ALL the Studying Mistakes that students Made in Medical school


Blog By: Michel


In this post, we are going to be taking you through all of the big mistakes that I made when studying in medical school and university as well so hopefully saving you guys time so you don't have to make the same mistakes that I made so I further do let's go ahead and get started, so the first huge mistake that I made in my last degree especially is not studying in groups. I’m not entirely sure why I didn't study in groups of four and didn't like it, but I imagine one of the reasons is a fear of competition, so I felt like back in my last degree that if. I work in groups, you know.

I’m helping my competition, and that's just a silly way to think. The second reason also is. I don't know. I prefer to be at my table alone and alone in my mind and working at my own pace. While these are some valid reasons, I definitely should have been more open to working groups during medical school. I often spend a lot of time working with NASA and Georgina. We often work online together or actually also in person and also just with colleagues. I have around with me. This was particularly helpful when we had our practical OSKI exams very recently. Being able to work in a group made learning and practice my examination skills.

Friends studying together:

There are a few reasons why. I highly recommend you guys work in groups. The first one is that it's honestly just more fun, you know. Sitting at your desk all day by yourself is super dull. Still, if you're online with your friends working together, then it's a lot more fun; you can revise for 25 minutes, half an hour, maybe even an hour long, and then actually take a break together and have a quick chat about what you're doing and just life in general, and it makes working so much more fun and more accessible the second reason. I highly recommend professional academic writing help working groups because three or four brains are much better than one, especially in medical school when we had our practical ski exams. Also, just our written exams in general working in groups meant.

Understanding a complex problem:

We needed help understanding a complex problem; we could put this question to all of ourselves and would all be able to work out the answer and share the answer. Also, importantly, sharing resources so if. I found an excellent online book that explained the key concepts together. Many students who are not working together are need to buy assignment online uk and take assignment assistance from the experts. Then I would share with all of my friends, and rather than just me learning, we all managed to learn, so it's essential to try and get your mindset out of this competition that you know your friends and your colleagues are competing against you because in reality, they're not it's much better than all of your best friends you know if you pick.

Help each other:

A couple, you know, two or three people, it's much better if you all graduate and get first classes and do well in school because my last degree, the fact that all my friends did well also meant that we all went off to university again to do medicine together so the fact that you can help each other means that you're all able to go up rather than just you by yourself so the first tip. I have it for you guys to find. A good number of people you can honestly trust who work as hard as you will hopefully enhance your ability to study. That's number two. Let's move on to number three, no number two, the second colossal mistake.

Avoid Biggest mistakes:

I made it to university while studying. My biggest mistake is sitting down, writing notes, highlighting, and expecting that to be enough to stick in my memory rather than testing myself now that I've spoken about this. Several times in my post, the main point is that we need to learn through reading and to highlight. We learn through testing ourselves. Even if you might like to highlight stuff, you might like to write notes that are completely fine but make sure that when you're revising for your exams, you're testing your knowledge, so one way actually to test my knowledge is that right now in the last couple of years. I don't make notes anymore.

I make flashcards on my computer using an app called Anki. Now Anki is fantastic. Its online software allows you to create loads of flashcards to test yourself every day. Applying space repetition and active recall, these two strategies, and learning methods, allow you to remember things long-term, not highlighting and not writing notes if you want an in-depth tutorial about how. I created these flashcards and why I just started taking notes at university.

Take a quick break:

I'll leave those posts linked up above now. I might take a quick break to go and have a gym session, go for a bit of a jog, and then, importantly, if my friend calls me up at 8 30 pm or 8 pm and is like Kenji. It has been a while since I've seen you. Should we go to Nando's for dinner or a gym session together? I will say you know what I've spent. The last couple of hours sat at my desk working. I deserve to take a break. You know there's no point going to bed at 9 00 pm and sleeping and waking up and doing it all over again. That is just so unsustainable.

Working hard In Exams:

What I do now is very different, and it's an outstanding balance between working hard and ensuring that I'm doing what I need to do but not being too hard on myself to make sure. I am taking breaks to stay healthy and rewarding myself after a good work session. A counterintuitive day may sound like it's going against your work. I promise you it's not. If you reward yourself and take good breaks, you will be able to work much longer. Revising and studying is not a sprint. It's a marathon, so make sure you don't make it. The same mistake I made, and another point is that when I used to go hang out with my friends during that little break, it wouldn't even be a break because I'd be sitting at Nando's, worrying and feeling guilty about it.

The fact that I’m taking time out to spend time with my friends even though I've earned the break even though. I deserve a break, and I’ve worked exceptionally really hard. That makes no sense. Don't feel guilty. If you've worked hard, do not feel guilty; go to. The gym and have a good gym session. Go hang out with your friends and have a good time with them. Never feel guilty for it. The things you deserved mainly when you worked hard in life now are. The five tips I hope will help you guys when studying.