp are not compatible with each other? I tried creating a widget but the cover image does not show whenever I play music via Poweramp. It shows when I play through Youtube Music and Samsung Music though. I've also enabled all permissions that is available for KWGT and Poweramp but it still does not show the cover image.

But they are separate products, and there is no need to purchase the Poweramp Music Player if you prefer to use a different media player app and only want the Equalization feature. Conversely, if you only plan to listen to your music via the Poweramp Music Player, I would suggest using its built-in Equalizer.

If or when I use the Poweramp player (with its built-in EQ) that I do almost daily should I then disable the "stand-alone" PA Equalizer by pressing the Equ-button, as pointed to in the image?? And only use this Equalizer when I'm listening to let's say Spotify or YouTube Music?

I've used the player for a couple of years but I'm new to the EQ app (for now only trying it out in the trial version), so that's what makes me quite insecure. The player is amazing and now I want the same or similar exquisite audio in, for example, Spotify and/or YT Music but not interfering with the Poweramp Player.

Other features of Poweramp include optional crossfade and gapless playback. The app can play music stored in any folder or directory on your Android device, jumping from one to another without any trouble.

Poweramp takes up less than 15 MB, so it's a very lightweight app. Best of all, it doesn't download any additional data, so you can enjoy this comprehensive player without it taking up too much space.

I was surprised by how different the app looked when I followed the emailed instructions to install it and activate the license. I noticed the app I had just installed had a new icon, a snazzy new interface, and a music player - I figured I had neglected updating the app before or had unlocked some paid user feature. Unfortunately, the equalizer in the Poweramp app wasn't having an effect anything except its own music player. I recalled having to use the "Known Players" menu and ADBing in to activate the DUMP permission when using the free version before, and I repeated the ADB process again just in case, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out where that "Known Players" setting was.

So, my question is, why are there two apps? I love the music player feature, but I also want the equalizer in the app to be system-wide. I am still mightily confused by the fact that the Poweramp app seems to have all the bells and whistles, plus more, of the Equalizer app, but the "Known Players" menu is absent. I don't understand why the app isn't unified, and indeed the non-equalizer (but yet also has an equalizer, much to my confusion) is only 3MB larger than the Equalizer one.

So that's why there are two separate apps - the main Poweramp Music Player and the separate Poweramp Equalizer. It's not generally a good idea to use the equalization features of both at the same time though, so if you want to use the main player for music AND the stand-alone EQ for other media applications, you should disable Poweramp's internal EQ features - or disable Poweramp from the Known Players list in the EQ app.

Thank you Andre this clears everything up! So the Known Players option isn't availble in the music player app Poweramp as that's a new feature with the new equalizer app. I'm not sure if I could have used the license on the original app as I had to purchase it through the website due to a lack if Google services.

If you don't want the Music Player app, but just the stand-alone EQ app for use with other audio sources, please contact Support (either in-app or via email to and explain the mixup and I'm sure they will be able to help you.

I recently purchased a micro SD card for my LG G3 with the intention of moving and storing all of my music files on the SD card so that I would have more room on my phone for applications/photos/etc. I moved my music files from the internal memory to the SD card, however, when I tested to see if I could play a music file from the SD card without the file being on the phone's internal memory, the file did not show up on the SD card. I then researched and was told that I needed to have the music folder on my SD card linked to a music player, so I installed the recommended "Poweramp" music player and attempted to link my music folder from the SD card to the Poweramp app. I then tested again by deleting a music file from the internal memory of my phone and attempted to play it in Poweramp, but the music file disappeared again.

Can someone tell me how to CORRECTLY link my SD card music folder with the Poweramp app so that I can play music from the SD card without having the music on the phone's internal memory, which is the primary reason that I purchased the SD card. Thanks!

I have an LG e980 Optimus Pro G and I have found if I have both the LG music player and the Poweramp music player on my phone I have no issues with all of my music being on my SD card whenever I download anything from an outside source it automatically loads to my phone memory I have to physically transfer it to my SD card

In Poweramp Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders, make sure that your SD Card's main top level music folder (whatever you have called it) is ticked in that list. Then Poweramp's scanner should detect and be able to play any music in there. If it doesn't see it immediately, do a Rescan in the same menu.

@andrewilley I have tried that and it still will not keep a song once I delete it from the built in music player. I want to get to the place where I don't have any music files on my phone's internal memory.

What do you mean by "delete from the built-in music player"? Do you perhaps mean deleting a physical song file from the 'Music' folder in the device's local file system? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "keep a song" ?

Ideally, in the Music Folders list you should have just one top level folder ticked, which would be your main Music folder (or whatever you choose to name it) on your SD Card. Within that folder should be all of your music (probably in lots of subfolders), which will also be ticked by default when you drill down in the Music Folders list.

@andrewilley By "built-in music player", I mean the music player app that came with my LG G3 pre-installed, like the one that you cannot delete even if you try (unless you try really hard maybe, lol), so yes, I suppose that would mean the music folder in my device's local file system, which contributes to the phone's internal memory, right?

When I say "keep a song", I mean that when I have linked the music folder from my SD card to Poweramp (which successfully worked), I do a little test and delete a random song from the "music folder in the device's local file system/internal memory" (or the built-in music app that came with the phone pre-installed, like the equivalent of the itunes music app for iphones) and then I check for that same song in the Poweramp music library AND my SD card's music folder, and every time I have tried this, the song is deleted from both the Poweramp music app AND my SD card's music folder.

So, I guess a better question before I move any further along this process is this: is it possible to delete all of my music files from my phone's internal memory (built-in music app/music folder in phone's local file system) and still be able to keep the files on another music app such as Poweramp and my SD card? Because if not, then I purchased the SD card for the wrong reason.

So your problem is nothing to do with music players as such, but that when you delete a file from your local phone storage (either using the stock player or via a file explorer app) it also seems to delete that same file from your external MicroSD Card?

I have this exact same question. I would just like to play a playlist from my phone to my Play5. I was originally trying to use my paid for PowerApp music player. I've downloaded ten other players trying to fix this problem. Why can't i cast from my phone?

I convinced my boyfriend Sonos was the best. Best sounds sure, but only if something plays. Anyone who loves music is most likely into playlists and owning music. We aren't streamers. This is a crazy problem for a speaker to have. ff782bc1db

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