National University of Singapore

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management

BTech(IME) Final Year Project (2019/2020)

Modeling of Manpower Planning and Scheduling in Security Service Industry

Hou Jianing


A well done planning and assigning will help in building up company reputation and create direct profit for manpower agency or service contractor. This Project mainly discuss on manpower scheduling in service contractor company H, given under certain typical customer requirement to find possible solution to target manpower redundancy or shortage issue, and ideas that inspired by government new policy(Outcome Base Contracts) and feasible technology that could be applied in future to solve manpower intensive issue. The modelling are implemented with Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) Method and Python which incorporated with Pyomo and GLPK package. To establish models based on requirement given. Comparison between the change on manpower between different requirements, and obtain possible solution on applying with innovative technology based on Client Company KF.