The Pokemon League is a testament of time and dedication. The longevity of this mountaintop castle speaks of a history lost to the years; of what was once survival turned sport-- battling.

In its youth, the League stood proud atop a grave of bodies; lost to wars waged out of violence and alleged necessity. Its ferocity was a promise. The tactics once used to lay waste to lives were now a show of strength and passion. Movesets became a sport of great dedication, and the outlet was a welcome change. Competitors came from all walks of lives, gang-raised street urchins putting their childhood scraps on the silver screen, the young athlete rising above sage competitors, the underdog success story-- all of those were the foundation of what the League stood for. 

As all trends in Kalos, it was not meant to last. As tighter laws on movesets were enforced; as accommodations were made public, the need for a moveset became something of the past. Battling became archaic, but as it was a sport of pride, it refused to die peacefully.

Money was funneled into every facet; sponsorships and advertisements jammed into every corner. Cutthroat competitors from wealthy families dominated the industry with their disposable income and freetime, and soon, the beauty of the League and its history became garish. 

Even then, the League remained a cornerstone of Kalos's tourism industry. Even if the battles became flashy fanfare, it was truly one hell of a show. Champions were rotated in and out of the system until they were chewed up and washed out, and the crowd was always eager for a fresh face.

Do you have what it takes? 



Six champions guarded the illustrious League. Tourists, travelers, competitors, residents, and shift workers were all trapped inside during the outbreak. The strength of its protectors kept the League standing. 

For a while, things were peaceful. Supply flourished in the massive building, until food hording began. Hunger and anger rose. Secrets were kept between champions; bites hidden beneath clothing. When one champion fell, the League toppled like dominoes. An infestation made the entire mountain inhabitable; and the League was considered a deadzone, filled with some of the deadliest zombies in Kalos.

A year into the apocalypse, the Puri Cult arrived. Their God and Preserver took it upon themselves to clear out one chamber at a time, and with a great deal of effort, Dragonmark chamber became habitable. The Puri Cult has taken residence in the small portion of the League since then, slowly pecking away at its force of infected. They lurk behind closed doors. At night, you can hear the scrape of their claws; a mournful echo of a proud structure. 

Victory Road 

The long stretch of mountain trail climbs from two intersecting routes; Dernière Way and Détourner Way. It is a dangerous path meant for approaching challengers, littered with boogie traps and all matter of obstacles. The walk up the mountain is nothing if not brutal, and the expansive cave systems lend to housing some of the most viscous zombies. Ving and Golem lurk around every corner. Traversing this route at night will likely end in your untimely demise.

Luckily, an elevator has been installed into the side in recent times. If there's a guard strong enough to pull it up, anyway...


The first of the chambers to be cleared was also the first to be turned. This is where the bulk of the League resides. This historical district within the League pays homage to its draconian heritage with a layered library, a glistening golden kitchen, elaborate training rooms and parlors saturated with statues and decor. The Dragonmark arena is perfect for a sparring session; with a large statue of a Dragon's maw looming over the court.


The next and most recent chamber of completion, the Flood Chamber is much like water in its layout, the ebb and flow powerful and always going at its own pace. The Flood Chamber was a tourist hotspot for its luxurious spa resort and swimming pool. The spa came with a sauna and massage rooms, and a locker room connected from poolside to relaxation in a few simple steps. Truly only water could have the ability to calm and exhilarate in the way it does.

The champion of the Flood Chamber, Corinne, was a fearsome foe. She was the longest standing champion of the Flood Chamber, boasting a 20 year win streak, setting her record as the oldest champion in the League. 


This chamber still crawls with the undead.

They say a forge for the gods coiled around this chamber like a hungry snake, never burning out, always being fed. 


This chamber still crawls with the undead.

They say this chamber is a steadily controlled melody. The fire burns in time to a marching band's footsteps. Should even one note be played off key, the whole chamber would surely burn to the ground. 

the champion's room

The Champion's room is empty.


Far beneath the League's floors, in the belly of a mountainside, expansive catacombs crawl like mole-holes along the caverns beneath. A great tragedy happened here once, but what it was and who caused it is for nobody to say. Some say a great king sent his soldiers down here to die; another says the soldiers laid down their life for a war that would never solve anything. The bodies are honored but forgotten, restless and marinating in the sour earth beneath a money machine.

Whatever lies in its corridors haunts the League; eating at your sleep-- giving you nightmares.

A conglomerate of souls by the name of STYX was captured here. 


The league has seen better times; but given the circumstances, the building is very well taken care of by its residents. The Puri Cult understands the blessing this building is; and so it is under constant maintenance. Its floors remain as polished as they were prior to the apocalypse, and routine patrols are made to upkeep the base's health and fortitude. 2/4 chambers have been cleared of their undead residents, and Victory Road has a clear path for travelers to avoid dangerous zombie the best they can. 

Ajna and Asim Puri have high expectations of their followers, but it is their strict guidelines that have kept the League as beautiful as it currently is today.