These general conditions regulate the use of the mobile and web computer applications of the National Superintendency of Public Registries, (hereinafter "Sunarp").

By accessing and using this Application, you ("User") acknowledge that you have read and accepted these General Conditions of Use, and undertake to comply with all their terms and conditions. Likewise, the User acknowledges and accepts that access to and use of this Application will be subject to the General Conditions of Use that are in force at the time they access it. Sunarp reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Use at any time, disseminating the respective current version through its web portal. Likewise, it reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or stop operating the Application at any time.


Through the Application, Sunarp provides the User with various consultation and / or registration services (hereinafter, the "Service"). The Application provides the User with access to various content, information and data provided by Sunarp in relation to the Service (hereinafter, the "Content"). Sunarp reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration and location of the Application, as well as the corresponding conditions of access and use, disseminating the current version of the latter through its web portal. Sunarp does not guarantee that the Contents provided through the Application will be, in all cases, updated at the exact moment of consultation.


The Application is directed exclusively to users residing in Peru. Users who reside abroad and who decide to access and / or use this Application, will do so at their own risk, and must ensure that such access and / or use complies with applicable local legislation.

The User may access the Application freely and free of charge, also acknowledging and accepting that the access and use of the Application takes place freely and consciously, under their sole responsibility. The information disseminated by Sunarp, regarding the different legal registries under its charge, is publicly accessible; therefore, Sunarp is not responsible for the use that is given to such information.

The User agrees to make proper and lawful use of the Application in accordance with the applicable legislation, these General Conditions of Use, morals and good customs and public order. The User must refrain from (i) making unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Application; (ii) access or attempt to access restricted resources of the Application; (iii) use the Application for illicit, illegal purposes or effects, contrary to the provisions of these General Conditions of Use, in good faith and public order, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or overload or impede the normal use of the Application; (iv) cause damage to the Application; (v) introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to Sunarp systems, (vi) try to access, use and / or manipulate Sunarp data; (vii) reproduce or copy, link, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the Contents, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the rights or it is legally permitted; (viii) obtain or attempt to obtain the content using means or procedures other than those made available for this purpose.

The User may only access the Application through authorized means. Sunarp will not be responsible in the event that the User does not have a compatible device or has accessed the Application through an unauthorized means.


As a user of this Application, we inform you that the data we collect is used solely and exclusively to guarantee its proper functioning and these are not shared or disclosed to third parties without your respective authorization.

Data collection is obtained in the following ways:

Information you provide us: In order to use some of our services, you need to provide us with personal data such as:


Operator and cell phone number

Surnames and names

Type and number of identity document


Information we obtain from the use of the Application: This information could include:

Device Information: We may collect specific information about your device (such as your terminal model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and network information).

Usage information: When you use our Application, we will collect information about the use of the different services provided within it.

Location information: If you use the service, we may collect and process information about your actual location, such as GPS signals sent by your mobile device.


The information that is collected on our servers is used for strictly informative purposes for the generation of data on the use of our different services offered through our Application. This information is used solely and exclusively by Sunarp, for example to send them information of interest about new products or registration services. By accessing and using this Application, the User authorizes Sunarp to share said information with other public entities of the Republic of Peru that so request, within the limits and conditions provided in the Peruvian legal system.

Once the information is received by Sunarp, it must treat it according to the matters within its competence, in accordance with the provisions of the Single Ordered Text of the Telecommunications Law, approved by Supreme Decree No. 013-93-TCC, and the Single Ordered Text of its regulations, approved by Supreme Decree No. 020-2007-MTC, as well as Law No. 29733 and its regulations approved by Supreme Decree No. 003-93-JUS.

Apart from the authorizations established above, it will be Sunarp's obligation to maintain the due confidentiality of the personal data obtained by virtue of the use of the Application, which will not receive a treatment other than that indicated in these Privacy Policies, nor will they be shared or transmitted to third parties, except when they must be delivered due to a legal mandate or an order issued by the Courts of Justice that requires it.


The User acknowledges and accepts that all intellectual property rights over the Application, the contents and / or any other elements inserted in the Application (brands, logos, trade names, texts, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, flowcharts, presentation, audio and video), belong to Sunarp.

Sunarp authorizes the User to use and view the contents and / or elements inserted in the Application exclusively for their personal and non-profit use, refraining from carrying out any act of decompilation, reverse engineering, modification, disclosure, link, on them. or supply.

Any other use or exploitation of the contents and / or other elements inserted in the Application, other than those expressly indicated here, will be subject to the prior authorization of Sunarp.


Sunarp does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Application. Consequently, Sunarp will not be liable for any damages that may arise from: (i) the lack of availability or accessibility to the Application; (ii) the interruption in the operation of the Application or computer failures, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, delays or blockages caused by deficiencies or overloads in telephone lines, data centers, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, produced in the course of its operation; and (iii) other damages that may be caused by third parties through unauthorized interference beyond the control of Sunarp.

Sunarp does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the Application, introduced by third parties outside of Sunarp, that may cause alterations in the User's physical or logical systems or in the electronic documents and files stored on their systems. Consequently, Sunarp will in no way be responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from the presence of viruses or other elements introduced by third parties.