National University of Singapore

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management

BTech (SCM) Final Year Project (2022/2023)

Optimization of Global Distribution Supply Chain in a Fast Food Company

Ma Kexin


This thesis aims to address the challenges faced by HAVI Freight Management Planning team in ensuring a consistent supply of French Fries for its clients in Asia markets through the development of an optimal supply versus Port of Loadings and Carrier allocation solution. This project uses open sources to gain routing and lead time information and estimated the shipment volume and cost. Three progressively developed modules are utilized, with Gurobi solver providing a range of algorithms to solve the models. Global distribution optimization is a critical component of modern business operations, with the variability of demand, frequently changing components, and numerous decision variables posing significant challenges to operational efficiency. The results of the project have the potential to significantly improve working efficiency, optimize costs, play a part in sustainability and increase customer satisfaction.