The Events- Rules and Videos

Speed Bounce- 30 Seconds

Speed Bounce is an exciting test of speed, rhythm and coordination. Grab a towel, a rope or something that makes a line. In 30 seconds how many times can you jump over the line with two feet. Every completed jump over the line is 1 point.

Star Jumps- 30 Seconds

A physical exercise in which you stand with your feet together and arms down, jump up and spread your arms and legs far apart, then land with your feet together and arms down again. In 30 seconds how many star jumps can you complete? One star jump equals 1 point.

Plank- as long as you can!

Please watch the YouTube clip if you are unsure what the plank is. This is the event where you can get as many points as possible! For every second that you can stay in the plank position for, you will score 1 point. So if you can hold the plank for 2 minutes you will score 120 points!!

Balance- as long as you can

This is another event where you can score LOADS of points! Starting on 2 feet, when the timer says go, you need to lift a leg off the floor to make a single leg balance. For every second you can hold your balance you will get 1 point towards your score. If you can hold your balance for 4 minutes this will be 240 points.

Throwing- 30 seconds

What you need for this event is a tennis ball, or a pair of socks (ideally clean ones!) and a target, this could be a bucket, hoop or a tea towel. Please put the target 4 large steps away from your throwing line. In 30 seconds how many successful throws into the target can you make? One successful throw equals 1 point.

Be your personal best

This allows you to chose an activity, the choice is yours (your could even challenge your friends! This could be catching a tennis ball as many times as possible in 60 seconds or how long has it taken you to run 1 mile. Please let us know what you have been up to using the results form.

This activity is not counted towards the overall scores, and is an opportunity to develop your skills.