I am thinking of getting a dual extruder tool head for my Taz 5. I'm looking at Lulzbot's v3.1 tool head but seem to find just one Reddit post on this latest version. That post wasn't about clogging issues which v3.0 apparently had, so I'm wondering if anyone has tried it and if there are any issues? Lulzbot doesn't accept returns for tool heads so I'm searching around for feedback.

Once the tool head is connected turn the test stand on and go to the printer menu by pressing the LCD knob. Then scroll down to Print from SD and select it, then select the Dualv3Test_PLA.gcode and make sure to start the print.

Pos Printer Test Tool V3.1 Download

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Once both side of the tool head checked the motor the hot ends will begin cooling, at this point if the tool head didn't have any problems it passes the test and you may remove it once it temperature is lower then 45 degrees C.

When you turn on the printer, the BL-Touch probe should perform aself-test and move the pin up and down a couple of times. Once theself-test is completed, the pin should be retracted and the red LED onthe probe should be lit. If there are any errors, for example theprobe is flashing red or the pin is down instead of up, please turnoff the printer and check the wiring and configuration.

If the above is looking good, it's time to test that the control pinis working correctly. First run BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_down inyour printer terminal. Verify that the pin moves down and that the redLED on the probe turns off. If not, check your wiring andconfiguration again. Next issue a BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_up,verify that the pin moves up, and that the red light turns onagain. If it's flashing then there's some problem.

After completing the BL-Touch control pin and sensor pin tests, it isnow time to test probing, but with a twist. Instead of letting theprobe pin touch the print bed, let it touch the nail on your finger.Position the toolhead far from the bed, issue a G28 (or PROBE ifnot using probe:z_virtual_endstop), wait until the toolhead starts tomove down, and stop the movement by very gently touching the pin withyour nail. You may have to do it twice, since the default homingconfiguration probes twice. Be prepared to turn off the printer if itdoesn't stop when you touch the pin.

If the BL-Touch v3.0 has its signal wire connected to an endstop pin(with a noise filtering capacitor), then the BL-Touch v3.0 may not beable to consistently send a signal during homing and probing. If theQUERY_PROBE commands in the initial tests sectionalways produce the expected results, but the toolhead does not alwaysstop during G28/PROBE commands, then it is indicative of this issue. Aworkaround is to set probe_with_touch_mode: True in the config file.

Important! Setting stow_on_each_sample to False can lead to Klippermaking horizontal toolhead movements while the probe is deployed. Besure to verify all probing operations have sufficient Z clearanceprior to setting this value to False. If there is insufficientclearance then a horizontal move may cause the pin to catch on anobstruction and result in damage to the printer.

If needed, adapt the print temperature in the M_Mug.bfb file. E.g. if you can get about 0.5 cm/second using a temperature of 247 degrees with the manual extruder test described in the Assembling the RapMan V3.1 3D printer article, change the value to this. 17dc91bb1f

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