Prof. S. Ponnusamy, F. N. A. Sc.
Chair Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
IIT Madras, Chennai-600036.
E-mail: samy(at)
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) IIT Kanpur (1983-1989)
Master of Science (Mathematics) University of Madras, India, 1982
Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) University of Madras, India, 1980
Current Position
Chair Professor, IIT Madras (July 2020 onward)
Chair Professor ``Furong Scholars Award Program'', of Hunan First Normal University, China, (2022--2025)
Leader of the group on the geometric theory of functions at the Laboratory ``Multidimensional Approximation and Applications" of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (2022 onward ).
Positions Held previously in India
Director of the ``Center for Functions Theory Problem" at Petrozavodsk State University, Russia (2021 to 2022)
Professor and Head of ISI Chennai Centre (October 10, 2012 to October 09, 2017, on deputation from IIT Madras )
HAG Professor, IIT Madras (July 2016 onward)
Professor, IIT Madras (April 2006 onward)
Associate Professor, IIT Madras (September 2000 to April 2006)
Assistant Professor, IIT Madras (December 1998 to September 2000)
Associate Professor and Head, IIT Guwahati (January, 1998 to December 1998)
Associate Professor, IIT Guwahati (December 1996 to December 1998)
Assistant Professor, IIT Guwahati (July 1996 to December 1996)
Awards and Recognition
“Best Selling Author Award, 2002" for the book entitled “Foundations of Complex Analysis, 1995, 464 pp”
“C.L. Chandana Mathematics Award” by the Canadian World Education Foundation 2002 in recognition of distinguished and outstanding contribution to Mathematics Research and Teaching in India.
“Tamilnadu Scientist Award (TANSA)-2003” in recognition of outstanding research, teaching and popularization of mathematical sciences in the state of Tamilnadu, India.
Elected the “Fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, India, in the year 2005.
Appointed as “Senior Associate” of The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (1 Jan.2008 until 31 Dec. 2013)
Awarded a “TWAS-UNESCO Associateship” appointment (for the period of three years, 2009-2011) by TWAS-UNESCO Associateship scheme at Centers of Excellence in the South
Founding “Fellow of the Forum de Analystes" , Chennai, India, 1992
Elected as Vice-President of the “Fellow of the Forum de Analystes", Chennai, India (2007 onward)
Elected as Vice-President of the “Indian Academy of Mathematics", Indore (2006 onward)
Awarded the “Guest Professor, Hengyang Normal University, China," (2013--2016)
Elected as President of the “Ramanujan Mathematical Society", India (April 2019 - March 2022; April 2022 to March 2025)
Some of Experiences in Higher Education in ABROAD include
Visiting Professor, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, June 16, 2024- July 21, 2024
Visiting Professor, Hunan First Normal University, China, April 20, 2024- June 09, 2024
Visiting Professor, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, October 21, 2023- November 10, 2023
Visiting Professor, Hunan First Normal University, China, June 5, 2023- July 5, 2023
Visiting Professor, University of Turku, Finland, December 21, 2019- March 18, 2020
Visiting Professor, Kazan Federal University, Russia, September 1- 14, 2019
Visiting Professor, Kazan Federal University, Russia, November 16- December 07, 2018
Visiting Professor, Hebei University, China, October 29- November 06, 2018
Visiting Professor, Hengyang Normal University, China, October 09- October 28, 2018
Visiting Professor, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, Aug. 09- October 07, 2018
Visiting Professor, University of Aalto, Finland, June 08-August 21, 2017
Collaborative research with V.V. Starkov, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, June 24 -- July 7, 2016
Collaborative research with V.V. Starkov, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, October 3-24, 2015
Collaborative research with A. Baricz, Romania, Aug. 28--Sep. 12, 2015
Collaborative research with A. Baricz, Romania, September 1-15, 2014
Collaborative research with V.V. Starkov, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, June 23-July 7, 2014
Visiting Professor, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, May 3-19, 2014
Visiting Professor, Hengyang Normal University, China, May 31--June 15, 2013
Visiting Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, December 2012-January 2013
Visiting Professor, Tohoku University and Yamaguchi University, Japan, October, 2012
Visiting Professor, University of Aalto, Finland, November-December, 2011
Visiting Professor, University of Turku, Finland, July-October 2011
Visiting Professor, University Sains Malaysia, January 2011-July 2011
Visiting Professor, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China, June 2010
Visiting Professor, University of Lille, France, March 2010
Visiting Professor, University of Turku, Finland, April. 2009-June. 2009
Visiting Fellow, University of Turku, Finland, Aug. 2007-Nov. 2007
Visiting Professor, University of Turku, Finland, May 2005-July 2005
Visiting Professor, Sultan Qaboor University, Oman, Dec. 2004
Visiting Professor, University of Trier, Germany October 2004
Visiting Professor, University of Turku, Finland, June 2004-July 2004
Visiting Associate Professor, Texas Tech Univ., USA, Àug. 2002-May 2003
University of Trier, Germany -Visiting Professor, June 2002
Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany, -Visiting Fellow, May-July, 2001
Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, -Visiting Fellow, April-May, 2001
Univ. of South Australia, Australia, -Visiting Professor, Àpril.-July 2000
Special invited lectures at Univ. of New South Wales, Australia, June 2000
Special invited lectures at Univ. of Sydney, Australia, June 2000
Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, -Visiting Fellow, Jan.-Feb. 2000
Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, -Visiting Fellow, Oct.-Nov. 1997, May-July, 1998
Univ. of Joensuu, Finland, -Visiting Fellow, July-Aug. 1995, Nov. 1997
Norwegian Inst. of Tech., Trondheim, Norway, -Visiting Prof., May 1995
Russian Acad. of Sciences, St.Petersburg Univ., Russia, -Visiting Prof., April 1995
Univ. M.Curie Sklod., Lublin, Poland, - Visiting Fellow, April 1995
Finnish Acad. of Sciences, Finland, -Visiting Fellow, Sep. 1995 - July 1996
Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, -Fellowship from CIMO (Center of International Mobility), Ministry of Education, Finland, Aug. 1994 - Aug. 1995
TALKS IN ABROAD: 1. Invited Talks at Important Conferences/Workshops:
Plenary talk on `Landau-Bloch type theorems for various classes of Meromorphic, and Harmonic Functions' at the international Conference ``Nonlinear Approximation and Discretization'' dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of Professor V.N. Temlyakov,' Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 29--November 3, 2023
Plenary talk on "Landau-Bloch Theorems for Harmonic Mappings", at the Workshop on ``Metric Geometry and Complex Analysis'' Foshan University, Guangdong 528000, China: June 9--12, 2023
Plenary talk (online) on "Landau-Bloch Theorems for Harmonic Mappings", at the ``Congressio-Mathematica: The VIII International Conference of Mathematics and Computer Science'', Olsztyn, Poland, September 19--25, 2022
Plenary talk on `Length of ray images under conformal maps' at the International Conference `Complex Analysis and Related Topics,' Kazan Federal University, Russia, June 30--July 04, 2022
Plenary talk on `Recent developments and problems on Bohr type Inequality for the plane case' at Session on ``High-dimensional Approximation and Discretization'', Sirius Mathematical Center (Sochi), Russia, June 27 to July 01, 2022
Plenary talk (online) at the American Mathematical Society's session on ``Complex Analysis and Potential Theory'' (AMS Western Sectional Meeting, USA), October 23--24, 2021
Plenary talk (online) at the ``Congressio-Mathematica VI, Olsztyn, Poland" ``on Current Research in Mathematical and Computer Sciences III', (Poland), November 28, 2020
Plenary talk on `Journey to Bohr's Inequality: Yesterday, today and tomorrow' at the Kazan XIV school-conference Function theory, its applications and related topics' , Russia, September 7--12, 2019
Plenary talk on `On the logarthimic coefficients of univalent functions and related investigations' at the workshop held at Hunan Normal University, Changsha (China), June 15, 2019
Plenary talk at the `Kazan XVII Russian Youth School--Conference’ held at Kazan Federal University (Russia), November 23-26, 2018
Plenary talk at the `International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory (ISGFT), held at Hunan Normal University, China, October 25-28, 2018.
Plenary talk at the `International Symposium on Geometric Function Theory' held at Hengyang Normal University’, China, October 20-24, 2018
Plenary talk at the `VIII Petrozavodsk International Conference, on Complex Analysis and Applications’ held at Petrozavodsk (Russia), July 3-9, 2016
Plenary talk at the `XII International Kazan Summer School-Conference "Theory of Functions, its applications and related matters" (Russia), June 27 to July 4, 2015
Plenary talk at the `VII Petrozavodsk International Conference, on Complex Analysis and Applications’ held at Petrozavodsk (Russia), July 2014
Invited talk at the one day workshop, Hengyang Normal University on "Harmonic Mappings in the Plane", 2013.
