INdAM Intensive Period

Poisson Geometry


Mathematical Physics

May 13 - July 12, 2024

INdAM Unit, Department of Mathematics and Applications "Renato Caccioppoli", University of Napoli Federico II


The aim of the Intensive Period is to bring together researchers interested in Poisson geometry in a broad sense and mathematical physics from Italy and from abroad. It also aims at presenting the foundations of the theory as well as its more recent results/ramifications to potentially interested young researchers. There is a limited amount of funds to support young participants (MSc and PhD students, Post-Docs, etc.) interested in attending any of the programmed activities. 


Francesco D'Andrea (Università di Napoli)

Antonio De Nicola (Università di Salerno)

Chiara Esposito (Università di Salerno)

Alfonso Tortorella (Università di Salerno)

Luca Vitagliano (Università di Salerno)

Alessandro Zampini (Università di Napoli)


For more info write to or contact directly the organizers.