sometimes whenever you copy cURL, it contains --compressed.Remove it while import->Paste Raw Text-->click on import.It will also solve the problem if you are getting the syntax error in postman while importing any cURL.

As mentioned in multiple answers above you can import the cURL in POSTMAN directly. But if URL is authorized (or is not working for some reason)ill suggest you can manually add all the data points as JSON in your postman body. take the API URL from the cURL.

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If we paste curl requests with Authorization data in import, Postman will set all headers automatically. We only just pass row JSON data in the request body if needed or Upload images through form-data in the body.

Overall, cURL is a powerful and versatile tool for making HTTP requests and testing APIs. It provides a simple and convenient way to interact with web services from the command line or within scripts. With its wide range of options and features, curl is a valuable tool for developers and testers alike.

the main problem i seem to be having is that its a form encoded post with a parameter that contains a json object (rather than a flat body post) and i just cannot figure out how to enter it into postman to make it work

i am testing an api in postman that works fine. i am exporting it using the functionality in postman. the export language is curl. i am pasting it in the bubble api connector but it does not work. is there a process to easily transfer apis from postman to bubble?

Yes, the signature comes from postman. i try it in another tool and it works. but if i try it in bubble it does not work. below you can see the raw text, the api connector and the other tool so you can compare. i literealy copy and paste the same. i do not know what else to change to make it work!

The problem is not the authorization key since i copy it directly from postman and it works in req bin. For some reason the exact same code does not work in bubble.

I have figured out already how to generate the authorization key but i first need to make the call work

Hi Jaime i am struggling with the exact same issue on Bubble, the call in postman works and gives me a working signature that doesnt work on Bubble. I am copying the exact same body on postman and on Bubble.

Also, I generally like to retrieve the response headers too. To do so, add this curl option (verbatim): --dump-header $responseHeaders to save them to that variable (again, not concatenation, and this time no @ like with -d)

I experimented with keeping or removing the HTTPS text to the right of POST and found that including or removing it made no difference in the result so I'm removing that text in respect for the KISS principle.

Likewise, it was not necessary to put --location on its own row as one reply seemed to suggest. I suspect that I can remove that cURL option completely and only put it here, because postman inserted that option when I copy/pasted the sample code from the site's API documentation.

Glad you got it working! FYI, the --location curl option can affect the behavior of the request, namely cause it to automatically resend the request to the new, moved location when a 3xx response is received. Curl -L Option

I double checked and indeed you can nest JSON directly in the curl options calculation, but escaping all the quotations is a chore because the JSON itself has to be wrapped in doublequotes:

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This tutorial shows how to configure and use a database using Postman and curl. Download the database Demo.nsf from Resources and follow along. We also have a Postman collection under Resources to download and used for quick learning.

The task of testing the API helps to clearly determine in which part the error occurs. Error localization at the separation level of the server and client parts allows you to quickly find the place with the wrong logic of the information system. And testing the REST API lends itself to mechanization and can be effectively performed by tools such as curl and Postman.

The testing methodology of the REST API is quite simple and intuitive in practice. To do this, select and install one of the means of generating REST requests. There are a lot of them. Mostly, in practice, curl and Postman are used. The logic of testing the REST protocol looks like this in general:

Let's compare the two most popular tools for testing Rest API: curl vs. Postman. These tools are perfect for the given task, and each has advantages. Let's start with the console tools curl and then compare it to the GUI-powered tool Postman. And in some cases, testing API requires using both curl and Postman.

Let's take a quick look at testing REST APIs using curl. Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data and supports about 22 protocols, including HTTP. This combination makes it a very good special tool for testing almost any REST service.

GET Method

This is the default method when making HTTP calls using curl. In fact, the previously shown examples were simple GET calls. When starting a local service instance on port 8080, you can use this command to call GET:

PUT Method

This method is very similar to POST. But it is used when you need to send a new version of an existing resource. To do this, use the -X option. Without any mention of the type of the request method, curl uses GET by default. Therefore, we explicitly mention the type of method in the case of PUT:

Postman (and curl) now implements all the necessary tools for testing complex structures in the REST API, and any service that works with HTTP requests can be fully tested with these tools. Regardless of the complex authorization mechanism, no matter how request parameters are formed, and whatever the format of the requested output, these two tools will cope with the task. The popularity and accessibility of these tools make working with them easy in view of the presence of a huge number of examples.

It is important in the current conditions of the development of microservices, the active use of APIs, cloud technologies to correctly build development processes, especially with regard to testing. Tools such as curl and Postman are essential and effective tools for supporting such development processes. We made a brief and comprehensive comparison of Postman vs. curl in this article.

When i try to access it from Postman or curl or from python requests.

How to access graphql data with access token

How do i use access token to get the graphql data?

My queries are working from inbuilt graphql page

Thank you so much for clarifying this. This means a lot to me

At our workplace we were using prismic for 3 yrs now. But the dev at start of migration to prismic used python library prismicio instead of using prismic-cli and other amazing tools you have using frameworks like React and express.

But we have an issue with python library for prismic since it is restricting us to use only python 3.6.9 which is not okay with our senior devs.

So i want to implement graphql with python instead of completely switching to other framework so i was trying to get data from postman to test it and implement from python requests

- Check --user is the Authorization so in service callout you need to pass the base64 version of the username and password which you are getting. On postman you can see what is the value of base64encode of your code.

When automating, testing, or validating APIs within the Cloudera Data Platform within our AWS, Azure, or GCP infrastructures, most developers utilize either curl or postman. In this article, we will highlight the proper API endpoints, proper credentialing through Knox, and the setting of workload passwords.

Hitting any endpoint with basic auth (API token as password) from my golang app returns a 403; however, the same endpoint with the exact same basic auth succeeds in both Postman and curl. I am very confused, as this only recently started happening to the golang app. I have tried adding `Accept` and `User-Agent` headers to no avail. I am at a complete loss here.

@Jon Lasley were you able to resolve the issue mentioned in the ticket? Running into it exactly the same as you when having to authenticate with basic auth in Golang app although curl, postman all worked fine.

and then base64 encode that string. The encoded string then has be put into an authorization header. The Jira version of the Basic Auth for REST API doc has better examples of how to do this encoding properly across operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac). But an example of how this call would look in curl would be

That is the format that I'm doing, the base64 encoding happens naturally during basic auth. The header gets encoded to "Authorization: Basic ". The Postman, curl, and Golang authorization headers are the same. Whether I set basic auth and inspect the Authorization header, or base64 encode and set it manually, it produces the same result.

Thanks for that information. If the base64 encoded string works in curl and postman, but not in golang, then there must be something different within that framework to account for this. I am not familiar with using golang, so I'm not certain if this might be something to do with say the characters found in the base64 string, or something more along the lines of how the request being made utilizes headers.

I can see your previous curl example, but it appears to have been using the -u switch. That kind of call used to work, but with the deprecation of passwords in basic auth (link in previous reply), those requests are not expected to be able authenticate when you explicitly use that kind of switch that accepts a username/user account (even with valid password or token). Of course please obscure your encoded token should you include an example. e24fc04721

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