Invited talk at the 7-th International conference on Computational Methods and Function theory (CMFT'13) at University of Shantou, China
Invited talk at the International Conference in Tokyo Institute of Technology, October, 2012
Invited talk at the national conference in Yamaguchi University and a colloquium talk at Yamaguchi University, October-Nov. 2012
Mini course on "Harmonic Mappings" was offered at the University of Aalto, Finland, November-December 2011
Seminar talks at the University of Turku, Finalnd, July-October 2011
Invited talk at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Kula Lumpur, June 2011
Invited talk at the Chinese National Conference on Complex Analysis 2010 at Huzhou Teachers College, China, June 12-16, 2010
Invited talk at the 12-th Romanian-Finnish Seminar and International Conference in Complex Analysis and Related Topics held in Turku, August 17-21, 2009
Invited talk at the “Lars Ahlfors Centennial Celebration,” August 20-24, 2007, University of Helsinki, Finland
Invited talk at the “International conference CMFT' 2005 (Computational Methods and Function Theory) held in Joensuu (Finland), June 2005
Keynote speaker at the “First SQU on Topology and its application”, at Sultan Qaboor University, Oman, Dec. 2004
Invited talk at the “International conference CMFT' 2001 (Computational Methods and Function Theory) held in Aveiro (Portugal), June 2001
Invited talk at the “ICCAM 98-International congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics held in Leuven, Belgium, July 27-Aug. 1, 98
Invited talk at the “International conference CMFT' 97 (Computational Methods and Function Theory) held in Nicosia (Cyprus), Oct. 97
Participated in the workshop on “CONFORMAL GEOMETRY” held at the Dept. of Maths., NTNU, Trondheim (Norway), and delivered an invited talk, May 96
Participated in the International “WORKSHOP ON HARMONIC MAPPINGS” held at the Dept. of Maths., Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa (Israel), and delivered a one hour invited talk, May 95
Invited talk at an International Conference at Univ. Saints, Penang (Malaysia), March 94
2. Invited Talks at other meetings:
Colloquium talk on "Recent advances on Bohr Inequality on power series", at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia: November 10, 2023
Colloquium talk on "Recent Advances on Bohr Inequality on the space of analytic functions", at Huaqiao University, China: June 29, 2023
Colloquium talk on "Basic questions concerning univalent Harmonic Mappings", at Hunan First Normal University, Changsha, China: June 28, 2023
Colloquium talk on "Length of ray images under conformal mappings", at Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China: June 27, 2023
Colloquium talk on "Hall's Conjecture on conformal mappings", at Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, China: June 16, 2023
Colloquium talk on "Bohr's theorem and Cesaro type averaging operators", at Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China: June 14, 2023
Seminar talk on `Impact of Bohr's phenomenon for mappings from disk into various domains´ in the one day workshop on "Intrinsic geometry of domains and related topics", at University of Turku (Finland), December 27, 2019
Seminar talk on `Problem of Gromova and Vasil'ev on integral means, and Yamashita's conjecture for convex mappings', at the one day symposium on ``Analysis'', at University of Turku (Finland), February 19, 2020
Colloquium talk on `Problem of Gromova and Vasil'ev on integral means, and Yamashita's conjecture for conformal mappings' at Hunan Normal University (China), June 14, 2019
Colloquium talk on `Bohr's Inequality for harmonic mappings and beyond' at Hengyang Normal University (China), June 05, 2019
Colloquium talk on `Simple Journey to the family Harmonic Mappings' at Guilin University of Technology (China), June 03, 2019
Colloquium talk on `On the Bohr inequality with a fixed zero coefficient' at Hunan First Normal University (China), May 27, 2019
Colloquium talk on `Bohr's Inequality' at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Kazan Federal University (Russia), December 04, 2018
Colloquium talk on `Planar Harmonic Mappings' at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Kazan Federal University (Russia), November 27, 2018
Colloquium talk on `Basic questions about the Classical Bohr Inequality for functions of one complex variable' at the Hunan First Normal University, Changsha’, October 19, 2018
Colloquium talk on `Introduction to Univalent Harmonic Mappings' at the College of Science, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha’ October 18, 2018
Colloquium talks on "Convolution of univalent harmonic mappings convex in some direction", at Hengyang Normal University, China, October 16, 2018.
Colloquium talks at the University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia during Aug. 09- October 07, 2018
Seminar talk at ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel, May 12, 2014
Colloquium talk at the "Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization
Seminar" at the Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, May 2014
Seminar talks at the Petrozavodsk State University, Russia, June-July 2014
Colloquium talk at the University Groningen, Netherlands, Sep.14 --19, 2013
Colloquium Talk in Tohoku University, October, 2012
Seminar talks at University of Helsinki, Finland, December 05, 2011
Seminar talks at Hunan Normal University, Chansha, China, June 2010 Seminar talks at University of Lille, France, March 2010
Seminar talks at University of Helsinki, April. 2009 Seminar talks at University of Turku, April-June. 2009
Invited Seminar talk at Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2007
Invited Seminar talk at the University of Würzburg, Germany, Oct. 2004
Invited Seminar talk at the University of Trier, Germany, July 2001
Invited Seminar talk at the University of Trier, Germany, July 2001
Invited Seminar talk at the University of Kassel, Germany, June 2001
Invited Seminar talk at the University of Würzburg, Germany, July 2001
Invited Seminar talk at the University of New South Wales, Australia, June 2000
Invited Seminar talk at the University of Sydney, Australia, June 2000
Invited Seminar talks at the University of South Australia, Australia, June 2000
Series of invited talks at Yeungnam University (Korea), July 1996
Series of talks in the Analysis Seminar at the Univ. of Helsinki (Finland), Aug. 1994- July 1996
Invited research level talk at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim (Norway), May 1995
Invited talk at St. Petersburg University, Russia, April 1995
Invited Research level talks at three universities in Poland, April 1995
Current Editorial Work
Editor in Chief of “Mathematics Newsletter” (Published by Ramanujan Mathematical Soceity, India)
Editor in Chief and Vice-President “The Journal of Analysis” (Published by Forum D'Analystes and Springer)
Editors-in-Chief of the “Indian Statistical Institute Series”, Springer
Editors-in-Chief of the “Hindustan Publishing Corporation”, joint-association with Springer Nature.
Member of Editorial Board of “Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society”, Springer
Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Inequalities and Applications”, Springer
Member of Editorial Board of "Journal of Classical Analysis" (Croatia)
Member of Editorial Board of ''Issues in Analysis" (Russia)
Member of Editorial Board of ''Journal of Indian Mathematical Society"
Refereeing work for several journals, including:
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Acta Applicanda Mathematicae
Acta Mathematica Scientia
Afrika Matematika
Analele Universitatii Oradea. Fasc. Matematica
Analysis (Munich)
Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (Mathematica)
Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal (AMBP)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Applicable Analysis
Applied Mathematics Letters
Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Archiv der Mathematik
Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Boletim Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica
Bulletin des sciences mathématiques
Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Society
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Mathematics (BPAM)
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Comptes Rendus Mathematique
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Demonstratio Mathematica
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics
Fasciculi Mathematici
Houston Journal of Mathematics
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Indagationes Mathematicae
Integral Transforms and Special Functions
International Journal of Differential Equations
International Journal of Mathematics
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Issues of Analysis
Journal of Analysis
Journal of Applied Analysis
Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis
Journal of Approximation Theory
Journal of Classical Analysis
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis
Journal of Function Spaces
Journal of the Franklin Institute
Journal of Inequalities and Applications
Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Indian Mathematical Society
Journal Interdisciplinary Information Sciences
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society
Kodai Mathematical Journal
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Mathematica Bohemica
Mathematica Slovaca
Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Mathematical Inequalities & Applications
Mathematical Communications
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Mathematics Student, a Journal from Indian Mathematical Society
Matematicki Vesnik
Mathematische Nachrighten
Michigan Mathematical Journal
Monatshefte fuer Mathematik
Numerical Algorithms
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Potential Analysis
Proceedings of American Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A
Publications de l'Institut Mathematique
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico Palermo
Results in Mathematics
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales Serie A. Matemáticas
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics
Siam Journal of Mathematical Analysis
SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science
Soochow Journal of Mathematics
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences
The Journal of Geometric Analysis
The Royal Society of Edinburgh: Proceedings A
Turkish Journal of Mathematics
The Ramanujan Journal
Transactions of American Mathematical Society
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
Reviewer for
Zentralblatt für Mathematik,
Mathematical Reviews,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
Springer and Birkhäuser
Main Research field
Complex Analysis, Quasiconformal and Harmonic Mappings, Special Functions and Function Spaces
Books Published
S. Ponnusamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, 1995, 464 pp;
Indian Edition: Narosa Publishing House, India.
International Edition: John Wiley & Sons, International Publishers, 1995. MR96h:30001S.
S. Ponnusamy, Foundations of Functional Analysis, 2002, 457pp.
Indian Edition: Narosa Publishing House, India.
International Edition: Alpha Science International Publishers, UK. MR1998947 (2004g:46001)
S. Ponnusamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, 2005, 508 pp (Second Edition of the previous book with the inclusion of six chapters).
Indian Edition: Narosa Publishing House, India;
International Edition: Alpha Science International Publishers, UK.
S. Ponnusamy and H. Silverman, Complex Variables with Applications, 2006, 524 pp, Birkhäuser, Boston.
S. Ponnusamy, Foundations of Mathematical Analysis, 2011, 570 pp, Birkhäuser, Boston.
Volumes/Proceedings Edited
R. Parvatham and S. Ponnusamy (Editors), On New Trends in Geometric Function theory and Application: (The Proceedings of the International conference held at Madras), World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, 1991.
S. Ponnusamy, T. Sugawa and M. Vuorinen (Editors), Quasiconformal Mappings and theirs Applications: Proceedings of an international workshop held at IIT Madras, India, 2005, Narosa Publishing House, Delhi, (2006), 353 pages. International Edition: Alpha Science International Publishers, UK.
Roger W Barnard and S. Ponnusamy (Editors), Geometric Function Theory, Special functions and Their Applications: Proceedings of an international conference held at Pondicherry, India, 2006. A special volume of the Journal of Analysis (2007), 290 pages.
D. Minda, S. Ponnusamy and N. Shanmugalingam (Editors), Harmonic and Quasiconformal Mappings: Proceedings of the ICM2010 Satellite Conference and the International Workshop, held at Chennai, India, 2010, A special volume of the Journal of Analysis (2010), 424 pages.
A. Baricz, S. Ponnusamy, M. Vuorinen, and K.-J. Wirths (Guest Editors) for Abstract Applied Analysis; Trends in Classical Analysis, Geometric Function Theory, and Geomerty of Conformal Invariants, 179 pages.
