Escape from Briar Mansion

The plot is that you wake up in an unknown location within a weird mansion. You don't really know what's going on, but what's clear is that it wouldn't be the best idea to stay here. Navigate through the haunted premise while avoiding the many traps and creatures that reside within. Work on this game was done with 8 others over about 20 weeks (3 days per week) covering the beginning of production and theory crafting, until the end of development. We made this game using a custom-built engine created prior to the start of the project. I mostly worked on the game's documentation and level design.

This project is at least 1 order of magnitude larger than all the others, so there's some more details that should probably be explained.

I started off envisioning large, complex puzzles that acted as labriths that would be traversed with a birds eye view. As the idea for what the game was developed however, I shifted the idea of what a level was. I cut most of my levels into smaller levels, usually with 1 or 2 rooms that could be solved through 1st person.

It was also an interesting experience working with a custom engine. Other team members would ask about how one of the built-in functions worked, or adding a feature, or the limits of what the engine was capable of and our programmer would be able to answer all of the questions we had.

Download the game from here: