10 Reasons Why You Need Video Animation for Your Website


Blog By: jacklinalber

19 December 2022

A website without video is like an ecommerce store without products to sell. People don't just want to read about your products or services; they want to see what you offer too! So if you have a website, you should have some form of animation video on it. And we're not talking about videos just embedded into a blog post or article; we mean videos made specifically for your business and the audience you're targeting. Well, without further ado, let's explore why you need video animation for your website.

Top Reasons Video Animation is Best for Your Website

1.Improve your SEO and SERPs

Video is a great way to improve your SEO and SERPs. The more relevant content you have on your website, the higher it will rank in search engines. Video is one of the most searchable elements on the web, and the use of video in a website has been found to increase its ranking on Google's first page results. Studies show that companies are more likely to appear in Google's top 10 results when they use videos to promote their products or services. You can use video to explain your product or service or even show what it looks like. This will help the site owner stand out and make the website more appealing to visitors.

2.Increase Social Engagement

If you want to see an increase in social engagement with your brand and website, then video is the way to go! Studies show that people are twice as likely to watch a company's video than read text on a page or screen. One study found that 80% of people would be more likely to purchase after watching product videos. People also respond more positively when they see something interesting in action rather than just reading about it online.

3.Reduces Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is an important factor for any website; it is the percentage of users who leave the site after viewing only the home page. The more pages they view, the better. Video animation production for your website can help reduce this number because it grabs visitors' attention and keeps them on your site longer.

4.Make Your Site More Visually Appealing

Video animations make your website more attractive and engaging by adding visual content to text-heavy pages and using colors, shapes, and movement to grab visitors' attention. They also offer a way to make your site look more professional, especially if you use them on home pages or product pages, which can help increase conversions and sales.

5.Boost Conversions, Sales, and Customer Retention

To make money from your website, you must ensure it's optimized for conversions. That means making it as easy as possible for visitors to take the actions you want them to take, whether signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Video animation for your website is one of the most potent ways of achieving this. It allows you to enhance your website with animated content (i.e., video) while making it easier for visitors to find exactly what they're looking for. Studies have proven that people are more likely to complete the action they came on the site to do when they see the video; if that's what you're hoping for, then video animation for your website will help deliver it!

6.Inexpensive Alternative to Live Video

Video animation for your website is one of the most inexpensive ways to get people to like your website. Why? Because they're not real people! With video animation, you don't have to worry about awkward pauses or the wrong kind of lighting. You just put them in a virtual setting and let them do their thing.

Video animation for your website gives you much more flexibility than live video. You can create more relatable characters, for example, and you don't need to worry about how much time you can spend with each person without getting bored or distracted by your phone.

7.Easy to Share On Social Media and Email Marketing Campaigns

Video animation for your website is a great way to convey your message. It's easy to share on social media and in email marketing campaigns. These videos are great for getting attention on social media. They're short, they're fun, and they're easy to digest while you're scrolling through your feed. That means that if you have an explainer video, you can use it in your social media marketing strategy to reach new customers.

8.Explain Complicated Concepts in A Fun, Easy-To-Digest Way

Explainer videos are a fun way to explain complicated concepts in a simple, easy-to-digest way. They're also an excellent tool for teaching people how to use your product or service. People can get confused about what you mean when explaining a complicated concept (like how your product works or how to use it). And even if they do understand, they might not remember later when it's time for them to buy. But with an explainer video, you can make things clear in a fun and engaging way that people will remember!

9.Increase Brand Loyalty

Video content is a powerful tool to increase brand loyalty and attract customers. You can show how your product works. When selling a product or service, it’s important to show potential customers exactly how it works. You can add an animated video to your website that shows how the product operates. This will help them understand what they’re buying before deciding whether they want to buy it. It makes it easier for them to visualize their life after purchasing your product or service.

Furthermore, you can show testimonials from real people. Many businesses have testimonials on their website, but it’s much more effective when these are shown in video form because this allows viewers to see the person speaking rather than just reading their words on paper. This helps build trust between you and your customers, making them feel more confident about purchasing from your web design agency than someone else’s website (or store location).

10.Encourage Visitors to Spend More Time On Your Site

Video animation for your website encourages visitors to spend more time on your site. Whether you use animated graphics or full-fledged video clips, visitors will be drawn in by the engaging graphics and audio that make up this type of content. And since many people tend to skim over text-based content when surfing the web, using visuals like these helps ensure that their attention doesn’t wander elsewhere before they’ve absorbed all of the information you want them to know about your business or product offerings.


The world has gone digital, and even though people spend more time in front of a screen than ever, they're still looking for real human connection. Video animation for your website is a potent tool that can help you connect with people in a way that feels authentic and personal. It is also a great way to engage your audience and get them to take action. It’s a fantastic way to promote your brand, create awareness and increase sales.