St. Ruscheweyh and S. Ponnusamy (Editors), Topics in Modern Function Theory: Essays based on Mini Courses for the CMFT workshop held at Guwahati, India, Jan. 2008, RMS Lecture Notes Series No. 19, 2013, 340 pages.
G. Bharali, David Minda, S. Ponnusamy and S. K. Sahoo (Editors), Complex Analysis and Conformal Geometry: Proceedings of the International Symposium held at IIT Indore; Journal of Analysis, Vol. 21 (2013), 166 pages.
S. Ponnusamy and S. K. Sahoo (Editors), A special volume (dedicated to Late Professor Vikramaditya Singh) of the Journal of Analysis, Vol. 22 (2014), 166 pages.
S. Ponnusamy, P. Balasubramaniam, P. Muthukumar, and R. Uthayakumar (Editors): Proceedings of ``The International Conference on Applied Analysis, Mathematical Modelling and Computing Techniques (ICAAMMCT—2018)" held at the Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram; Two issues of J. Anal. 27 (2019), 662 pages (Springer Verlag).
Francisco Marcellan, Ram N. Mohapatra, S. Ponnusamy and A. Swaminathan (Guest Editors): Proceedings of the “International Conference on Mathematical Analysis & its Applications” (ICMSS-2016) held at IIT Kharagpur; A special volume of the Journal of Analysis (2020), 321 pages.
D. Giri, Antony T. S. Ho, S. Ponnusamy, and Nai-Wei Lo (Editors): Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mathematics and Computing: ICMC2019- Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1170, (Springer Verlag, 2020), 270 pages.
D. Giri, R. Buyya, S. Ponnusamy, D. De, A. Adamatzky, and J. H. Abawajy (Editors): Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematics and Computing: ICMC2020-Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1262 (Springer Verlag, 2020), 566 pages.
Debasis Giri, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Saminathan Ponnusamy, Weizhi Meng, Sedat Akleylek, and Santi Prasad Maity (Editors), Seventh International Conference on Mathematics and Computing: ICMC2021-Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1412 (Springer Verlag, 2022), 1036 pages
B. Rushi Kumar, S. Ponnusamy, Debasis Giri, Bhavani Thuraisingham, Chris Clifton, and Barbara Carminati (Editors), Eighth International Conference on Mathematics and Computing: ICMC2022, Vellore, India (Springer Nature India, 2023), 719 pp.
Debasis Giri, Dieter Gollmann, S. Ponnusamy, Sakurai Kouichi, Predrag S. Stanimirovic and J. K. Sahoo (Editors), Ninth International Conference on Mathematics and Computing: ICMC2023, BITS Goa, India (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 697, 2023)), 428 pp.
Debasis Giri, Jaideep Vaidya, S. Ponnusamy, Zhiqiang Lin, Karuna Pande Joshi and V. Yegnanarayanan (Editors), Tenth International Conference on Mathematics and Computing: ICMC2024, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, India (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 963, 2024)), Vol. 1, 212 pp; and Vol. 2, 246 pp.
Research Publications
Web of Science ResearcherID: H-7695-2017
Google Scholar:
AMS Math Rev.:
2024-2025: Accepted/Published online
M. Huang, S. Ponnusamy, X. Wang and A. Rasila, Quasiconformal mappings from uniform domains onto John domains, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory (2024), 35 pages;
Q. Zhou, and S. Ponnusamy, Gromov hyperbolic John is quasihyperbolic John I, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, (2024), 19 pages; DOI:10.2422/2036-2145.202207_006
S. Kumar, S. Ponnusamy and G. B. Williams, The Bohr-type inequalities for holomorphic functions with lacunary series in complex Banach space,
New York J. Math. 31(2025), 259--281;
Z. Zhang, J. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Banach algebra structure in Besov spaces, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM, 119 (21) (2025), 14 pages;
S. Chen, H. Hamada, S. Ponnusamy, and R. Vijayakumar, Schwarz type lemmas and their applications in Banach spaces, Journal d'Analyse Math'ematique 152 (1) (2024), 181--216;
P. Li, Y. Li, and S. Ponnusamy, On the solutions to the weighted biharmonic equation in the unit disk, Monatsh. Math. 205 (2024), 279--307;
DOI: 10.1007/s00605-024-01998-4
L. Li, S. Ponnusamy, and K.-J. Wirths, An elementary counterexample to a coefficient conjecture, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 24
(2024), 229--239;
M.- S. Liu, W.-J. Luo, and S. Ponnusamy, Bloch-type theorems for meromorphic harmonic mappings, Applicable Analysis, 103 (14) (2024),
G. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, The link on extraneous non-repelling cycles of Schroder's methods of the first and second kind, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 534 (2024), Article 128071, 16 pages;
M.- S. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Landau-type theorems for certain bounded bi-analytic functions and biharmonic mappings, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 67 (1) (2024), 152--165;
L. Meng, S. Ponnusamy and J. Qiao, Properties of logharmonic mappings, The Journal of Geometric Analysis 34 (240) (2024), 38 pages;
S. Ponnusamy, E. S. Shmidt and V. V. Starkov, The Bohr radius and its modifications for linearly invariant families of analytic functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 533 (2024), Article 128039, 9 pages ;
X.-Y. Wang, S. Ponnusamy and J.-H Fan, Ahlfors type p-valent conditions for biharmonic functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications 537 (2024), Article 128273, 20 pages;
X. Wang, S. Ponnusamy and M.- S. Liu, On the univalence of certain polyharmonic mappings with bounded length distortions, Acta Mathematica
Scientia 44B(6) (2024), 2125--2138;
Q. Zhou, and S. Ponnusamy, Quasihyperbolic geodesics are cone arcs, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 34(2) (2024), 10 pages;
Q. Zhou, S. Ponnusamy and Q. Luo, Teichmueller displacement theorem on Gromov hyperbolic spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 67 (2024), 1148--1166. doi:10.1017/S0013091524000580
Q. Zhou, Z. Zheng, S. Ponnusamy and T. Guan, Dovgoshey-Hariri-Vuorinen's metric and Gromov hyperbolicity, Arch. Math.,123(2024), 319--327;
V. Arora, S. Ponnusamy, S. K. Sahoo, and T. Sugawa, Successive coefficients for functions in the spirallike family, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 188 (2023), Art. 103323, 15 pages;
K.X. Chen, M.- S. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr-type inequalities for unimodular bounded analytic functions, Results in Mathematics,
78:183 (2023), 16 pages;
H. Deng, S. Ponnusamy, J. Qiao and Y. Tian, On harmonic entire mappings II, Monatsh. Math. 201(4) (2023) 1059--1092;
T. Guan, B. Jiao, S. Ponnusamy and Y. He, Quasisymmetry of freely quasiconformal mappings in Banach spaces, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 526 (2023), 127335; 8 pages;
Y. Huang, M.- S. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, The Bohr-type operator on analytic functions and sections, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 68(2) (2023), 317--332.
P. Li, Y. Li, Q. Luo, and S. Ponnusamy, On Schwarz-Pick type inequality and Lipschitz continuity for solutions to nonhomogeneous biharmonic equations, Mediterr. J. Math. (2023), 20:432, 12 pages;
R.-Y. Lin, M.- S. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, The Bohr-type inequalities for holomorphic mappings with lacunary series in several complex variables, Acta Mathematica Scientia 44B(1) (2023), 63--79.
R.-Y. Lin, M.- S. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Generalization of Bohr-type inequality in analytic functions, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series 66(3) (2023), 455--474 DOI: 10.12386/B20210248
G. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Improved Bohr inequality for harmonic mappings, Mathematische Nachrichten 296(2023), 716--731.
DOI: 10.1002/mana.202000408
G. Liu, S. Ponnusamy, and V.V. Starkov, Stable classes of harmonic mappings, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 184(2023), 103256.
J. Liu, S. Ponnusamy and H. Xie, Complex symmetric weighted Composition-Differentiation Operators, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 71(5)(2023), 737--755.
H. Xie, J. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Volterra type operators on the minimal Moebius invariant space, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 66(2)(2023), 509--524. doi:10.4153/S0008439522000376
Q. Zhou, Y. He, S. Ponnusamy, and Q. Luo, Egg-Yolk principle for uniformizing Gromov hyperbolic domains, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 188(2023), Art. 103333, 23 pages;
Q. Zhou, L. Li, X. Li, and S. Ponnusamy, Boundary properties of Gromov hyperbolic H\"older domains, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 65(4) (2023), 651--662. DOI: 10.12386/b20210537
Q. Zhou, L. Li, S. Ponnusamy, and Y. He, Relatively quasimobius mappings in Banach spaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 151(11) (2023), 4781--4792; DOI: 10.1090/proc/16495
Q. Zhou and S. Ponnusamy, Gromov hyperbolicity in the free quasiworld. I, Studia Mathematica 268 (2023), 23--49;
DOI: 10.4064/sm210825-7-3
V. Bravo, R. Hernandez, S. Ponnusamy and O. Venegas, Pre-Schwarzian and Schwarzian derivatives of logharmonic mappings, Monatsh. Math. 199(2022), 733--754.
Sh. Chen and S. Ponnusamy, Koebe type theorems and pre-Schwarzian of K- quasiconformal harmonic mappings, and their applications, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series (2022), 16 pages;
H. Deng, S. Ponnusamy, J. Qiao and Y. Shan, On harmonic entire mappings, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís Nat. Ser. A Mat. RCSAM (2022), 116:3, 21 pages.
T. Guan, S. Ponnusamy and Q. Zhou, A note on ∂-bilipschitz mappings in quasiconvex metric spaces, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 176 (2022), Article 103128; 19 pages; Available online.
P. Hasto and S. Ponnusamy, A proof of Hall's conjecture on length of ray images under starlike mappings of order \alpha, Annales Fennici Mathematici 47(2022), 335--349.
