National University of Singapore

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management

BTech(IME) Final Year Project (2014)

Optimization of Eldercare Centers Location in Singapore

Yu Dongli


From now till 2030, Singapore will be facing for the first time a profound age shift. The number of residents aged 65 years or older will multiply more than twice from current 400,000 to 900,000 in 2030. By then, 1 out of every 5 residents is a senior citizen. This could pose a big burden to our future generation as well as the country’s economy if the aging population is not well taken care of. One of the aspects in supporting aging-in-place is to re-examine at how we design and organize community and home-based care to better support them in their homes and community. This will also help to reinforce the role of the family in caring for them. In our report, we will be looking at the demographics of the elderly population before we use different methods such as linear programming (LP), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) as well as Knapsack Problem Solving techniques to propose a plan to setup Integrated Day Facilities (IDF) and Senior Activity Centres (SAC). Furthermore, we will be carrying out various studies of sensitivity analysis on the elderly who can benefit from the facilities and the budget required to be allocated for building these facilities.