Anistar City is a seaside city in eastern Kalos known for its shimmering, quartz sundial. Tourists traveled across the world to experience it awaken, rings spinning slowly every night around 8PM to 9PM, scattering sparkles like snowflakes. The sundial itself has a history with mega stones; when the rings begin to move, mega stones all across Kalos would glow gently, allowing themselves to be found deep underground. Many people ached to spend the rest of their lives here, watching the crystal glisten against a beautiful ocean, accompanying the stars above.

As Anistar sits near an ocean, a healthy fishing community was quickly emerged after the city's humble beginnings. A large section of the city was dedicated to selling fishing equipment such as large nets, boats, and bait. The bayside city boasted its sea market, competing for the "freshest fish" in the entire country of Kalos. As a result, a large population of its restaurants often held wonderful seafood; from Magikarp to Clawitzers.

Despite all of the landmarks within the city, ANISTAR PRISON was one of the more well known, despite it's distance from the city. It's a massive facility boasting multiple floors and various wings, surrounded by a giant fence that secured itself as one of the most populated prisons pre-apocalypse. The criminals hosted varied in the profile of their wrongdoings, but was deemed as high security for how often they housed extreme felons. It wasn't uncommon for fame to find itself within this prison's walls, as even the most noteworthy celebrities would be found sentenced to this facility under special security. Moreover, it had recently begun to implement a new therapy program that had accepted interns to help rehabilitate and process the convicted, and social workers to reform the prison system.



With how populated the asphalt jungle of Anistar was, the introduction of the outbreak was a haunting one. A once beautiful seaside city would fall within the span of a few hours despite the interventions made by the (eventual) crumbling law enforcement. Many had fled to the water, thinking they could either bide their time or desperately swim as far off shore as they could. It would be a fruitless endeavor, for survivors only to be dragged under by the infected who would follow them. And there, their bodies would only ever resurface as a bloated corpse or a now sea-dwelling monster, with their legs twisted into makeshift fins.
Bright, sandy beaches would be painted completely in red, as well as the concrete of a now collapsing city. Those who decided to hide indoors were either met with a grim fate breaking in, would perish from lack of sustainability, or decide to leave their lives in their own hands. Survivors within Anistar were exceptionally rare to come across, given the volume of infected during the outbreak.

The inside of Anistar Prison, however, a different story would be told.  Amidst the chaos and panic, a revolution would be had in the inmate's favor. There, they would use the outbreak to their advantage, breaking out from guards' grasps and creating a safe haven using the system that once shackled them. They would overtake and overthrow the then present police forces, securing themselves behind sturdy, reinforced walls. At the time, infamous criminal duo BONNIE & CLYDE would crown themselves the Queen & King of the Convicts, gifting the inmates with a sense of identity and belonging.

In present day, ABSINTHE LERWICK now takes on the role as the Convict leader, often referred to as the Convict Queen.
The building itself has seen better days; shards from the shattered Anistar sundial crystal adorn the yard in massive chunks, walls battered from multiple natural disasters, and charred ground from the military bombing surround them all-- but it is what " home " is, nonetheless. 


Although the stunning city once was hailed for its beautiful sundial, this landmark has been destroyed by AJNA PURI due to an altercation with the Puri Cult. Only half of it still stands, unable to turn like it once had before the apocalypse. This has caused MEGA STONES to become exponentially hard to find — they no longer glow underground due to the severed connection. However, shards of the stunning pink quartz can be found scattered about the city and beach. 


Anistar has always been surrounded by breathtaking beaches. However, one of the shoresides can now be found glimmering with glass shards embedded in the sand. When the sunsets, the sparkles are truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Unfortunately, the otherworldly sight has a rather morbid backstory... Tales speak of a dying VOLCRONA and his wife dancing together one last time on the beach. The moth had agreed to end their lives with a burst of flames — but it had completely healed him and incinerated his lover. As they had both belonged to the Convicts, rumors mention that both the prison and the beach is now haunted by her restless spirit. Some even claim to have seen her walk the beach again, looking for someone to dance with... 


The House of Memories was a popular tourist attraction in the city of Anistar before the apocalypse began, run by a kimono-donned woman only known as the " Memory Girl ". She specialized in fortune telling and palm reading from a young age, but it's not particularly known whether or not she was always accurate. Locals would only tell you to take what she said with a grain of salt-- implying it was perhaps a cash grab-- but there are some that loyally swear by her fortunes. Either way, she drew in enough profits to keep her home standing, and then some. 

The House of Memories was simply a beachside house, large enough for a couple at most, with a living room that would be the home for your fortune to be told. None have returned since it all started...


As the prison resides outside of Anistar, clearing the city has been extremely difficult for the Convicts. The city is about 25% cleared of zombies and threats. The main safe areas are the open portions of the city without any buildings; the insides of any structures have not been exterminated of infected. Crystal shards from the sundial itself are everywhere, crashing through some buildings and sticking out amidst cracked concrete. Due to the military dropping small bombs around the city, several areas also are littered with craters and singed foliage. 

Sirens and golems make up a majority of the zombie population in Anistar, due to its proximity to the mountains and shoreline-- and perhaps crystal shards. 

The city itself would lack plentiful pickings as a result, but those who dare enter the city may certainly try. . .