National University of Singapore

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management

BTech (IME) Final Year Project (2023/2024)

Perennial Health Care System for Singapore

Syafiqah Hasinah binte Syed Hassan


Each country faces its own challenges in providing healthcare. Singapore has faced the issue of insufficient hospital beds and high waiting times for admissions. The problem is only set to worsen with our rapidly aging population. This thesis considers the specific situation of elderly patient visiting A & E departments and having to wait a long time for a bed. An increase in the number of beds would definitely alleviate the problem. This thesis adopts the System Dynamic Perspectives and usage of Discrete Event Simulation in model using FlexSim software to generate models, frame simulations and consider how beds may be increased to improve the current situation. Sensitivity analysis was utilized to consider the effect of adding more beds to the hospitals in Singapore. Research and a survey were done to have an accurate appreciation of the current problem. Vensim tools were useful to understand the operations and processes. Finally, a simulation was produced using Discrete Event Simulation, FlexSim to enable testing based on different parameters. Based on an estimate of 2000 beds currently, the FlexSim simulation proved that an increase to 3600 beds would eliminate the problem of a lack of beds. However, there are other considerations and limitations, such as the lack of space and manpower that were also analyzed before the thesis ends by suggesting a possible way forward.