I. R. Kayumov, D.M. Khammatova and S. Ponnusamy, The Bohr inequality for the generalized Cesáro averaging operators, Mediterr. J. Math. 19, 19 (2022), 16 pages;
L. Li, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Relations of the class U(λ) to other families of functions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc 45 (3) (2022), 955-972 ;
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Rotations and convolutions of harmonic convex mappings, Filomat 36 (11) (2022), 3845--3860;
P. Li, Q. Luo and S. Ponnusamy, Schwarz-Pick and Landau type theorems for the solutions to Dirichlet-Neumann problem in the unit disk, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 22(2022), 95--113. 00385-6
P. Li, and S. Ponnusamy, Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal solutions of the non-homogeneous Yukawa equations, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12 (9) (2022), 15 pages;
P. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Bi-Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal solutions to a biharmonic Dirichlet-Neumann problem in the unit disk, The Journal of Geometric Analysis 32 (170) (2022), 30 pages;
Y. Li, S. Ponnusamy, and Q. Zhou, Sphericalization and flattening preserve uniform domains in non-locally compact metric spaces, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 112 (2022), 68--89; /S1446788719000582
M.- S. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Bloch and Landau type theorems for pluriharmonic mappings, International Journal of Mathematics 33(7) (2022), 2250053 (14 pages); DOI: 10.1142/S0129167X22500537
Zh. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, On univalent log-harmonic mappings, Filomat 36 (12) (2022), 4211--4224;
X.-S. Ma, S. Ponnusamy and T. Sugawa, Harmonic spirallike and harmonic strongly starlike functions, Monatsh. Math. 199 (2022), 363--375 ;
S. Ponnusamy, R. Vijayakumar and K.-J. Wirths, Improved Bohr's phenomenon in quasi-subordination classes, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 506 (1) 2022), 10 pages, Article 125645;
Q. Zhou, S. Ponnusamy and T. Guan, Gromov hyperbolicity of the j_G metric and boundary correspondence, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150(7) (2022), 2839--2847.
Q. Zhou, X. Li, S. Ponnusamy and Y. Li, Sphericalization and flattening in quasi-metric measure spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 516(1)(2022), 126496; 23 pages; .
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Remarks on `Norm estimates of the partial derivatives for harmonic mappings an harmonic quasiregular mappings, The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31 (2021), 11051--11060.
H. Deng, S. Ponnusamy, and J. Qiao, Extreme points and support points of families of harmonic Bloch mappings, Potential Analysis 55 (2021), 619--638.
S. Evdoridis, S. Ponnusamy, and A. Rasila, Improved Bohr's inequality for shifted disks, Results in Mathematics (2021) 76:14, 15 pages;
T. Guan, M. Huang, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, Coarsely bilipschitz continuity of inversions with respect to distance ratio metrics in metric spaces, Results in Mathematics (2021), 76:50, 13 pages;
T. Guan, M. Huang, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, Quasiisometric mappings in the distance ratio metric in Banach spaces, Monatsh. Math 195(2) (2021), 249--265.
Y. Huang, M.- S. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr-type inequalities for harmonic mappings with a multiple zero at the origin, Mediterr. J. Math. 18, 75 (2021), 22 pages;
A. Ismagilov, I. Kayumov, and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr inequalities in some classes of analytic functions, (Russian) Translation in J. Math. Sci., 252(3)(2021), 360–373. Itogi Nauki Tekh. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Prilozh. Temat. Obz., 153, Complex analysis (Russian), 69–83, Vseross. Inst. Nauchn. i Tekhn. Inform. (VINITI), Moscow, 2018.
I. R. Kayumov, D.M. Khammatova, and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr--Rogosinski phenomenon for analytic functions and Cesaro operators, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 496(2) (2021), 17 pages; Article 124824.
G. Liu, Z. H. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Refined Bohr inequality for bounded analytic functions, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 173(2021), 20 pages, Article 103054;
M.- S. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Multidimensional analogues of refined Bohr's inequality, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149(3) (2021), 2133-–2146.
Q. Luo and S. Ponnusamy, One parameter family of univalent polyharmonic mappings, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 44(2021), 839–856.
S. Ponnusamy and T. Sugawa, Sharp inequalities for logarithmic coefficients and their applications, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 166(2021), 23 pages; Article 102931;
S. Ponnusamy and R. Vijayakumar, Generalized versions of Lipschitz conditions on the modulus of holomorphic functions, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 359(5) (2021), 609--615.
S. Ponnusamy, R. Vijayakumar and K.-J. Wirths, Modifications of Bohr's inequality in various settings, Houston Journal of Mathematics 47(4)(2021), 807--831.
S.A. Alkhaleefah, I R. Kayumov, and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr--Rogosinski inequalities for bounded analytic functions, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 41(11)(2020), 2110--2119.
Sh. Chen, and S. Ponnusamy, On certain quasiconformal and elliptic mappings, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 486(2)(2020), 16 pages; Article 123920;
H. Deng, S. Ponnusamy, and J. Qiao, Properties of normal harmonic mappings, Monatsh. Math. 193(3)(2020), 605--621.
M. Huang, S. Ponnusamy, and J. Qiao, Extreme points and support points of harmonic alpha-Bloch Mappings, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 50(4)(2020), 1323--1354. DOI: 10.1216/rmj.2020.50.1323
Y. Huang, M.- S. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Refined Bohr-type inequalities with area measure for bounded analytic functions, Anal. Math. Phys. 10, 50 (2020), 21 pages;
A. Ismagilov, I. Kayumov, and S. Ponnusamy, Sharp Bohr type inequality, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 489 (1)(2020), 10 pages; Article124147.
I. R. Kayumov, D.M. Khammatova, and S. Ponnusamy, On the Bohr inequality for the Cesaro operator, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 358(5)(2020), 615--620.
I. R. Kayumov, S. Ponnusamy and A. Sairam Kaliraj, Riesz-Fej\'er inequalities for harmonic functions, Potential Analysis 52(2020), 105--113.
S.K. Lee, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, On classes of meromorphic locally univalent functions defined by differential inequalities, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 46(2020), 149--158.
G. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Finite pairs of prescribed cycles of Konig's and Steffensen's methods for entire functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 368(2020), Article 112549;
M. S. Liu, S. Ponnusamy, and J. Wang, Bohr's phenomenon for the classes of Quasi-subordination and $K$-quasiregular harmonic mappings, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 114 (3) (2020), 115; 15 pages;
P. Muthukumar and S. Ponnusamy, Composition operators on Hardy spaces of the homogenous rooted trees, Monatsh. Math. 192(2020), 721--743.
S. Ponnusamy, N.L. Sharma and K.-J. Wirths, Logarithmic coefficients problems in families related to starlike and convex functions, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 109(2)(2020), 230--249.
S. Ponnusamy, R. Vijayakumar and K.-J. Wirths, New inequalities for the coefficients of unimodular bounded functions, Results in Mathematics (2020), 75:107, 11 pages;
S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Bohr type inequalities for functions with a multiple zero at the origin, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 20(2020), 559--570.
R M. Ali, Y. Abu Muhanna, and S. Ponnusamy, The spherical metric and univalent harmonic mappings, Monatsh. Math. 188(2019), 703--716.
R. M. Ali, M. Obradovic, and S. Ponnusamy, Differential inequalities and univalent functions, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 40(9)(2019), 1242--1249. DOI: 10.1134/S1995080219090038
S.A. Alkhaleefah, I R. Kayumov, and S. Ponnusamy, On the Bohr inequality with a fixed zero coefficient, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147(12)(2019), 5263--5274.
V. Arora, S. Ponnusamy, and S. K. Sahoo, Successive coefficients for spirallike and related functions, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113(4)(2019), 2969--2979.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Ponnusamy, and K.-J. Wirths, Inequalities for weighted sums of Mertens functions, Archiv der Mathematik 113(3)(2019), 273--279.
Sh. Chen, and S. Ponnusamy, Radial length, radial John disks and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings, Potential Analysis 50(2019), 415--437.
Sh. Chen, and S. Ponnusamy, Schwarz's Lemmas for mappings satisfying Poisson's equation, Indag. Math. (N.S.) , 30(2019), 1087--1098.
S. Evdoridis, S. Ponnusamy, and A. Rasila, Improved Bohr's inequality for locally univalent harmonic mappings, Indag. Math. (N.S.) , 30(2019), 201--213.
Z. Y. Jiang, Z. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Univalent harmonic mappings and lift to the minimal surfaces, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 40(9)(2019), 1295--1312. DOI: 10.1134/S1995080219090099
I. R. Kayumov, and S. Ponnusamy, On a powered Bohr inequality, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math. 44(2019), 301--310.
I. R. Kayumov , S. Ponnusamy and L. A. Xuan, Rotations of convex harmonic univalent mappings, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 155(2019), 1--9.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Note on the convolution of harmonic mappings, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 99(2019), 421--431. doi:10.1017/S0004972719000029
G. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Harmonic pre-Schwarzian and its applications, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 152(2019), 150--168.
Z. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr radius for subordination and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 42(2019), 2151--2618.
S. Ponnusamy, S. K. Sahoo, and T. Sugawa, Hornich operations on functions of bounded boundary rotations and order alpha, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 19(3)(2019), 455--472.
Z. Abdulhadi, Y. Abu Muhanna, and S. Ponnusamy, Dirichlet problem, univalency and Schwarz lemma for biharmonic mappings, Mediterr. J. Math. 15(4)(2018), Art 187, 16 pages;
A. Baricz, S. Ponnusamy and S. Singh, Cross-product of Bessel functions: monotonicity patterns and functional inequalities, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 128(3)(2018), Art 36, 30 pages;
Sh. Chen, and S. Ponnusamy, Landau's theorem for solutions of the -equation in Dirichlet-type spaces, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 97(1)(2018), 80--87. doi:10.1017/S0004972717000727
S. Yu. Graf, S. Ponnusamy and V. V. Starkov, Univalence criterion for harmonic mappings and Phi-like functions, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 63(12)(2018), 1767--1779.
