I had a maintenance window on a couple of meeting rooms this morning, during which I found an update available to version 1.5.0 on the e70 cameras so kicked that off thinking this should only take a few minutes. After the progress bar reached 100% on the poly lens app they both came back saying update failed. After that, one camera showed as offline/disconnected, the other showed as in recovery mode, and the option to recover it failed.

Both cameras are now showing the pulsing amber light, which means a factory reset or firmware update is in progress. It's been almost 2.5 hours and there's been no change yet. We're outside the maintenance window now and it's impacted some meetings.

Poly Gc8 Firmware Download

Download Zip 🔥 https://byltly.com/2y3CEI 🔥

Is it typical for this device to take multiple hours to update? Or should I assume it has properly failed at this point and we should look to reset them or something? I'm not sure if its safe to power cycle them at this point if its actually in the middle of a firmware update.

Attention! It is not recommended to use the firmware update drop down inside the Poly WebGUI. If this option is used, the phone will no longer receive updates from 8x8 without using the "Clear Upgrade Server" option.

This process is for BYOP (Bring Your Own Phone). This does not apply to 8x8 purchased phones. To ensure the BYOP meets the minimum firmware requirements, follow the instructions below.

When a phone is using a firmware version not recommended by Nextiva, it can encounter a number of issues. To check the firmware version of your Poly VVX ***, follow the instructions below (works for most models):

At the moment Zoom does not have a single unified report that displays what firmware is running on your phones. The reason for this is that all of the phones within 7 days of a firmware release are upgraded to the current supported firmware. If you're not seeing this take place, we'll be happy to assist. Simply reach out to support or your account team for further assistance.


As of a recent update to our platform, the firmware versions can be found within the Admin Portal under Phone System Management -> Phones and Devices. From there, you can export the list to a CSV file for better reporting.

May I ask you a clarifying question? If you went into Company Info and Account/Site Settings and then Firmware Update Rules are you saying you create a rule for a device and select a firmware version and are finding that not all phones upgrade to the firmware you listed?

I am not currently aware of anyway to get a report of the firmware on all phones without, perhaps, leveraging APIs like this one:


Yes it appears that there is no report showing Firmware releases for individual Polycom phones anywhere. Would be very helpful for troubleshooting when Zoom support asks which firmware releases a specific phone is on. It would require to check firmware by calling individual users and ask them to get into status menu of a phone. Imagine calling 600+ users asking them to provide the firmware?!

I set the phone's firmware manually in the Zoom Phone Admin portal and then perform a device resync. 

This support article will show you how to set your Device Firmware level on the Site or Account level. -us/articles/360054198852-Setting-up-firmware-update-rules

This article will show you how to perform a resync on the hard phones connected to Zoom Phone, forcing them to get the new Firmware Policy set above and upgrade to that version. 


All best,

When you install a new firmware version on your device, you can determine the corresponding Microsoft Teams app, Company Portal, and Admin Agent, versions that are installed by finding the product release in the Included product release column. Then look up the product release in the App versions table above.

Google Voice supports OBi Edition firmware. OBi Edition firmware versions start at Any earlier version is beta or uses UCS. When you purchase Poly desk phones to use with Google Voice, request OBi Edition firmware for the devices.

Which format you use depends on whether or not the background update (BGU) feature is enabled. If BGU is enabled, the .fw firmware file format must be used. Otherwise, use the .sip.ld format. The BGU feature allows a desk phone to download a firmware update in the background. The phone remains operational while the firmware is downloaded, and the update is only applied once the phone is idle (not in a call). If BGU is not enabled, the firmware update takes the phone offline for several minutes.

Firmware installation for non-BGU-enabled devices (including all VVX 150 devices) requires an XML configuration file. The actual firmware resides on an external web server. The configuration file holds a path to the directory on the web server where the .sip.ld files reside. The XML file looks like this:

The Chord Electronics Poly music streamer and player for the Mojo 2 DAC/headphone amplifier, gets a new firmware update, version 3.2.0. This transformative update introduces a seamless and effortless transition between Roon and alternative playback methods, alongside a host of performance enhancements.

The Chord Poly, a companion device to the Mojo/Mojo 2 DAC and headphone amplifier, has become synonymous with wireless, high-resolution music streaming and offers the convenience of up to 1 TB microSD card library playback. The new firmware V3.2.0 is packed with significant backend improvements, fixes, and updates, elevating the user experience to new heights.

The Chord Poly firmware update, version 3.2.0, rolled out via an over-the-air update on August 16, 2023, at 14:00 UTC (15:00 UK/BST). This update enables any Poly device currently running the previous firmware version 3.0.0 to seamlessly transition to the latest iteration, unlocking a host of exciting features and improvements.

To ensure a seamless upgrade process, Poly users are strongly advised to ensure they are running the latest version of Gofigure (v1.2.133 for Android) and (v2.12 for iOS) before initiating the firmware update.

Thanks for your help guys. Previous firmware mentioned was just the 2nd most recent one that Line 6 Updater would allow me to select, 3.12 I think. And Mac OSX. I updated HX edit from 3.50 to 3.51 as well but I don't think this made a difference.

These devices are older and may not be sold, or even have continued firmware support from the manufacturer. While Dialpad can configure and provision devices in this list, the level of support and feature availability we can offer is more limited than the list of devices in the table above.

Extract the files you downloaded into the TFTP root directory, which is indicated on the bottom of the TFTP server window. Make sure the firmware files AND the bootrom file in included in the root directory to avoid any mishaps.

What the hell am I missing when trying to update the firmware on an IP soundstation.? No matter what file I select and upload to the TFTP server it always states that one file or another is missing and the bootrom.id file is always missing.

Poly Lens is a tool to allow Poly device users to add and manage their devices. Once connected, device diagnostics like firmware version, location information and connected devices can be obtained. Follow the instructions below to setup Poly Lens:Go to to create a Poly account.Click the Sign Up tab and choose your method to create your Poly account.Now you can add a device through a PIN/ QR code or through device provisioning.Click Manage to view your device inventory.Back to topUpdate Poly FirmwareNoteYou may skip this section if your Poly device has been updated to firmware version 3.10 or greater.Follow the instructions below to update the firmware on your Poly devices:

The same was never true when using a Bluetooth headset directly with a computer. Users would have to jump through hoops ensuring they had the correct drivers, firmware, software, etc. before discovering that the audio quality was inadequate. Poly solved these problems with its own USB Bluetooth adapter.

We are doing this by going through the webserver and checking for updates directly from the hosted polycom server. When I click check for updates it is showing the newest firmware is available. I select that and click install. I confirm the selection and accept the license agreement. It tells me the phone should reboot and update but nothing ever happens. I have successfully upgraded firmware in the past with no issues.

Thanks for the reply. Will this bug be fixed at any point? We tried just doing a factory reset on the phone hoping it would revert to the original firmware like the CX series do when you reset them. Is there a simple way to do this?

The PolyCARES Team (Community Assessment and Response for Employees & Students) has been created to address issues of campus violence. The purpose of the PolyCARES Team is to proactively identify, assess, and offer a coordinated institutional response to community members (and non-members) who pose a risk to themselves, others and/or the campus community. For more information please visit the PolyCARES website at: ~polycares. 2351a5e196

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