Useful and Interesting Accessories for Your Favorite Device | IQOS Heets DuBAI

IQOS Heets Dubai is an advanced, health-saving alternative to cigarette use. It also allows you to appreciate the feeling of inhaling. Many people confuse this device with an electronic cigarette, which it is not. Rather than burning the tobacco, the IQOS gadget warms it. As a result, unlike ordinary cigarettes, this device produces no smoke. It also does not produce vapor since it does not use liquid tobacco.

You could think that once you have an IQOS gadget, the only thing you need to buy is Heated Sticks or Heets Dubai. However, the IQOS manufacturer is constantly working to develop accessories for the device, the original appearance of which will impress even the most discerning buyer. In this article, we will discuss IQOS Heets Dubai accessories for various types of IQOS customers.

Allow this post to serve as your guide to the most intriguing and useful IQOS Device accessories. These will not only complement the IQOS owner's own style, but will also make the gadget much more comfortable to use.

Mobile ashtray

This ashtray is a great way to get rid of spent IQOS sticks. Because of its portability, the ashtray is ideal for transporting to any location or event. You won't have to seek for trash cans to dispose of the spent stick. A portable ashtray saves you the problem of finding used tobacco ticks in your pockets or handbags.

The following advantages come with using this mobile ashtray. It will keep the tobacco stench from spreading. It saves you the effort of cleaning cigarette particles out of your pockets. It considerably simplifies IQOS device maintenance. It is compact and portable, so you can carry it everywhere you go. It may also be used to move unwanted sticks, which is pretty helpful.

Car ashtray

The automobile ashtray is designed specifically for active people. It is designed for people who spend the majority of their time behind the wheel. Customers may select from multi-colored variants made of durable material that have the manufacturer's original appearance.

The main advantage of owning this item is that it keeps the inside of the car clean and odor-free. The device is easily attached to the panel, making it as simple to operate even while driving.

Trendy IQOS pouch

Another lovely IQOS Heets Dubai accessory is the original pouches made of genuine leather. These attractive bag models may be distinguished by a variety of designs as well as a broad color palette that includes tones ideal for both men and women.

Carrying this pouch is quite handy because it comes with straps that can be attached to your belt. The case is compact enough to slip into a pocket or a petite ladies' purse. This sort of attachment will protect your IQOS device from an unpleasant impact or fall, ensuring that your favorite gadget is always safe and secure.

Car Holder for IQOS

The IQOS Car holder is ideal for folks who spend a lot of time driving about. The IQOS user will always have easy access to a quick puff with this gadget in the automobile! Rubberized inserts hold the item to the deflector of the vehicle. This also makes it easier to access the charging port. As a consequence, when you need it, the IQOS will always be fully charged and ready to use. You won't even have to remove it from the holder for the gadget to operate.

IQOS Charger cover panel

This attractive cover, which is affixed to the original panel, will definitely add to the IQOS owner's fashion sense. This edition is available in a range of colors, allowing everyone to personalize the panel. This sort of accessory will undoubtedly add character and personality to the device!


The leather clip is suitable for those who lead an active and simple lifestyle. This clamp has an open design that can accommodate anything, including the sticks and the device itself. The user will have quick and simple access to the items he needs. Because of the open charging connector, you won't need to remove the IQOS from the clip.

IQOS Ashtray

The ceramic IQOS ashtray is adorned with metal components. This is a stylish piece that will look great in any home. It is the most fashionable technique to discard used heet sticks. It is an ideal addition for both the home and the workplace.

IQOS offers a wide range of stylish, contemporary, and practical accessories at moderate prices. Because there are so many design variations, these branded things provide something for everyone! These items might also make a great and thoughtful present for someone who owns an IQOS gadget. The attachments not only enhance the device's appearance but also make it easier to operate.

At our fantastic online store MyHeets, you may get several models of IQOS Heets Dubai Devices, Heat Sticks, and other accessories. We are the leading provider of heets in the UAE. We guarantee same-day delivery, and it is entirely free!!! Visit to browse our extensive range of flavored heets and much more.