Pokemon girls hunter is an nsfw rom hack created by pixiv user fz15. You go around the region kidnaping women (out of self defense?) and u make em battle each other. If that concept sounds weird, that's because it is. Why am I doing this? Well for one, I've never seen so much effort put into someone's sexual fantasy. It is scarily competent. For two, its cuz of some fucko named Adam. Lastly, NNN is almost over. I'll be reviewing some of the major parts of the game in sections and then some minor pros and cons not long enough for an individual section.

Note: There are some really dark themes in this game (I mean you're catching human girls and making them fight each other, come on) but especially the post game has some really really disturbing stuff that pokemon korosu wishes it has.

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Team rocket has invented human balls that can capture human girls (and uh others) and are now the most dangerous criminal organization in the region. You and your "best friend" travel Puela to stop them. That's the basic story I can give that does not spoil anything. It's a fairly simple story at first glance. Unfortunately, this is an unfortunate case where the term "less is more" would make it better. While the basic premise of the story is serviceable for a horny man/woman's fantasy, it is needlessly complicated. The story is fairly linear but there's so much random shit about gods and alternate universes that really feels out of place. Its not super terrible, and if not for the dialogue (this will have its own section), I can SEE how it could work and i'd bump the score by another 2 points. 6/10

Gameplay is kind of awkward to talk about. You CAN just catch regular Pokemon and use those but you might as well go replay Gaia or Glazed. So i'm going to assume you'll play it the degenerate way, you enslave women and have them dog fight each other. Your character is able to use human balls to capture girls. But since the game wants you to have SOME form of moral conscience, you can only catch girls who either willingly want to be captured or attack you (self defense lol). Moral dilemma and issues aside, when you beat a trainer you have the option to catch them if you have human balls or just let them escape. After they're caught you have the option to strip, bondage gag or do nothing to them and leave them clothed. Every girl with the exception of very few have these 3 forms and can be changed by using items in game. These forms arent just for horny aesthetics. Clothed girls have fairly balanced stats. Naked ones have higher speed and offensive stats but lower defensive stats. Gagged characters have high defense and special attack but lower speed and attack. Each girl comes with their own moveset too but everyone of them starts out with cum and moan (it is at this point of the review I covered my face in shame), a 65 base special water attack (gag your females for maximum cum) and leer basically. They each have different types but most have cute charm as their ability. The core gameplay is actually fine. It feels like a normal pokemon game (with ya know...naked women) since you're still making use of type advantages and figuring out what girl is what type gave me the ol gen 1 experience sorta. The level curve is fairly good as well. You will hardly find yourself underleveled and the game is easy enough where you can essentially just use whoever you like (i had two 3 dark types and 3 fighting types). 90% of the enemy girls are gagged so if you just wanna gag everyone you can do that without the atk drop penalty too much. Unfortunately, here comes the negatives. Every new girl you catch...is level 1. Level fucking 1. With a few exceptions. I have no idea why, even for lore reasons its still annoying. Honestly I suggest using a rare candy hack and just using them on new girls instead of grinding forever. It also lets you swap team members around for a more wholesome experience. Another mildly annoying thing that while frustrating i find really cool is that the game features two bad ends. Losing to team rocket and the mummy area will permanently screw your save file like in clover when you cheat. Each bad end is unique and isnt just dialogue. I dont want to spoil it if you want to experience it yourself but just remember to use save states often if you want to try it. 6/10 (no rare candies), 9/10 (with rare candies)

I need to make this clear, this game is very shameless about its topic. Its a lesbian fantasy roleplay simulator. If you don't like that, that is absolutely fine. I myself am not really super into it. But i'm going to review it for it's target audience, sexual deviants. If you're expecting a family friendly pokemon game, i mean that's your own fault tbh. This game has a good amount of content. I used the fast forward button and got about 41 hours of playtime after I 100% the game. There are about 50 girls you can catch and 10 furry pokemorphs if youre into that sorta stuff i guess. It's never too shy or tries to pull back it's punches with it's content either. It is shamelessly wank material if you're into lesbian bdsm roleplay. If you like that kinda stuff and you can sort of sit through some of the cringe dialogue, 10/10 buddy. 9/10

I said that this game has really good quality. I like to compare quality rom hacks to gaia and LP. LP is a quality hack that is fairly outdated and has not aged well, but is still a quality rom hack while Gaia is a quality hack that is almost on par if not better than a nintendo game. So where does this sexual fantasy go? I say its somewhere in the middle. It's core gameplay is not much different from regular pokemon fire red. But it introduces a lot of impressive mechanics as well. It's definitely not near on par to the monolith of Gaia, but it is 100% a quality piece of work and despite the subject matter of the rom hack, the rom hacker should feel proud of their work.

