Battle of 21XX

The story in this page is a tale about a battle in the 22nd century.  This piece is read from the perspective of a general, with the goal of defeating a wave of incoming adversaries. You must strategize to figure out the best way to handle the situation. But be careful, as the final choices you make will matter. This story was written over the course of around 3 weeks, with a bunch of earlier versions that won't be covered.  To access the story and its contents, you'll need to import the file into a service called Twine (it's a free online software. Open it in your browser, choose "Use in your browser", go into Library and click Import. Choose the story file to be imported. Once the story shows up, go into Build and click Play). I wrote this story because I thought I'd be an interesting and relatively unique idea (also I thought it was funny). 

The link to Twine is this:

From there, load up the story here: