I've done several polls on the mystery dungeon games on r/Pokemon already but I am mainly looking for a second opinion on these games on the main subreddit for the Pokemon mystery dungeon games which would be this subreddit right here. I will do this with all of the Pokemon mystery dungeon games at some point. This is not explorers of sky, I will do that on the next poll.

If Surrounded Sea has an exclamation mark next to it, that is where you must go next. If not, skip the next paragraph or so, to "Miracle Sea".

Surrounded Sea is a Water dungeon, obviously. You may want to play using a Water Type or other Pokemon for traversing the Watery Terrain.

At the end of the dungeon(20th Floor), you will find a bunch of Deluxe Boxes and a strange-looking Egg. No matter what, grab the Egg!

Next, you'll need Blue Gummis. A fair few, I'd say about three. You'll find out why. If you don't have any, Beach Cave and Quicksand Cave sometimes have them, but it can be a pain searching for Gummis. Pick them up whenever you find one.

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Several months after the Player's return, the Player and Partner are selected to take the guild's the graduation exam. If they pass the exam, they will graduate from the guild and become independent explorers. Corphish asks why the Player and Partner get to exam before the rest of the guild, who have been members for far longer. Chatot answers that they earned the right because of their many accomplishments, including saving the world. Sunflora reveals that Loudred took the exam last year, but failed utterly. Wigglytuff explains that the graduation exam requires the two to explore Mystifying Forest where the Luminous Spring resides. Luminous Spring was a place where Pokmon could evolve, but because of the imbalance of time, it's powers ceased. The two are assigned to go the spring and return with its treasure. In doing so, the two will be recognizes as a fully trained exploration team and graduate. However, Wigglytuff warns the two that a frighteningly strong enemy known as "The grand master of all things bad" resides there.

When everyone arrives at Aegis Cave, they discover a strange monument and Team Charm challenges everyone to a race to find the treasure. After solving the puzzle of the dungeon's caves and defeating their guardians, Regice, Regirock, and Registeel, the Player and Partner discover Team Charm had been knocked out by Registeel. After Team Charm wakes up, they thank the Player and Partner before promising to give them assistance in finding the treasure. When the two teams reach the end up the dungeon, they reach a chamber filled with statues. Suddenly the statues come alive and the two teams are attacked by a Regigigas and a pack of Hitmonlee and Bronzong. After Regigigas is defeated a stone marker appears and when the Player activates it, Regigigas rises and strikes the ground. The strike causes an earthquake that causes everyone to flee the cave. At first, everyone is disappointed there was no treasure, until they discover the earthquake caused the ground outside to heave up and reveal a gap inside the cliff. Team Charm realizes that Regigigas was unlocking the way to the treasure, but decide to give the credit to the Player and Partner for saving them. Team Charm leaves for their next adventure and promise next time they meet they will be the ones who find the treasure.

James: The gameplay ranges from passable to abominable. The mechanics work well enough, but they're put into the game so poorly that it boggles my mind. Every dungeon is randomly generated, a feature that has several repercussions. Firstly, these randomly-generated dungeons almost always have terrible layouts. There are long hallways that go nowhere, spawns by the exit, and chambers that are isolated from the rest of the dungeon by hallways that wrap around the entirety of the floor map. Secondly, a dungeon changes every time you go back to it, which is a problem because each dungeon is so poorly laid-out. Often times you're forced to traverse long paths to nowhere twice (up and back) that otherwise you would have already known lead nowhere. If, God forbid, you have to come back to a dungeon for a second run, you're no better off than the first time you completed it. Imagine if Zelda games did this! It would be intolerable. Thirdly, the game requires that dungeons have multiple - sometimes dozens - of floors, because it's possible to spawn at the exit to the next floor. Some dungeons have over twenty generic floors!