Why did I play this? NNN is a stupid trend. But at the same time I was interested to see how far this person was willing to go to make this. You don't normally see this level of competency and effort in essentially a horny fantasy. Now i know i keep saying that like it's a bad thing, but I firmly believe you should put your best effort in whatever you do, regardless of how weird or taboo it is and this guy did it god dammit and he did it well. And it's bloody commendable. At the same time, I can see the girl catching mechanic making for an interesting shadow pokemon mechanic in a sfw pokemon rom hack. I probably won't make a review on girl hunter 2 because this review is essentially a joke but i'll probably give it a shot. If you just want to play a pokemon game, leave for your own sake. However if you're just needlessly horny and you're looking for something...new i guess, you probably won't be disappointed.

I cant progress after the event where the machine that turned legendary pokemon into pokemorphs was activated.

The chick is still blocking the cave, even though i have done everything in the city.

Pokemon romhack that seems to focus on sexualized (sex) slavery of women, looking at the creator's pixiv page and the few videos up on Youtube also show gratuitous use of bondage and sex toys. While the game has a Porn with Plot entry insisting it has romances and a coherent plot, the pages otherwise say little. The justification for including said slavery in an otherwise normal Pokemon setting sounds more like an Excuse Plot to me, and one not handled maturely. Plus given how young pokemon characters can be, may warrant investigation for underage content. I unfortunately have neither time nor stomach to confirm through watching more Youtube uploads, let alone playing through the romhack.

I'm going to say keep in the terms of plot/porn ratio with the information given. A lot of gijinka stuff can be easy to misinterpret its purpose when used, especially with the constant monster girl games that are clearly there for porn.

Your childhood friend Policewoman Cassie barges into a room with a ganged up and naked Rocket grunt and briefly expositions that Rocket enslaves girls, will be here soon, promotes Pay Evil Upon Evil and you both agree you can do whatever you want with them. Cassie gropes the captive and explains that as "heroes" it's "legally allowed". The MC is a girl Seda of unspecified age with a student sprite and can talk.

You two run into grunts right away, and after hitting them with pokemon, you with excitement strip, grope and capture one of them. Cassie puts a disclaimer that it has to be "in self-defence" or she'll arrest you.

The townfolk all as one either already own a girl or want one. A girl NPC bluntly says their feelings don't matter. As mechanic there's a pheromone box on the Routes which allows you to spawn more enemies.

Girls are treated the same as pokemon mechanically with very specific move names and you can mix teams. If you don't have Human Balls with you, winning against wild trainers just ends with you groping them and letting them go.

After beating lasses and campers on the way, you storm the Rocket warehouse and battle humanoid Arbok, and Seda is more interested in fucking than the captives. It's the standard battle where the Rocket admin is own pokemon. If you lose you get brief text description of torture.

Next is the gym battle against some guy, who complains his sister is in the hiding and the gym trainers have sex with pokegirls instead of doing their job. On the route you can find an abandonned gagged Rocket Girl with own pokeball in her ass, and after cleaning you keep her to herself.

You rescue a peed gym leader girl and citizens from Rocket grunts who manage to escape. At the gym, Leader Quinn asks to be captured because she liked it, which you oblige. Turns out it's not illegal if it's consentual.

You get small exposition from Cassie that the Champion is a thousand year old goddess who've blessed the region's girls in some way and is currently captured. And you battle Cassie for the sake of it. This time Seda just shoves hand in Cassie's pants while still in the city until it's enough. Cassie outright admits that nobody cares about pokemon by now and it's Catch Them All The Girls and introduces the Safari Zone. 17dc91bb1f

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