Industrial Data 

Engineering & Analytics

 (IDEA) Lab.

About IDEA Lab


We will contribute to industrial intelligence through framework research that applies data engineering and analytics to industry issues.  

Research Area: 

 - Industrial Data Engineering:

Research on how industrial data should be prepared (data collection, storage, processing, etc.) for effective industrial data analytics

* Topic: Data Interoperability, Data Collection for Analytics Purpose, etc. 

 - Industrial Data Analytics:

Research for Data Analytics Application Framework to support  data-driven decision making in the industrial domain

* Topic: Predictive Maintenance, Fault Diagnosis, Standard Time Estimation, etc. 


- Development of prognostics and health management for SMEs (MTIE funded, Ongoing)

- Deep learning applications on manufacturing systems (MTIE funded, Ongoing)

- Manufacturing big data Analytics based decision support service (MTIE funded, Ongoing)

- Prediction of standard time based on product specification using historical data 

Lab history

(Feb 2023)