
Implemented by

Ilhwan Ko (koglep@postech.ac.kr)

Youngdae Kim (prayer@postech.ac.kr)

Hwanjo Yu (hwanjoyu@postech.ac.kr)


About iKernel:

Using This Code:

This code is publicly available to facilitate research and education in the related areas of data mining and machine learning. If you         publish material based on this code, please refer to the source as follows, to help others to obtain the same code and reproduce your experiments.

Hwanjo Yu, Ilhwan Ko, Youngdae Kim, Seung-won Hwang, and Wook-shin Han: iKernel: Exact Indexing for Support Vector Machines. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, South Korea, http://dm.postech.ac.kr/ikernel

BibTeX entry:


author = "Hwanjo Yu and Ilhwan Ko and Youngdae Kim and Seung-won Hwang and Wook-shin Han",

title = "Exact Indexing for Support Vector Machines",

booktitle = {Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Management of Data (SIGMOD'11)},

pages = "",

year = "2011"

