
Implemented by

Youngdae Kim (prayer@postech.ac.kr)

Hwanjo Yu (hwanjoyu@postech.ac.kr)

About This Code:

Using This Code:

This code is publicly available to facilitate research and education in the related areas of data mining and machine learning. If you publish material based on this code, please refer to the following technical report, to help others to obtain the same code and reproduce your experiments.

H Yu, Y Kim & SW Hwang, "RV-SVM: An Efficient Method for Learning Ranking SVM", Proc. Pacific-Asia Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'09, 11.54% accepted), http://dm.postech.ac.kr/rv-svm, 2008. 

Bibtex entry:

@techreport{ hyu09pakdd,

author = "H Yu and Y Kim and SW Hwang",

title = "{RV-SVM}: An Efficient Method for Learning Ranking {SVM}",

booktitle = "Proc. Pacific-Asia Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'09, 11.54\% accepted)",


year = "2009"}