I. R. Kayumov, and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr's inequalities for the analytic functions with lacunary series and harmonic functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 465(2018), 857--871.
I. R. Kayumov and S. Ponnusamy, Improved Version of Bohr's Inequality, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 356(3)(2018), 272--277.
I. R. Kayumov, S. Ponnusamy and N. Shakirov, Bohr radius for locally univalent harmonic mappings, Math. Nachr. 291(2018), 1757--1768. DOI: 10.1002/mana.201700068
I. R. Kayumov, S. Ponnusamy and L. A. Xuan, On the analytic part of univalent harmonic mappings, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 12(5) (2018), 1291--1301.
P. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal mappings and of the solutions to second order elliptic PDE with respect to the distance ratio metric, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 12(2018), 1991--2001.
G. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Prescribed cycles of K\"onig's method for polynomials, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 336(2018), 468--476.
G. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Uniformly locally univalent harmonic mappings associated with the pre-Schwarzian norm, Indag. Math. (N.S.), 29(2)(2018), 752--778.
G. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, On Harmonic nu-Bloch and nu-Bloch-type mappings, Results in Mathematics 73(3)(2018), Art 90, 21 pages;
Z. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Radius of fully starlikeness and fully convexity of harmonic linear differential operator, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 55(3)(2018), 819--835.
Z. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Some properties of univalent log-harmonic mappings, Filomat 32:15(2018), 5275--5288.
P. Muthukumar and S. Ponnusamy, Weighted composition operators on the class of subordinate functions, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 48(6) (2018), 2055--2068. DOI:10.1216/RMJ-2018-48-6-2055
P. Muthukumar, S. Ponnusamy and H. Queffelec, Estimate for norm of a composition operator on the Hardy-Dirichlet space, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 90(11) (2018), 1--12.
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Logarithmic coefficients and a coefficient conjecture of univalent functions, Monatsh. Math. 185(3) (2018), 489--501.
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Erratum to: Logarithmic coefficients and a coefficient conjecture of univalent functions, Monatsh. Math. 185(3) (2018), 503--506.
S. Ponnusamy, J. Qiao, and X. Wang, Uniformly locally univalent harmonic mappings, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 128(3)(2018), Art 32, 14 pages;
S. Ponnusamy, A. Sairam Kaliraj, and V. V. Starkov, Coefficients of univalent harmonic mappings, Monatsh. Math. 186 (2018), 453--470.
S. Ponnusamy, N.L. Sharma and K.-J. Wirths, Logarithmic coefficients of the inverse of univalent functions, Results in Mathematics 73(3)(2018), Art 160, 20 pages;
S. Ponnusamy, and V. V. Starkov, The Jacobian conjecture and injectivity conditions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 41(2018), 2009--2115.
S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Elementary considerations for classes of meromorphic univalent functions, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 39(5)(2018), 713--716. DOI: 10.1134/S1995080218050128
S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Coefficient problems on the class U(lambda), Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. 7 (25), No. 1, (2018), 87--103. DOI: 10.15393/
Y. Abu Muhanna, and S. Ponnusamy, Concave univalent functions and Dirichlet finite integral, Math. Nachr. 290(5-6)(2017), 649--661.
K. F. Amozova, E. G. Ganenkova, and S. Ponnusamy, Criteria of univalence and fully \alpha--accessibility for p--harmonic and p--analytic functions, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 62(8)(2017), 1165--1183.
A. Baricz, S. Ponnusamy and S. Singh, Turan type inequalities for Struve functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 445(1)(2017), 971--984.
Sh. Chen, G. Liu, and S. Ponnusamy, Linear measure and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics (Chinese version) 47(5) (2017), 565--574.
Sh. Chen, M. Matelevic, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Lipschitz type spaces and Landau-Bloch type theorems for harmonic functions and solutions to Poisson equations, Acta. Math. Sinica, Chinese Series 60(2017), 1--12.
Sh. Chen and S. Ponnusamy, John disks and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings, The Journal of Geometric Analysis 17(2017), 1468--1488.
I. R. Kayumov and S. Ponnusamy, Bohr inequality for odd analytic functions, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 17(2017), 679--688.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, On the generalized Zalcman functional \lambda a_n^2-a_{2n-1} in the close-to-convex family, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145(2017), 833--846.
P. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Representation formula and bi-Lipschitz continuity of solutions to inhomogeneous biharmonic Dirichlet problems in the unit disk, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 456(2)(2017), 1150--1175.
G. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Compositions of polyharmonic mappings: In Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VII, Contemporary Mathematics (AMS) (2017), Vol.699, 209--221.
Z. Liu and S. Ponnusamy, Univalency of convolutions of univalent harmonic right half-plane mappings, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 17(2)(2017), 289--302.
P. Muthukumar and S. Ponnusamy, Discrete analogue of generalized Hardy spaces and multiplication operators on homogenous trees, Anal. Math. Phys. 7(2)(2017), 267--283.
P. Muthukumar and S. Ponnusamy, Composition operators on the discrete Hardy space on homogenous trees, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 40(4)(2017), 1801--1815.
S. Ponnusamy, and J. Qiao, Characterization of univalent harmonic mappings with integer or half-integer coefficients, Analysis (Munich), 31(1)(2017), 23--38.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Sairam Kaliraj, and V. V. Starkov, Sections of univalent harmonic mappings, Indag. Math. (N.S.), 28(2017), 527--540.
Rosihan M. Ali, Y. Abu Muhanna, and S. Ponnusamy, On the Bohr inequality, N.K. Govil et al. (eds.), Progress in Approximation Theory and Applicable Complex Analysis, Springer Optimization and Its Applications 117(2016), 265--295.
Y. Abu Muhanna, and S. Ponnusamy, Extreme points method and univalent harmonic mappings: In Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VI, Contemporary Mathematics (AMS) Vol. 667 (2016), 223--237.
A. Baricz, D.J. Maširević, S. Ponnusamy and S. Singh, Bounds for the product of modified Bessel functions, Aequationes Mathematicae 90(4)(2016), 859--870.
A. Baricz, S. Ponnusamy and S. Singh, Turán type inequalities for general Bessel functions, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 19(2)(2016), 709--719.
A. Baricz, S. Ponnusamy and S. Singh, Turán type inequalities for confluent hypergeometric functions of the second kind, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 53(1)(2016), 74--92.
A. Baricz, S. Ponnusamy and S. Singh, Modified Dini functions: monotonicity patterns and functional inequalities, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 149(1)(2016), 120--142.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, A. Rasila, and X. Wang, Linear connectivity, Schwarz-Pick lemma and univalency criteria for planar harmonic mappings, Acta Math. Sinica (English Series) 32(3)(2016), 297--308.
S. Yu. Graf, S. Ponnusamy and V. V. Starkov, Radii of covering disks for locally univalent harmonic mappings, Monatsh. Math. 180(2016), 527--548.
M. Huang, S. Ponnusamy, A. Rasila, and X. Wang, On quasisymmetry of quasiconformal mappings, Advances in Mathematics 288(2016), 1069--1096.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Injectivity of sections of convex harmonic mappings and convolution theorems, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 66(2)(2016), 331--350.
L. Li, S. Ponnusamy and J. Qiao, Generalized Zalcman conjecture for convex functions of order alpha, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 150(1)(2016), 234--246.
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Geometric studies on the class U(lambda), Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 39(3)(2016), 1259--1284.
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, On relations between the classes S and U, J. Analysis 24(2016), 83--93.
M. Okada, S. Ponnusamy, A. Vasudevarao, and H. Yanagihara, Circular symmetrization, subordination and Arclength problems on Convex Functions, Math. Nachr. 289(8-9)(2016), 1044--1051.
S. Ponnusamy, S. K. Sahoo and N. L. Sharma, Maximal area integral problem for certain class of univalent analytic functions, Mediterr. J. Math. 13(2016), 607--623.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Sairam Kaliraj, and V. V. Starkov, Absolutely convex, uniformly starlike and uniformly convex harmonic mappings, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 61(10)(2016), 1418--1433.
A. Baricz, S. Ponnusamy and C. Varga, Julia's lemma on the hyperbolic disk, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math. 40(2015), 939--948.
A. Baricz, T. Pogany, S. Ponnusamy and I. Rudas, Bounds for Jaeger Integrals, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 53(2015), 1257--1273.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, and A. Rasila, Lengths, areas and Lipschitz-type spaces of planar harmonic mappings, Nonlinear Analysis 115(15)(2015), 62--70.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, and A. Rasila, On characterizations of Bloch-type, Hardy-type and Lipschitz-type spaces, Mathematische Zeitschrift 279 (2015), 163--183.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, Stable geometric properties of pluriharmonic and biholomorphic mappings, and Landau-Bloch's theorem, Monatshefte fuer Mathematik 177 (1)(2015), 33--51.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, The univalence criteria, Lipschitz-type spaces on pluriharmonic mappings, Mathematica Scandinavica 116 (2)(2015), 171--181.
M. Huang, Y. Li, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, The quasiconfomal subinvariance property of John domains in R^n and its applications, Mathematische Annalen 363(2015), 549--615.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Convolutions of harmonic mappings convex in one direction, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 9(1)(2015), 183--199.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Sections of stable harmonic convex functions, Nonlinear Analysis 123-124(2015), 178--190.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, Disk of univalence of the ratio of two analytic functions, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 60(2)(2015), 392--404.
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Integral means and Dirichlet integral for analytic functions, Math. Nachr. 288(2-3)(2015), 334--342.
