First, in crystal version, Kenji does not call for a rematch ever so, this is not a possibility to interfere with your PP UP collecting.

Second, he will not call you to let you know when you can come and collect a PP UP from him.

Whenever Kenji call you he will say:

1. In a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over the water and allow to bloom for 5 minutes. In a saucepan, mix the puree, lemon juice and sugar. Boil, stirring frequently to avoid burning, until the puree has reduced to about 2/3 cup. Remove from the heat and stir in the bloomed gelatin until dissolved. At this point you can add a bit of food coloring if the puree is pale, though this may not be necessary if your berries have good color. Cool to room temperature, but do not allow to set up completely.

2. Whip your cream to medium peaks. Fold the cream into the blackberry mixture in 3 parts. Be sure there are no chunks of unincorporated cream.

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5. Pipe more chocolate into the center of your crystals, then arrange 6 petals on top to make a second layer. Allow to firm before repeating the process with 4 petals, creating your final layer. Pipe a dot of chocolate into the center.

6. For the back of the crystals, recreate the 6-petal and 4-petal layers individually as shown below. Once set, adhere this to the 3-layer crystal part to complete the crystal. Allow to firm up before carefully painting any exposed chocolate parts with a mixture of pearl dust and vodka (or another clear, 80 proof or higher alcohol).

Logan was unsatisfied with the existing varieties of blackberries and tried crossing two varieties of blackberries to produce a superior cultivar. He happened to plant them next to plants of an old variety of red raspberry, 'Red Antwerp', all of which flowered and fruited together.[3] The two blackberry cultivars involved in these experiments were probably 'Aughinbaugh' and 'Texas Early' (a cultivar of Rubus velox),[6] which were two of the three varieties that Logan had planted in his yard that year.

Logan then gathered and planted the seed from his cross-bred plants. His 50 seedlings produced plants similar to the blackberry parent 'Aughinbaugh', but larger and more vigorous. One was the loganberry; the others included the 'Mammoth' blackberry.[7]

Since Logan's time, crosses between the cultivars of raspberry and blackberry have confirmed the loganberry's parentage, with an earlier theory that the loganberry originated as a red-fruiting form of the common Californian blackberry Rubus ursinus now disproved.[8] Progeny from Logan's original plant was introduced to Europe in 1897. A prickle-free mutation of the loganberry, the 'American Thornless', was developed in 1933.

The tayberry is a similar raspberry-blackberry hybrid. The 'Phenomenal' berry or 'Burbank's Logan', developed by Luther Burbank in 1905, is also a raspberry-blackberry hybrid, but is a second-generation cross (i.e., two first-generation crosses between blackberry and raspberry were then crossed to each other). Other similar hybrids include the nessberry, which is a cross between a dewberry and a red raspberry,[1] and youngberry, a three-way cross between blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry.[1]

The loganberry has been used as a parent in more recent crosses between various Rubus species, such as boysenberry (Loganberry  raspberry  blackberry x dewberry),[9] the Santiam blackberry (loganberry  California blackberry [R. ursinus]), and the olallieberry (Black Logan  youngberry).[3][10] The loganberry is part of the ancestral line leading to the Marionberry, a common and popular berry grown mainly in Oregon.[3]

The Loganberry originated with Judge J. H. Logan, of Santa Cruz, Cal., from whom it derives its name. Several years ago, growing in his garden, were plants of the Aughinbaugh blackberry and Red Antwerp raspberry. The plants, being near each other, had intermixed or grown together. The judge, having noticed that they bloomed and ripened their fruit together, conceived the idea of planting the seeds, from which planting resulted the production of the Loganberry.

He is entitled to all credit for the origination of this noble fruit, which will be a perpetual monument, placing his name beside those of Longworth, Hovey, Wilson and other originators of new varieties of fruit. He has even done more than they. He has produced a fruit or berry entirely unlike any in previous existence, a hybrid or mixture of two fruits, partaking of the characteristics of both of its parents. The Aughinbaugh blackberry, from the seed of which the Logan is supposed to have originated, has pistillate or imperfect flowers, which must have been fertilized by the pollen of the raspberry, producing this most singular and valuable fruit.

The vines or canes of the Loganberry grow entirely unlike either the blackberry or raspberry. They trail or grow upon the ground more like the dewberry. They are exceedingly strong growers, each shoot or branch reaching a growth of eight to ten feet in one season without irrigation, the aggregate growth of all the shoots on one plant amounting to from forty to fifty feet.

A loganberry bush usually produces about ten canes (vines). The canes are not as upright as its raspberry parent, and tend instead to vine more like its blackberry parent. Growth can be undisciplined, with the canes growing five or more feet in a year. Some gardeners train the canes fanwise along a wall or a wire frame. Old canes die after their second year, and should be cut away as they can become diseased, and also hinder harvesting.

The loganberry fruits earlier than its blackberry parent. Fruit is produced for about two months, generally from midsummer until mid-autumn, with a plant at a given time mid-season bearing fruit in different stages, from blossom to maturity. The berries are generally harvested when they are a deep purple color, rather than red. Each bush can produce 7 kg to 8 kg (15 lb to 18 lb) of fruit a year. Plants continue to fruit for around 15 years, and can also self-propagate.

So, since we now have v13 with a tiny bit more info about world resets and Garufa, i've decided to try and compile whatever popular theories we have at the moment, while trying to argue with and against each of them. We probably still lack crucial info to accurately guess who it is, but we can still make an effort.

First off, some general points that need to be addressed: 

1) Madame X is almost certainly a woman. Her voice is obviously fitting for a woman as no one made a remark about it, her outfit is very... feminine, as well as her sprite show very long hair. That completely rules out Madame X being a son of Nymiera and Vitus (assuming they were people in that legend) that seemingly died in the First War. 

2) She wears a mask. No matter the medium, there is only one justifiable reason for a villain to wear a mask: to hide a face. Meaning either us, the player, or characters would immediately recognize the person under the mask. I personally respect Jan's writing skills, so this completely rules out a possibility of it being a person we never met.

3) Madam X is a remarkably strong combatant without pokemon, as well as her signature pokemon pretty much being an Yveltal, who clearly got some connection to Vitus-Indriad (see picture). It had 3 major appearances: Blacksteeple castle alongside Madame X, ruined future alongside Melanie, and as a witness of 2 people's apparent death's: Taelia and Nora. 

4) Her mother died protecting her, either directly or indirectly. This is an important point that can be twisted several ways.

5) We can sort of make out her appearance from the moment Sakitron broke her helmet. She's got considerably long straight black hair and kind of a normal skin colour. I might be colourblind, but to me it looks much lighter than the whole Sashila people thing, as well as Nymiera or Alexandra. 

6) IIRC, please correct me if im wrong, time crystal protects it's owner from overlapping with it's counterpart in the same time. Thus if her past self is alive in this main timeline or not is irrelevant. 

Theory 1: Madame X is Anathea Theolia

Personally, i think it's a stretch at best. We do not know her mother. She was not an important participants in all 3 Yveltal appearances. While hair colour can change, her colour is light blond and it's natural, which shows in all her children. Also a little matter of her being currently dead. If she in the future somehow got out of Soul stone and came back, it still doesnt explain any of her actions and her attitude towards Melia, who she would pretty much consider her child. 

Theory 2: Madame X is Melia

This is certainly a possibility, however i have mostly doubts about it. Melia doesnt know her mother, and even if she considered Anathea one, she hardly died protecting her. Even suppose she survived some crazy dark shit in the future, Melia is a positive and reasonable person and a complete 180 into a Fullmetal Biatch like Madame X is hardly an option. She would find a different way to address the problem. 

Theory 3: Madame X is Marianette

This one is the most likely theory, albeit it's The Boring One. Protectors fight in Hiyoshi happened > some time after that we entered Indriad's mansion in the past. Back there Marianette, filled with hatred towards Indriad, used whatever Archetype/Ancient Garufan magic she had to turn Indriad into an Yveltal, enslaving him, explaining why we havent seen him in present days, also explaining Yveltal Madame X got. It could be her mother is Anathea, who was sacrificed on the Altar for some Garufan magic in every world reset or every timeline, like we have seen in a prologue too. Protecting in this sense means taking Marianette's place on the altar. And while she calls her a fool, chances are because those sacrifices achieved nothing. It is also very likely she remembered all the previous world resets, and she undoubtedly can have a very different personality from that than our mansion encounter with her. 

Theory 4: Madame X is The First Human

While it is heavily implied that Nymiera is the First Female of this world, this is not set in stone. It is very possible that even millenia after her feud with Vitus and through all world resets, she still wages war on Vitus Theolia and all her actions and team Xen are working towards fully destroying him and his plans. While this theory doesnt have much to support it, it is a distinct possibility that is hard to deny. 

Theory 5: Madame X is Nora Royer

This one is my favorite and i personally hope it's true. Taelia died to protect Nora in the most direct way. What we have seen: Nora fell down from the cliff, there was a lot of blood. Then her soul was taken and she seemingly turned to stone just like Nim. Even if she didn't, all we know is that she was seriously hurt and then her soul was taken. If i remember correctly, her fate after that is unknown. Her soul could easily be placed into a construct or an empty armor like the one that was created in Sheridan cave. Of course, there are enough problems with this theory, but this one is very plausible as well. 

Theory 6: Madame X is Erin

This one was born mostly only in v13, after she repeated Madame X words from prologue word for word. God knows what happened to her in Unown dimension, she does have a body that should have some Archetype compatibility, no-nonsense attitude. In our knowledge, however, Anathea didnt die protecting her. I do not like this one personally, but it is possible now.

I also skimmed through game files and did not find a single character model who would resemble Madame X face without helmet, so this meta approach did not work. 


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