Take, for example, the inability to grind character levels. The game has a "hunger" mechanic; if you don't eat your character will die, so you have to bring food into each dungeon with you. Since you have limited carrying capacity, the need to carry around food is irritating in itself, but the real problem is when you run out of food. Simply put, you can't afford to linger in any dungeon for risk of exhausting your food supply. The best way to deal with being too low a level to progress is to simply turn the game off and restart the dungeon. Sometimes you get better luck; sometimes you get sodomized even worse than before. The food problem is made worse by the fact there are many places where dungeons go back-to-back-to-back. You never get a break to stock up at a store, so you're forced to survive on what you find lying around. For example, there was a series of over sixty floors (four dungeons) that I had to grind through before I ever got the opportunity to get more food.

James: Battles would work better if you could control your partner. The fact is that you can't until you beat the main game; even then, you can only control ONE member of the party at any given time, and you can only change outside of dungeons. Your partners are run by A.I., and not the good kind of A.I. either. Turtwig loves to sit behind me while I fight a room full of baddies. They don't react differently to other Pokmon types, and they don't know what skill to use when. Turtwig has three Grass type moves and one Dark type move (for you Pokmon virgins, Dark types are strong against Psychics), yet he seems bound and determined to not use the Dark type move against any Psychic types. There are other A.I. "strategies" as well, and they're all equally ineffective.

Wow terrible review, the a+b comb your supposed to hold down and then release the buttons when you are done resting. Did you play the first pokemon mystery dungeon game or any other mystery dungeon game ?? Every mystery dungeon game has the same core gameplay mechanic and Chunsoft is the developer of the original Shiren the Wanderer Mystery Dungeon game at least they didn't bring the "if you die you go back to lvl 1" mechanic to the pokemon mystery dungeon games.

Nope I think they would all prefer no random dungeons. They are a terrible idea. Good level design will trump a random dungeon 100% of the time.

This review was hilarious and awesome. I love it.

I think they should create Block Random. Where a block randomly appears and you drag it off the screen, though sometimes it appears off the screen and does it for you. A whole new genre would be created and you can't critisize it either. 

Seriously there is a good reason why this genre is barely seen anymore, the random stages were "cool" for a bit but they failed to match a well designed dungeon especially as games got more complex. Sure some games that tried this gimmick, and did it fairly well but Pokemon Mystery Dungeon seems to have a lazy randomizer if it places you by the freaken exit!

Also when did games with random dungeons have their own genre? So would toe jam and earl be in the random level genre? Seriously you are not criticizing any particular genre just a gameplay design choice which I think is perfectly fair.

It seems to me that the review covered the many mechanics of the game and exactly what it is like to play the game. If you are a fan of this type of game, you should be able to glean the details from the review and make your own decision about whether or not you will like the game. Though James and Neal pan the game, they state the facts. At no point did they falsely state anything about the game to further their negative feelings, they just discuss why they didn't like x mechanic.

This type of game tends to be very niche, but it carries a very popular, mainstream IP along with it. People who are a fan of Pokemon games should know what they are getting into, and know that this isn't the typical fair. It is also worth noting how random dungeons often play out, and why they don't function as well as well-designed levels.

That's my two cents. Unfortunately this type of game is a bit of an anomaly. A very hardcore game tied to a very mainstream IP. Whether you pick on it for being a mystery dungeon game, or praise it, someone isn't going to be satisfied with the outcome of the review.

Great points. Personally I think the random dungeons are used more for advertising purposes to unsuspecting (young gamers) in many games. Because it is a NEW experience every time! Except for the fact they are poorly implemented.

Similar to the first installment, the player wakes up in a world inhabited solely by Pokmon, this time washing ashore of a small village called Treasure Town after a storm, with no memories of what happened to them or how/why they've been transformed from a human into a Pokmon. They befriend a timid young Pokmon with a mysterious artifact and together join the local Wigglytuff Guild to train as an exploration team, exploring the strange, randomly generated "mystery dungeons" that have been showing up in various regions lately. Along the way they learn that a mysterious Pokmon has been reported stealing very important artifacts called "Time Gears," and ultimately get swept up in a quest to Save the World before time itself grinds to a halt. ff782bc1db

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