Pouya Layeghi

About Me

I am currently a second year PhD student at the University of Minnesota. Previously, I was a PhD student at the University of Alberta in Canada for a semester. I came to the University of Minnesota with my PhD supervisor David Favero. I am interested in whatever relates algebra and geometry to each other in a categorical setting. I am currently working with David Favero on the Koszulity of homotopy path algebras. 

I did my master studies in the ALGANT program. I did the first year of my master studies at the Leiden University in the Netherlands and the second year at the University of Bordeaux in France. I wrote my master thesis under the supervision of Bruno Kahn about Voevodsky's motives. I got my Bachelor degree from the University of Tehran in Iran in 2019. 

My email is layeg001[at]umn[dot]edu.