National University of Singapore

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management

BTech (IME) Final Year Project (2023/2024)

Study on Resilient Supply Chain in Biopharmaceutical Companies in Singapore

Lim Ee Pheng


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruptions to the global supply chain, including the biopharmaceutical industry. Many companies faced production, supply chain, distribution, and clinical trials disruptions. However, the industry has also responded with agility, adapting to new challenges to combat the disruptions. This paper will study the importance of a resilient supply chain as it is critical for biopharmaceutical companies to ensure uninterrupted production and distribution of life-saving drugs and treatments.

It is therefore necessary for the industry to respond with not only agility but also resilience to disruptions. The goal of this project is to develop models for the planning and optimization of biopharmaceutical companies to manage their risk of interruption to the production and global distribution of life-saving drugs and treatments. A case study based on a company in Singapore will be conducted. This project will leverage Python programming to translate the model formulation into executable code. Utilizing the data provided in the Appendix section, along with specified parameters and constraints, the Python program will be developed to efficiently analyze the problems identified and come up with an optimal solution. The outcomes of this project hold promise for cost reduction while simultaneously addressing sustainability concerns. By integrating sustainability analysis into the decision-making process, the recommendations generated by the program have the potential to optimize resource allocation and promote environmentally responsible practices.