S. Ponnusamy, J. K. Prajapat and A. Sairam Kaliraj, Uniformly starlike and uniformly convex harmonic mappings, J. Analysis 23(2015), 121--129.
S. Ponnusamy, and J. Qiao, Classification of Univalent harmonic mappings on the unit disk with half-integer coefficients, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 98(2015), 257--280.
S. Ponnusamy and A. Sairam Kaliraj, Constants and characterization for certain classes of univalent harmonic mappings, Mediterr. J. Math. 12(3)(2015), 647--665.
S. Ponnusamy and A. Sairam Kaliraj, On the coefficient conjecture of Clunie and Sheil-Small on univalent harmonic mappings, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 125 (3)(2015), 277–290.
Y. Abu Muhanna, S. V. Bharanedhar and S. Ponnusamy, One parameter family of univalent biharmonic Mappings, Taiwanese J. Math. 18(4)(2014), 1151--1169.
Y. Abu Muhanna, L. Li, and S. Ponnusamy, Extremal problems on the class of convex functions of order -1/2, Arch. Math. (Basel), 1o3(6)(2014), 461--471.
S. V. Bharanedhar and S. Ponnusamy, Remarks on the univalence criterion of Pascu and Pascu, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 88(2014), 210--216.
S. V. Bharanedhar and S. Ponnusamy, Uniform close-to-convexity radius of sections of functions in the close to-convex family, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 29(3)(2014), 243--251.
S. V. Bharanedhar and S. Ponnusamy, Coefficient conditions for harmonic univalent mappings and hypergeometric mappings, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44(3)(2014), 753--777; see also
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, The isoperimetric type and Fejer-Riesz type inequalities for pluriharmonic mappings, Scientia Sinica Mathematica (Chinese Version), 44(2)(2014), 127--138.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, and A. Rasila, Coefficient estimates, Landau's theorem and Lipschitz-type spaces on planar harmonic mappings, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 96(2)(2014), 198--215.
D. Kalaj and S.Ponnusamy, Polyharmonic mappings and J. C. C. Nitsche type inequalities, Glasnik Matematicki 44(69)(2014), 163--178.
D. Kalaj, S.Ponnusamy, and M. Vuorinen, Radius of close-to-convexity of harmonic functions, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 59(4) (2014), 539--552.
L. Li, and S. Ponnusamy, Generalized Zalcman conjecture for convex functions of order -1/2, J. Analysis 22(2014), 77--87.
Y. Li, S. Ponnusamy, and M. Vuorinen, Freely quasiconformal maps and distance ratio metric, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 97(2014), 383--390.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy , Univalence of quotient of analytic functions, Appl. Math. Comput. 247(2014), 689--694.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, Starlikeness of sections of univalent functions, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44(3)(2014), 1003--1014.
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Where is f(z)/f'(z) univalent? J. Analysis 22(2014), 131--143.
S. Ponnusamy, T. Quach, and A. Rasila, Harmonic shears of slit and polygonal mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. 233(2014), 588--598.
S. Ponnusamy, S. K. Sahoo, and T. Sugawa, Radius problems associated with pre-Schwarzian and Schwarzian derivatives, Analysis 34(2014), 163–171.
S. Ponnusamy, S. K. Sahoo, and H. Yanagihara, Radius of convexity of partial sums of functions in the close-to-convex family, Nonlinear Analysis 95(2014), 219--228.
S. Ponnusamy and A. Sairam Kaliraj, Univalent harmonic mappings convex in one direction, Anal. Math. Phys. 4(2014), 221-- 236.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Sairam Kaliraj and A. Rasila, Harmonic close-to-convex functions and minimal surfaces, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 59(7)(2014), 986--1002.
S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, On the problem of L. Gromova and A. Vasil’ev on integral means, and Yamashita’s conjecture for spirallike functions, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math. 39(2014), 721--731.
Rosihan M. Ali, M. Obradović, and S. Ponnusamy, Necessary and sufficient conditions for univalent functions, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 58(3)(2013), 611--620.
A.Baricz, M. Obradović, and S. Ponnusamy, The radius of univalence of the reciprocal of a product of two analytic functions, J. Analysis 21(2013), 1--19.
A. Baricz, and S. Ponnusamy, On Turan type inequalities for modified Bessel functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141(2013), 523--532.
A. Baricz, and S. Ponnusamy, Differential Inequalities and Bessel Functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 400(2)(2013), 558--567.
S. V. Bharanedhar, M. Obradovic, and S. Ponnusamy, Coefficient criteria for univalent and close-to-convex functions, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 19(3)(2013), 157--161.
Sh. Chen and S. Ponnusamy, Lipschitz spaces and Hardy spaces on some classes of complex valued functions, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 77(2013), 261-278.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, M. Vuorinen, and X. Wang, Lipschitz spaces and bounded mean oscillation of harmonic mappings, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 88(2013), 143--157.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Weighted Lipschitz continuity, Schwarz-Pick's Lemma and Landau-Bloch's theorem for hyperbolic-harmonic mappings in C^n, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 18 (1)(2013), 66--79.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Area integral means, Hardy and weighted Bergman spaces of planar harmonic mappings, Kodai Math. J. 36(2013), 313--324.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, On some properties of solutions of the p-harmonic equation, Filomat 27(4)(2013), 577-591.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Harmonic mappings in Bergman spaces, Monatsh. Math. 170(3-4)(2013), 325--342.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, Covering and distortion theorems for planar harmonic univalent mappings, Arch. Math. (Basel), 101(2013), 283--291.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Convolutions of slanted half-plane harmonic mappings, Analysis (Munich) 33(2013), 159--176.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Injectivity of sections of univalent harmonic mappings, Nonlinear Analysis 89(2013), 276--283.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Disk of convexity of sections of univalent harmonic functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 408(2013), 589--596.
L. Li and S. Ponnusamy, Solution to an open problem on convolutions of harmonic mappings, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 58(12)(2013), 1647--1653.
P. Li, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Some properties of planar p-harmonic and log p-harmonic mappings, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2)36(3)(2013), 595--609.
Zh. Mao, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Schwarzian derivative and Landau's theorem for logharmonic mappings, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 58(8)(2013), 1093--1107.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, Product of univalent functions, Math. and Computer Modelling 57 (2013), 793--799.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, Criteria for univalent functions in the unit disk, Arch. Math. (Basel), 100(2)(2013), 149--157.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, Radius of univalence of certain class of analytic functions, Filomat 27(6) (2013), 1085–1090.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, Injectivity and starlikeness of sections of a class of univalent functions, Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems V (Israel Mathematics Conference Proceedings (IMCP)) Published by Contemporary (AMS) 591(2013), 195--203.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, Coefficient inequalities for univalent starlike functions, Math. Slovaca 63(5)(2013), 1113--1122.
M. Obradovic , S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Coefficient characterizations and sections for some univalent functions, Siberian Mathematical Journal 54(1) (2013), 679--696..
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, A proof of Yamashita's conjecture on area integral, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 13(2013), 479--492.
S. Ponnusamy, and J. Qiao, Polynomial approximation of certain biharmonic mappings, Nonlinear Analysis 81(2013), 149--158.
S. Ponnusamy, H. Yamamoto and H. Yanagihara, Variability regions for certain families of harmonic univalent mappings, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 58 (1)(2013), 23--34.
Rosihan M. Ali and S. Ponnusamy, Linear functionals and the duality principle for harmonic functions, Math. Nachr. 285(13)(2012), 1565--1571.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Integral means and coefficient estimates on planar harmonic mappings, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math. 37(2012), 69-79.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Landau-Bloch constants for functions in alpha-Bloch spaces and Hardy spaces, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 6(2012), 1025-1036.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Equivalent moduli of continuity, Bloch's theorem for pluriharmonic mappings in B^n, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 122 (4)(2012), 583-595.
Jay M. Jahangiri, and S. Ponnusamy, Applications of subordination to functions with bounded boundary rotation, Arch. Math. (Basel), 98(2)(2012), 173--182.
M. Obradovic, and S. Ponnusamy, On a class of univalent functions, Appl. Math. Letters 25(2012), 1373--1378.
M. Obradovic and S. Ponnusamy, On harmonic combination of univalent functions, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. (Simon Stevin) 19(3)(2012), 461--472.
M. Obradovic, S. Ponnusamy and N. Tuneski, Radius of univalence of certain combination of univalent and analytic functions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2)35 (2012), 325--334.
S. Ponnusamy and A. Sairam Kaliraj, On harmonic close-to-convex functions, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 12(2)(2012), 669-685.
K. Rauf, S. Ponnusamy, and J. O. Omolehin, On generalization of Hardy-type inequalities, The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9(1), Art.14(2012), 1--21.
A. Baricz , S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, Functional inequalities for modified Bessel functions, Expo. Math. 29(3)(2011), 399-414.
B. Bhowmik, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, On the Fekete-Szegö problem for concave univalent functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 373 (2011), 432-438.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Bloch and Landau's theorems for planar p-harmonic mappings, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 373 (2011), 102--110.
Sh.Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Landau's theorem and Marden constant for harmonic \nu-Bloch mappings, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 84(2011), 19-32.
Sh . Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, On planar harmonic Lipschitz and planar harmonic hardy classes, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math. 36(2011), 567-576.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Coefficient estimates and Landau-Bloch's theorem for planar harmonic mappings, Bull. Malaysian Math. Sciences Soc. 34(2)(2011), 255--265.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Properties of some classes of Planar harmonic and Planar biharmonic mappings, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 5(3)(2011), 901-916.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Laudan's Theorem for p-harmonic mappings in several complex variables, Ann. Polon. Math. 103(2011), 67-87.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, A class of univalent functions defined by a differential inequality, Kodai Math. J. 34(2011), 169-–178.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, Partial sums and radius problem for certain class of conformal mappings, Siberian Mathematical Journal, (2011), 52(2)(2011), 291-–302.
