Amanda Rodenborn

she, her

Learning Experience/Instructional Designer | Learner Advocate | Accessibility Champion | Educator | Writer | Lifelong Learner 

Welcome to my portfolio with samples of my work. Select one of the icons below or a link in the menu to learn more.

Course Authoring and Design Process

Course Authoring & Design Process

Learning Objects and Tools

Learning Objects & Tools

Technical Guides

Technical Guides



Instructor-Led Trainings and Conference Presentations

Instructor-Led Trainings & Conference Presentations

Onboarding Documents

Onboarding Documents



I strive to be an accessibility ally and practice inclusive, equitable design. In full transparency, some of my work samples may not be accessible, especially earlier works. My intention is not to exclude, nor am I excusing any lack of knowledge on my part. Rather, my goal is to maintain the integrity of the work at its time of publication and exemplify my learning journey and professional growth. I have made strides and am still learning. I make mistakes. But I hope my work demonstrates that I follow author, poet, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou's wisdom

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better." 

If you are interested in the content of a particular document that is not accessible, please contact me, and I will gladly provide an accessible version to the best of my ability.