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One Tree Hill

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Gilmore Girls

Introducing: Sarah, @Naleysbff


Click above to check out @Naleysbff's Instagram! 

Who is Sarah?

Sarah, @Naleysbff on Instagram is a Social Media Content Creator for her favorite series One Tree Hill. She keeps the show alive with its evergrowing popularity a decade after its series wrap. She is an avid member of the One Tree Hill fandom as well as many others. 

What did Sarah speak about?

Through her interview, Sarah speaks about what it is like to be a social media content creator based on One Tree Hill. While creating an environment of social inclusion through her social media platform & fandom. As well as being apart of multiple fandoms from a young age.

Interview Highlights

Sarah speaking about a passionate universal love through fandom. 

Sarah speaks about creating meaningful friendships through fandom on social media across the globe. 

Sarah speaks about her social media account harbors and creates social inclusion.

Sarah and her idol Taylor Swift in Nashville, TN sporting her One Tree Hill "Naley Bracelet."