S Ponnusamy, Starlikness criteria for certain class of analytic functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 24(2011), 381-386.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Vasudevarao and M. Vuorinen, Region of variability for exponentially convex univalent functions, Complex Anal. and Oper. Theory 5(3)2011), 955-966.
S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, On two extreme point conjectures for concave functions, Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ), 55(12)(2011), 44--47.
A. Baricz and S. Ponnusamy, Starlikeness and convexity of generalized Bessel functions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions 21 (9)(2010), 641–653.
B. Bhowmik, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, On some problems of James Miller , Cubo A Mathematical Journal 12 (1)(2010), 15--21.
B. Bhowmik, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Characterization and the pre-Schwarzian norm estimate for concave univalent functions , Monatshefte für Mathematik 161 (2010), 59–75.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Compositions of harmonic mappings and biharmonic mappings , Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. (Simon Stevin) 17 (2010), 693–704.
P. Hästö, S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, Starlikeness of the Gaussian Hypergeometric Functions , Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 55, Issue 1-3 (2010), 173–184.
P. Hästö, S. Ponnusamy and S.K. Sahoo, Equivalence of the Apollonian and its inner metric, International J. of Math. & Math. Sciences, Vol. 2010 (2010), Article ID 191858, 15 pages.
Manzi Huang, S. Ponnusamy, X. Wang, and S.K. Sahoo, The Apollonian inner metric and uniform domains, Mathematische Nachrichtten 283 (9)(2010), 1277-1290.
Manzi Huang, S. Ponnusamy, H. Wang and X. Wang, A consine inequality in the hyperbolic geometry, Appl. Math. Lett. 23 (8)(2010), 887–891.
Manzi Huang, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, John disks, the Apollonian metric, and min-max properties, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 120 (2010), 83–96.
Manzi Huang, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang, The quasiconvexity of quasigeodesics in real normed vector spaces , Results Math. 57 (2010), 239–256.
S. Ponnusamy, J. Qiao, and X. Wang, Schwarzian derivative, integral means, and the affine and linear invariant families of biharmonic mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. 216 (2010), 3468–3479.
S. Ponnusamy and A. Rasila, On zeros and boundary behavior of bounded harmonic functions, Analysis (Munich) 30 (2010), 199–207.
S. Ponnusamy and S.K. Sahoo, Pre-Schwarzian norm estimates of functions for a subclass of strongly starlike functions, Mathematica (Cluj) 52 (75), No. 1 (2010), 47–53.
S. Ponnusamy and A. Vasudevarao, Region of variability for functions with positive real part, Ann. Polon. Math., 99(3)(2010), 225–245.
B. Bhowmik, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Concave functions, Blaschke products and polygonal mappings, Siberian Mathematical Journal 50 (2009), No. 4, 609–615.
B. Bhowmik, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths, Coefficient estimates and the convex hull problem for meromorphic functions , Mathematica (Cluj) 51 (74)(2009), No. 1, 31–38.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Landau's theorem for certain biharmonic mappings , Appl. Math. Comput. 208 (2009), 427–433.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, General Approach to regions of variability via subordination of harmonic mappings , International J. of Math. & Math. Sciences, Vol. 2009 (2009), Article ID 736746, 15 pages.
Sh. Chen, S. Ponnusamy and X. Wang, Some properties and regions of variability of affine harmonic mappings and affine biharmonic mappings , International J. of Math. & Math. Sciences, Vol. 2009 (2009), Article ID 834215, 14 pages.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, Univalency and convolution results associated with Confluent Hypergeometric functions, Houston J. Math. 35 (4)(2009), 1313–1328.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, Coefficient characterization for certain classes of univalent functions, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. (Simon Stevin) 16 (2009), 251-263.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, On certain subclasses of univalent functions and radius properties , Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 54 (4)(2009), 317–329.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, Starlike and close-to-convex functions defined by differential inequalities , Appl. Math. Comput., 215 (2009), 2642–2648.
M. Obradović, S. Ponnusamy and P. Vasundhra, Univalence and starlikeness of nonlinear integral transform of certain class of analytic functions , Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 119 (5)(2009), 593–610.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Vasudevarao and M. Vuorinen, Region of variability for spirallike functions with respect to a boundary point , Colloquium Mathematicum 116 (2009), No.1, 31–46.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Vasudevarao and M. Vuorinen, Region of variability for certain classes of univalent functions satisfying differential inequalities , Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 54 (2009), No.10, 899–922.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Vasudevarao, and H. Yanagihara, Region of variability for close-to-convex functions-II, Appl. Math. Comput. 215(2009), 901–915.
B. Bhowmik and S. Ponnusamy, Region of variability of concave univalent functions, Analysis (Munich) 28 (2008), 333–344.
B. Bhowmik and S. Ponnusamy, Coefficient inequalities for concave and meromorphically starlike univalent functions , Ann. Polon. Math. 93 (2008), 177–186.
B. Bhowmik, S. Ponnusamy and K.-J. Wirths , Unbounded convex polygons, Blaschke products and concave schlicht functions , Indian Journal of Mathematics 50 (2)(2008), 339–349.
M. Huang, S. Ponnusamy, and X. Wang , Decomposition and removable properties of John domains, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 118 (3)(2008), 357–370.
M. Huang, X. Wang, and S. Ponnusamy, S. K. Sahoo, Uniform domains and quasi-isotropic domains, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 343 (1)(2008), 110–126.
R. Parvatham, S. Ponnusamy and S.K. Sahoo, Norm estimates for Bernardi integral transforms of functions defined by subordination , Hiroshima Math. J. 38 (1)(2008), 19–29.
S. Ponnusamy and F. Ronning, Integral Transforms of a Class of Analytic Functions, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 53 (5)(2008), 423–434.
S. Ponnusamy and T. Sugawa, Norm estimates and univalence criteria for meromorphic functions , J. Korean Math. Soc. 45 (6)(2008), 1661–1676.
S. Ponnusamy and S.K. Sahoo, Norm estimates for convolution transforms of certain classes of analytic functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 342 (2008), 171–180.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Vasudevarao, and H. Yanagihara, Region of variability of univalent functions f(z) for which z f'(z) is spirallike , Houston J. Math. 34 (4)(2008), 1037–1048.
S. Ponnusamy, A. Vasudevarao, and H. Yanagihara, Region of variability for close-to-convex functions, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 53(8)(2008), 709–716.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Ponnusamy and D.J. Prabhakaran, On extremal problems related to integral transforms of a class of analytic functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 336 (2007), 542–555.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Ponnusamy and D.J. Prabhakaran, Convexity of integral transforms and function spaces , Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 18 (1)(2007), 1–14.
B. Bhowmik, S. Ponnusamy, K.-J. Wirths, Domains of variability of Laurent coefficients and the convex hull for the family of concave univalent functions, Kodai Math. J. 30 (2007), 385–393.
R. Fournier and S. Ponnusamy, A class of locally univalent functions defined by a differential inequality, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 52 (1)(2007), 1–8.
P. Hästö, Z. Ibragimov, D. Minda, S. Ponnusamy and S.K. Sahoo, Isometries of some hyperbolic-type path metrics, and the hyperbolic medial axis , In the tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, IV, Ahlfors-Bers colloquium (May 19-22,2005), Contemporary Mathematics (AMS) 432 (2007), 63–74.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, Univalence and starlikeness of certain integral transforms defined by convolution of analytic functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 336 (2007), 758–767.
S. Ponnusamy and A. Vasudevarao, Region of variability of two subclasses of univalent functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 332 (2)(2007), 1322–1333.
S. Ponnusamy and P. Vasundhra, Sufficient conditions for starlike and convex functions, Ann. Polon. Math. 90 (2007), 277–288.
X. Wang, Manzi Huang, S. Ponnusamy, and Yuming Chu, Hyperbolic distance, internal Apollonian metric and John disks, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math. 32(2007), 371–380.
R.W. Barnard, S. Naik, and S. Ponnusamy, Univalency of a weighted integral transform of certain functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 193 (2006), 638–651.
Peter Hästö, S. Ponnusamy and S.K. Sahoo, Inequalities and geometry for the Apollonian and related metrics, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 51 (4)(2006), 433–452.
J. Müeller, S. Naik and S. Ponnusamy, Growth of entire functions of exponential type defined by convolution, Arch. Math. (Basel), 87 (2006), 330–342.
M. Obradović, S. Ponnusamy, V. Singh and P. Vasundhra, Differential inequalities and criteria for starlike and univalent functions, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 36 (1)(2006), 303–318.
S. Ponnusamy and S.K. Sahoo, Study of some subclasses of univalent functions and their radius properties, Kodai Math. J. 29(2006), 391–405.
M. R.Agrawal, P. Howlett, St. Lucas, S. Naik and S. Ponnusamy, Boundedness of generalized Césaro averaging operators on certain function spaces, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 180 (2005), 333–344.
J.H. Choi, Y.C. Kim, S. Ponnusamy and T. Sugawa, Norm estimates for the Alexander transforms of convex functions of order alpha , J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 303 (2005), 661–668.
W. Luh, J. Müller, S. Ponnusamy and P. Vasundhra, Polynomial series expansions for confluent and Gaussian hypergeometric functions , Math. Comp. 74 (2005), 1937–1952.
I. Nezhmetdinov and S. Ponnusamy, New coefficient conditions for the starlikeness of analytic functions and their applications, Houston J. Math. 31 (2005), 587–604.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, Radius properties for subclasses of univalent functions , Analysis (Munich) 25 (2005), 183–188.
M. Obradović, S. Ponnusamy and P. Vasundhra, Univalence, Strongly starlikeness and integral transforms , Ann. Polon. Math. 86 (2005), 1–13.
