National University of Singapore

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management

B.Eng(ISE) Independent Study Module (2019/2020 Semester I)

Optimization of Security Screening Operation for Large-Scale Events

Ong Lei Ting


Due to the rising concern for security at events, this study is conducted in relation with the aim to optimize the security systems for large events, coupled with the decision analysis of security devices involved systems, a linear multi-integer programming model was developed such that it can be integrated into several real-life events. The decision analysis of security system for the different events has generated a different preference for security due to the different importance of each attribute in its respective events. The analysis on security system has also amplified the idle time for each security level with the same arrival rate and number of people passing through the gate, expressing the time taken for the different security system to complete the same capacity of attendees. Lastly, the optimization model will demonstrate the minimum cost together with the number of gates and its respective security level. This study has shown that the decision for security system for different events varies and are made with thorough considerations of factors such as cost, number of attendees, the status of attendees, resource availability and most importantly, the safety of attendees. A balance of all is required to ensure the most optimal security system for a specific event..