신동민, 정봉주, 조현보 공저
스마트제조 제 4차 산업혁명의 예술
이프레스 출판
2017년 03월 10일
Sewon Oh, Jooyung Han, and Hyunbo Cho,
"Intelligent process control system for quality improvement by data mining in the process industry,"
Data Mining for Design and Manufacturing: Methods and Applications, Part III, Chapter 12,
Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht,
pp. 289-309, 2001.
A. Derebail, Hyunbo Cho, and R. A. Wysk,
"Process planning and process plan representation for control,"
Computer Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems,
Edited by Joshi, S. and Smith, J., Chapman & Hall,
pp. 379-404, 1994.