It's wool was gone, and it looked starved. I began to sweat. What was happening. The music stopped. There was a knock at the door. I looked through the window. A package was at the doorstep, I went down and opened the door, and it smelled like death. The police came to the door, saying that they didn't see anyone leave the package. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an oven mitt to carry the package inside. I went to the kitchen and opened the package with a knife, and the contents of the package sparked an emotion in my head that I can only describe as true horror. Inside the package was a coat of wool and chunks of flesh, fat, and muscle all mushed together, oozing blood and mucus, painted black. I got lightheaded and closed the package, moving over to the sink, just in case I threw up. I swallowed my vomit and I checked the outside of the package to see if I could find any shipping information. And on the side of the package that was facing away from me there were 4 words. "Build Your Own Wooloo" then, my puke was finally able to build up enough and erupted from my mouth, adding to the already terrible scent. There was a knock at the door. I froze. I heard an officer yell "Freeze!" Then I heard that same voice screaming.

I saw it. It was indescribable. Its as if Fear itself stood before me. It picked me up by the neck. Adrenaline flew through my veins and I kicked and punched at whatever was holding me to no avail. Try as I might, this THING wouldn't let go. It threw me into my dresser, breaking my left arm. I screeched as loud as I could. My dog realized what was going on and ran at whatever is killing me, biting its leg. It stopped paying attention to me for enough time for me to run back to my closet to grab my knife. I turned and tried to pick it up with my broken arm, which obviously didn't work. I yelled in agony, and then the Thing shook my dog off. I grabbed my knife and just as I turned around to stab at it, it grabbed me by my neck again. It threw me over its shoulder and began to leave with me. I swung my knife down and stabbed it in the back. It made the most loud, most blood curdling sound I've ever heard, but more importantly it dropped me. Unfortunately, the knife was still lodged in its back. My dog was unconscious, I was bleeding, and I'm pretty sure the bone wasn't supposed to stick out like that. I was in so much pain and was screaming the whole time. My strength had all but left me. I was done for. But then I saw a light. It wasn't the light of God, like I thought, but it was the light of my Switch. As I grabbed it, the Thing yanked the knife out of its back and tried to stab me.

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Subconsciously, I grabbed the Switch and moved it to try and block the stab. The creature stopped and moved backwards away from the Switch. Second wind hit like a truck. I stood up and held the Switch out, walking towards the creature. It squealed in pain as I moved closer. It tried to back up, unfortunately for it, rooms have walls. I moved closer to it, while it tried to flee. I touched it with the Switch. The light on the Switch grew incredibly bright. The creature vanished. I passed out. The next day was me moving in and out of consciousness. When I fully awoke, There was a knock on the door. I froze.

The PBS file "shadow_pokemon.txt" lists a number of Pokmon species, and each one has a defined Heart Gauge size and a set of moves it will know when it becomes a Shadow Pokmon (i.e. when it is created). For example:

When a Shadow Pokmon has been captured, its species is recorded as caught with $player.pokedex.set_shadow_pokemon_owned(species). You can use $player.pokedex.owned_shadow_pokemon?(species) to check whether a given species has been caught by the player. This information can be used to alter future trainer battles (e.g. rematches where the trainer may or may not have their Shadow Pokmon depending on whether the player caught it). There is no equivalent recording of whether the player has simply seen a Shadow Pokmon.

She is an egotistical and manipulative trainer who scammed many trainers into trading with her in the past, she tricks Lucas into trading her a Kecleon for a Dusknoir (thats actually a Dusclops) and as he founds out, she knocks him out and steals all of his pokemons to keep them forever to taunt Lucas. 17dc91bb1f

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