S. Ponnusamy and P. Sahoo, Geometric properties of certain linear integral transforms, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. (Simon Stevin) 12 (2005), 95–108.
S. Ponnusamy and P. Sahoo, Special classes of univalent functions with missing coefficients and integral transforms, Bull. Malaysian Math. Sciences Soc., 280 (2)(2005), 141–156.
S. Ponnusamy and P. Vasundhra, Criteria for univalence, starlikeness and convexity, Ann. Polon. Math. 85 (2005), 121–133.
M. Anbudurai, R. Parvatham, S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh, Convolution theorems for starlike and convex functions in the unit disc, Ann. Polon. Math. 84 (1)(2004), 27–39.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Ponnusamy and D.J. Prabhakaran, Duality techniques for certain integral transforms to be starlike, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 293 (2004), 355–373.
R.W. Barnard, S. Naik, M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, Two parameter families of close-to-convex functions and convolution theorems , Analysis (Munich) 24 (2004), 71–94.
Y.C. Kim, S. Ponnusamy and T. Sugawa, Geometric properties of nonlinear integral transforms of certain analytic functions, Proc. Japan Acad. 80 (5)(2004), 57–61.
Y.C. Kim, S. Ponnusamy and T. Sugawa, Mapping properties of non-linear integral operators and pre-Schwarzian derivatives, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 299 (2004), 433–447.
S. Ponnusamy, V. Singh and P. Vasundhra, Starlikeness and convexity of an integral transform, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 15 (3)(2004), 267–280.
S. Ponnusamy and P. Vasundhra, Univalent functions with missing Taylor coefficients, Hokkaido Math. J. 33(2004), 341–355.
N.V. Kalpakam and S. Ponnusamy, Convolution transform for Boehmians, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 33(4)(2003), 1353–1378.
I. Nezhmetdinov and S. Ponnusamy, On the univalence of an integral operators on a subclass of meromorphic convex univalent functions, Hokkaido Math. J. 32 (2)(2003), 401–413.
M. Anbudurai, R. Parvatham, S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh, Duality for Hadamard products applied to functions satisfying certain differential inequalities, Analysis (Munich) 22 (2002), 381–391.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Naik, S. Ponnusamy, and M. Vuorinen, Elliott's identity and hypergeometric functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 271 (1)(2002), 232–256.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, On hypergeometric functions and function spaces, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 139 (2) (2002), 299–322.
O. Martio, V.M. Miklyukov, S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, On some properties of quasiplanes, Results Math. 42 (1-2) (2002), 107–113.
I. Nezhmetdinov and S. Ponnusamy, On the class of univalent functions starlike with respect to N-symmetric points, Hokkaido Math. J. 31(2002), 61–77.
M. Obradović, S. Ponnusamy, V. Singh and P. Vasundhra, Univalency, starlikesess and convexity applied to certain classes of rational functions, Analysis (Munich) 22 (3)(2002), 225–242.
S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh, Criteria for univalent, starlike and convex functions, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 9 (4)(2002), 511–531.
M. Obradović and S. Ponnusamy, New criteria and distortion theorems for univalent functions, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. 43 (2001), 173–191.
S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, Univalence and convexity properties for Gaussian Hypergeometric functions, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 31(1)(2001), 327–353.
S. Ponnusamy and F. Ronning , Geometric properties for convolutions of hypergeometric functions and functions with the derivative in a halfplane, Integral Transforms and Special Functions 8 (1-2)(1999), 121–138.
S. Ponnusamy and F. Ronning , Integral transforms of functions with the derivative in a half plane, Israel J. of Mathematics, 144 (1999), 177–188.
Y. C. Kim and S. Ponnusamy, Sufficiency for Gaussian hypergeometric series to be uniformly convex, International J. of Math. & Math. Sciences, 22(4)(1999), 765–773.
S. Ponnusamy, Inclusion theorems for convolution product of second order polylogarithms and functions with the derivative in a halfplane, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 28 (2)(1998), 695–733.
S. Ponnusamy, Hypergeometric transforms of functions with derivative in a half plane, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 96 (1998), 35–49.
S. Ponnusamy and F. Ronning, Starlikeness properties for convolutions involving hypergeometric series, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie - Sk odowska L. II. 1 (16)(1998), 141–155.
S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, Univalence and convexity properties for Confluent hypergeometric functions, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl., 36 (1998), 73–97.
R. Balasubramanian and S. Ponnusamy, On Ramanujan' asymptotic expansions and inequalities for hypergeometric functions, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), (2) 108 (1998), 95–108.
R. Balasubramanian and S. Ponnusamy , Applications of duality principle to integral transforms of analytic functions, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. 38 (1998), 298–305.
R. Balasubramanian, S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, Functional inequalities for the quotients of hypergeometric functions, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 218(1998), 256–268.
S. Ponnusamy, Close-to-convexity properties of Gaussian hypergeometric functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 88 (1997), 327–337.
S. Ponnusamy and F. Ronning, Duality for Hadamard products applied to certain integral transforms, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. 32 (1997), 263–287.
S. Ponnusamy and S. Sabapathy, Geometric properties of generalized hypergeometric functions, The Ramanujan Journal 1 (1997), No. 2, 187–210.
S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh, Criteria for strongly starlike functions, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. 34 (1997), 267–291.
S. Ponnusamy and M. Vuorinen, Asymptotic expansions and inequalities for hypergeometric functions, Mathematika 44(1997), 278–301.
S. Ponnusamy, The Hardy spaces of hypergeometric functions, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. 29 (1996), 83–96.
S. Ponnusamy, Univalence of Alexander transform under new mapping properties, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. (1) 30 (1996), 55–68.
S. Ponnusamy, Neighborhoods and Caratheodory functions, J. Analysis 4 (1996), 41–51.
S. Ponnusamy, Lower bound to a problem of Mocanu on differential subordination, Tamkang J. Math. (3) 27 (1996), 209–217.
S. Ponnusamy and S. Sabapathy, Polylogarithms in the theory of univalent functions, Results Math. 30 (1996), 136–150.
S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh, Convolution properties of some classes of analytic functions, Zapiski Nauchnych Seminarov POMI 226 (1996), 138–154. (Also Transl. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 89 (1)(1998), 138–154. Plenum Publishing Corporation).
S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh, Univalence of certain integral transforms, Glasnik Matematiyki, (51) 31 (1996), 253–261.
R. Balasubramanian and S. Ponnusamy, An alternate proof of Hall's theorem on a conformal mapping inequality, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 3(1996), 211–215.
S. Ponnusamy, Polya Schoenberg conjecture by Caratheodory functions, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 51 (1995), 93–104.
S. Ponnusamy, Differential subordination and Bazilevic functions, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci.(Math. Sec.) (2) 105 (1995), 169–186.
S. Ponnusamy and S.Rajasekaran, New sufficient conditions for starlike and univalent functions, Soochow J. Math. (2) 21 (1995), 193–201.
Rosihan M. Ali, S. Ponnusamy and V. Singh, Starlikeness of functions satisfying a differential inequality, Ann. Polon. Math. 61 (1995), 135–140.
O.P. Juneja, S. Ponnusamy and S.Rajasekaran, Coefficient bounds for certain classes of analytic functions, Ann. Polon. Math. LXII. 3 (1995), 231–244.
O.P. Juneja, S. Ponnusamy and S.Rajasekaran, Two points distortion and rotation theorems, Glasnik Matematicki, (50) 30 (1995), 221–242.
R. Parvatham and S. Ponnusamy, Nonautonomous differential inequalities in the complex plane, Mathematica (Cluj), (60)37(1995), nos.1-2, 205–213.
S. Ponnusamy, Differential subordination concerning starlike functions, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) (2)104(1994), 397–411.
S. Ponnusamy , Convolution properties of some classes of meromorphic univalent functions, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) (1) 103 (1993), 73–89.
R. Balasubramanian, V. Karunakaran and S. Ponnusamy, A proof of Hall's conjecture on starlike mappings, J. London Math. Soc. (2)48(1993), 278–288.
S. Ponnusamy, On starlikeness of certain integral transforms, Ann. Polon. Math. LVI.3 (1992), 227–232.
S. Ponnusamy, Differential subordination and starlike functions, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. 19 (1992), 185–194.
S. Ponnusamy, Subordination properties of certain integrals, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), (3) 101 (1991), 219–226.
S. Ponnusamy, Some sufficient conditions for univalence, starlikeness and convexity, Mathematica (Cluj), no.1-2, (56)33(1991), 67–75.
S. Ponnusamy, On a subclass of λ -spirallike functions, Mathematica (Cluj), no.1, (55) 39 (1990), 67–76.
S. Ponnusamy and O.P. Juneja, Some applications of first order differential subordinations, Glasnik Matematiyki, (45)25(1990), 287–296.
S. Ponnusamy and V. Karunakaran, Differential subordination and conformal mappings, Complex Variables: Theory and Appl. 11 (1989), no.2, 72–86.
V. Karunakaran and S. Ponnusamy, Differential subordination and conformal mappings-I, Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math. no.6, 20(1989), 560–565.
S. Ponnusamy, Integrals of certain n-valent functions, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie - Sklowdswska, Vol. XLII (SECTIO A), 19 (1288), 105–113.
S. Ponnusamy, On Bazilevic functions, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie - Sklowdswska, Vol.XLII (SECTIO A), 14 (1988), 115–127.
S. Ponnusamy and O.P. Juneja, Some applications of Briot - Bouquet differential subordinations, Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie - Sklodowska, Vol. XLII (SECTIO A), 15 (1988), 129–144.
F. Godula, D. Krawczyk and S. Ponnusamy, On the convexity and starlikeness of certain integrals, Zoszylk. Nauk polltech. Rzeszowskiej. Mat. Fiaz. 7(1988), 29–34.